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DCS: F/A-18C

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***Mini update*** 


Two new weapons coming to the Hornet later in early access are the GBU-24 Paveway III and GBU-32 JDAM. Here are some images of the new models.

For the keen-eyed, you may notice varients in thermal protection and fuzes.





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***Mini Update*** 

Hey everyone,

After talking with the team today, I’m afraid that we’ll have to push the JDAM back a bit for several reasons:

  • Still some issues to resolve in the flight dynamics and auto-pilot when the bomb is released near or at maximum range.
  • We need more time to test.
  • We need to ensure that this new code will not break any 3rd party aircraft.

We will though still have an Open Beta tomorrow that will include LTWS and other elements.
While we are all disappointed that we can release the JDAM tomorrow, there is just too high a chance of it causing significant DCS-wide problems. If all looks good, we plan to release the JDAM in an Open Bea on 10 April 2019.

In a related matter, we will be moving Hornet updates to a monthly event, rather than generally every two weeks. We simply need more time for proper testing to avoid bugs, break other products, and avoid the need for hot fixes. While waiting is always hard to do, this will ultimately provide a more stable and solid product.





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***Mini update***

"Hey everyone,

While not strictly Hornet news but certainly related, the improved carrier environment is moving ahead quickly:

1- The new Nimtiz-class aircraft carrier is nearing an early access release. There are a few items to first clean up like deck weathering, the bow catapult controller bubble, and elevator rails, but it's coming along great. Once a bit further along, GA will make a spectacular video and we'll discuss the features in greater detail. Once this is done, we'll return to the Kuznetsov and then the Burke.

2- The deck crew animation for the bow cats is about done, and work has started on the waist cat launch animations for deck crew. This will also be using our new skeletal animation system.

3- CASE I radio communications are now working and being tuned. Once that is done, CASE II and III will be coded. All voice over lines for pilot, marshal, tower, approach, LSO, and departure have been recorded with several authentic personalities. 

Our goal is to create the most realistic carrier environment ever done for a PC (entertainment and commercial). All in all, the carrier environment is going to be quite cool!


- Wags"




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Question is how much $$$ will this cost us?

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On 4/2/2019 at 9:18 PM, Phantom88 said:

***Mini update***

"Hey everyone,

While not strictly Hornet news but certainly related, the improved carrier environment is moving ahead quickly:

1- The new Nimtiz-class aircraft carrier is nearing an early access release. There are a few items to first clean up like deck weathering, the bow catapult controller bubble, and elevator rails, but it's coming along great. Once a bit further along, GA will make a spectacular video and we'll discuss the features in greater detail. Once this is done, we'll return to the Kuznetsov and then the Burke.

2- The deck crew animation for the bow cats is about done, and work has started on the waist cat launch animations for deck crew. This will also be using our new skeletal animation system.

3- CASE I radio communications are now working and being tuned. Once that is done, CASE II and III will be coded. All voice over lines for pilot, marshal, tower, approach, LSO, and departure have been recorded with several authentic personalities. 

Our goal is to create the most realistic carrier environment ever done for a PC (entertainment and commercial). All in all, the carrier environment is going to be quite cool!


- Wags"

Looking forward to the carrier development. Comming  from Javier's Nimitz, freeware! (or SWS Carriers)to the somewhat barren  Stennis is disappointing. 

Using the latest update today, in the release version DCS World, the HARM looks a bit wrong. The TOO, target of opportunity has seemingly no means to select a target. It may be the way it's been implemented by DCS. Looking at the HARM in the VRS Superbug, the TOO can be selected from the EW (RWR) by steerable cursor, but in the DCS Hornet there is no selectable target cursor. 

I set up two Sam's, an SA8 and a SA6. Flew in at FL260, got the RWR indications, but couldn't select a target or lock on? The Sam's launched and got me every attempt. The SP (Self Protect) mode works but that's a reflex shot anyway. With an Ew, RWR, target, you can approach outside the SAM envelope, pull up and launch, after selecting the target and then dive away and notch before the SAM gets one up! The EW threats should also be visible on the HUD. Then there are the HARM modes, HARM pull up or aircraft pull up.

I wish DCS would take a long look at the VRS Superbug. I know it's an E, but the HARM function is the same. My problem is going from the VRS in P3d, to the C in DCS, I am expecting too much too soon, perhaps? Since the VRS simulation has been out for years now.

I hope the DCS Hornet gets finished. All the plaudits are going on the new Tomcat! Or should I say "old" Tomcat, since it's 30 year old + technology now. But it does have "Goose" yelling at you! A pretty impressive AI RIO or WSO!😁

Edited by charlie130
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Hang in there Charlie....Good Stuff on the Horizon It 




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On 4/7/2019 at 5:57 AM, Phantom88 said:

Hang in there Charlie....Good Stuff on the Horizon It 

Will do!

I want the Hornet to be as good as it can be. It's my own fault for comparing it to the VRS Superbug 🙄

I recently swapped the Mirage for the Hornet, in Baltic Dragon's campaign mission #12. That's the free campaign comming with the Mirage. In that mission you are up against two Mig-31s and two Su-27s at low level in the mountains, ambush tactics for the Su-27. All use the longest radar missiles first and then go down the list through the 73 Archer to the 60 Aphids. You are close escort to four GR1s! The AI go for the Tonkas first, so you are racing to stop them. It's a great challenge for any fighter and a superbly crafted mission, typical of Baltic Dragon.

The radar in the Mirage is superior to the Hornet (currently!), both in aquisition and maintaining lock. The Amram is superior to the 530 on the Mirage, but I lost lock on the Su-27s, in the Hornet, so lost any advantage. If you are lucky and get to a one v one close in, you can use the 9x and the helmet sight😋

Bottom line is that the TWS mode needs implementing in the Hornet so we can ripple launch the Amrams. That would give a real sting to the Hornet. Maybe balance up the odds against the super AI.

Anyway, I am sure it will get there. It took 2 years for the Mirage to get to where it is currently, which is a very fine simulation indeed!


Edited by charlie130
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Hey everyone!

Apologies for the lack of Hornet news of late. I’ve been a bit unwell lately and the team has been focused on more difficult tasks, so progress has been slower.

The big items (in no particular order) that we are working on for the Hornet include:
Cleaning up the JDAM and adding new features to the JDAM
Adding the JSOW (already in internal test)
Add full simulation of GPS and INS alignment and navigation systems
PRECISE waypoint input mode
Correcting HARM guidance
Litening II targeting pod

Regarding PB mode for HARM, we decided to push this back for two reasons: 1- based on client feedback, the targeting pod is much more in demand, and 2- we first want to complete the new waypoint database system that will allow creating of PB points.

The next Hornet update is planned for May 8th.





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Hey everyone,

A little update on the Hornet… as mentioned before, much of the Hornet team’s time is focused on the targeting pod, JSOW, MSI for LTWS, tuning of JDAM and JSOW flight profile and autopilots, and a deep dive on the INS and GPS navigation systems. We are also working on the HARM guidance system in cases where the seeker loses track (it is currently re-targeting to a different emitter, whereas it should continue along the bearing to the assigned target). All these tasks are rather involved and not low-hanging fruit that can be coded quickly. Earlier, we focused on tasks with faster turnarounds, but these current tasks are taking longer. Development of the Hornet has certainly NOT slowed down, rather, it’s simply shifted to tasks with longer development periods.

We expect to have the JSOW, BRU-55A/A, and MSI for LTWS available later this month, and the targeting pod will start internal testing later this month, with a planned release in June.

- Wags




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***mini**update**new carrier**news** 
This is a work-in-progress test of the new carrier radio communications in regards to CASE I recovery in non-carrier qualification (CQ) conditions. Three approaches are made with differnet number of aircraft in flight and weather conditions.

Not-OK approaches where made to test different LSO responses.

Although this is demonstrated for the Hornet, voice-over lines have been recorded to account for all US carrier aircraft types.

Implementation of Case II and Case III is also in progress."






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On 5/14/2019 at 9:14 PM, Phantom88 said:


Hey everyone,

A little update on the Hornet… as mentioned before, much of the Hornet team’s time is focused on the targeting pod, JSOW, MSI for LTWS, tuning of JDAM and JSOW flight profile and autopilots, and a deep dive on the INS and GPS navigation systems. We are also working on the HARM guidance system in cases where the seeker loses track (it is currently re-targeting to a different emitter, whereas it should continue along the bearing to the assigned target). All these tasks are rather involved and not low-hanging fruit that can be coded quickly. Earlier, we focused on tasks with faster turnarounds, but these current tasks are taking longer. Development of the Hornet has certainly NOT slowed down, rather, it’s simply shifted to tasks with longer development periods.

We expect to have the JSOW, BRU-55A/A, and MSI for LTWS available later this month, and the targeting pod will start internal testing later this month, with a planned release in June.

- Wags

Hi Patrick. Hope your feeling better.

Appreciate the work that's going into the Hornet. I only fly the release DCS, so the incremental updates are a bit slow for me. I found myself taking the Superbug up for a while recently. That's in P3d v4.

Since I have been flying the Superbug for a while longer than the DCS Hornet, I am always comparing the two Sims. That way I can torture myself better!

I know how complex the code may get to fully implement the HARM! But sure it will be worthwhile. My Simdirector missions, together with FSX@War,  CCP planner and FSCAI, are a real pain to program in P3d, (they'd be easier in DCS Mission planner!) but give you a decent work out, in the Hornet.

You may have seen my videos of the Caucuses, Operation Deliberate Force (Serbia) and the Hormuz mission, not to mention my Dambusters recreation, using the Bug and modern weapons! Each utilises the HARM in Pre Planned mode, then TOO and SP. PP needs accurate Lat/Long coords, via UFC or MU mission planner. Then launch and let the HARM do it's thing. They really got their code right. I know they didn't implement the HARM's "loiter" mode, but since the AI SAM  in the TACPAC, system don't go silent, it doesn't really matter. The weapon always kills the radar, because it's always on. It may be going a bit too deep to have radars going silent, as we approach? The code must be busy enough!

My point is really to say what a powerful aircraft the Hornet can be. With fully functioning HARM, JSOW, JDAM or even that superb ALCM and the Harpoon ASM, you can attack a defended target with just one aircraft! Well, there is only "the player", in P3d.

The Targeting pod must be worth waiting for. The FLIR that locks to radar and HUD designated targets would be really nice.😀

Finally, glad the carrier radio is getting done! Only SSW had anything like a AI radio system and that didn't always work in P3d. They had some realistic radio sounds for CASE and the trap, but they didn't always "know" where you were? Javier's carriers may now look a bit FSX, but the ability to populate the decks with any level of aircraft is cool. That would be great in DCS. 😉

I am an old Falcon 4.0 flyer, so the new DCS Falcon is a future must have! But please bash on and finish the Hornet. She's a peach of an aircraft. Then I can stop flying the Superbug and moaning!

Best regards



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