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Yoke Issues

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Just wondering.....my co-pilot yoke just sits there and bounces around. Right now it sitting in a full left turn or pointing to 9 o'clock position. I can move my yoke and then center it and yoke returns to 9 o'clock. Is this a sound driver issues.. Any ideas,


Bob M.

Bob M

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Full names in the PMDG forums please, Bob.  See pinned forum rules for additional information.

You lost me... the FO yoke you referring to is as in the VC cockpit?  My yoke, is that your controller?  Controller calibrated? Check the aileron trim, use the flight controls synoptic to help you troubleshoot.

Dan Downs KCRP

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Thanks Yeah VC....will recalibrate...not sure about flight control synopsis? Yeah it moves by itself and flaps move with it. Thought maybe a noise issue from sound card or drivers?

Thank you,

Bob Morehead

Bob M

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I've seen that kind of thing when two input devices are assigned to the same axis. I'd guess the conflicting controller is a lever or slider based on your description. 

Tom Landry



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