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P2A approach did not clear me to descend

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Did an IFR flight from YLIS to YBBN, using the STAR BLAK9A approach to RW01. Arrival using ILS RW01 with the GLENN transition. The plan generated and filed ok using P2A. The P2A flight plan gave height restrictions of Below 7000' at BERTI, Below 5000' at GEROO and Above 3000' at GLENN. All correct, but the controller just ignored those restrictions. The BERTI restriction was a bit funny - the restriction was 'Below 7000', but the flight plan had me at 7100'. But pretty close, I guess.

When I flew, P2A kept me at 8000' the whole time. At TOD (just before BERTI) with a height restriction I took it upon myself to descend via the approach restrictions. P2A kept telling me to stay at 8000'. This would never have worked - I had to be at 3000' at GLENN for the ILS approach.

The other small hiccup was when I left YLIS, I was told to fly a heading of 346 and climb to 4000'. Which is fine. When I contacted Center, I was told to climb to 8000', which is fine also. But I was never told to resume own navigation - I was expected to fly 346 the whole time. I gave up and decided to resume own navigation - which was direct to BLAKA. This could be me...perhaps that is normal procedure?


Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version  01/08/2018 19:17:41
Application frmP2AMain starting 01/08/2018 19:18:34
Loading Form
Main form openned: Pilot2ATC 2018 v.      AIRAC cycle: 1801
Loading Map Control
LoadMapControl: panel 1
Creating ucMap1
ucMap1 Created
ucMap DockFill set.
Setting Map Mode
Done Loading Map Control
Loading FPL Control
FPL Control Loaded
Loading Joystick Devices - 01/08/2018 19:18:59
Joystick Device: Mouse - Mouse
Joystick Device: Keyboard - Keyboard
Joystick Device: CH ECLIPSE YOKE - FirstPerson
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals - Joystick
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle - FirstPerson
Loading Joystick Devices - 01/08/2018 19:18:59
Joystick Device: Mouse - Mouse
Joystick Device: Keyboard - Keyboard
Joystick Device: CH ECLIPSE YOKE - FirstPerson
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals - Joystick
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle - FirstPerson
Loading Joystick Devices - 01/08/2018 19:18:59
Joystick Device: Mouse - Mouse
Joystick Device: Keyboard - Keyboard
Joystick Device: CH ECLIPSE YOKE - FirstPerson
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals - Joystick
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle - FirstPerson
Loading Joystick Devices - 01/08/2018 19:19:00
Joystick Device: Mouse - Mouse
Joystick Device: Keyboard - Keyboard
Joystick Device: CH ECLIPSE YOKE - FirstPerson
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals - Joystick
Joystick Device: Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle - FirstPerson
Pilot2ATC_2018.exe    Information    0    SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.       at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache.get_Callstack()
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String message)
   at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args)
   at System.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.Initialize(SapiRecognizer recognizer, Boolean inproc)
   at System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine.get_RecoBase()
   at P2A_2018.ATCListener.LoadPilotGrammar()
   at P2A_2018.ATCListener.Init()
   at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.e()
   at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.f()
   at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.ar(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
   at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
   at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   at h.a()    ""    11884    1    169212424620
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP
No controller assigned 19:19:02
Ctr ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Ctr
ControllerFreqChanged: 130.4.  CtlrShrtName: BRISB Ctr CtlrType: Center19:19:02
SIM Rate Changed: 1
Sim Connected: 01/08/2018 19:19:02
ATCAssignsSIDs: True
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Begin FPLFile 01/08/2018 19:19:27
AssignedRunway: RW33 -
Error in CreateFPRoute - 1h
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at P2A_2018.modP2ADataGlobal.CreateFPRoute(List`1 Waypoints, Airport Apt, FPWptOwnerType OwnerType)
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW01 - I01-Y -
FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW01-LAVEG1-LAVEG -
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
Error in CreateFPRoute - 1h
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at P2A_2018.modP2ADataGlobal.CreateFPRoute(List`1 Waypoints, Airport Apt, FPWptOwnerType OwnerType)
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Filed Route: YLIS YBBN
Filed SID: - - - -
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
Filed Cruise Alt: 8000
File Descent Rate: 1500
End FPLFile 01/08/2018 19:19:35
FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW01-BLAK9A-BLAKA -
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Begin FPLFile 01/08/2018 19:20:14
AssignedRunway: RW33 -
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW01 - I01-Y -
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Filed Route: YLIS YBBN
Filed SID: - - - -
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
Filed Cruise Alt: 8000
File Descent Rate: 1500
End FPLFile 01/08/2018 19:20:15
No controller assigned 19:20:48
Ctr ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Ctr
ControllerFreqChanged: 126.05.  CtlrShrtName: BRISB Ctr CtlrType: Center19:20:48
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:22:14
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:22:14
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:22:17
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:22:17
Stopped Listening
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven Ready to Copy IFR Clearance 19:22:17
HandleIFRClearanceRequest 19:22:17
gATCAssignsSIDs = True
SpokenAssignedAltitude 19:22:17
SpokenAssignedAltitude 19:22:17
State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 19:22
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 19:22:17
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed.  Expect departure runway Three Three.   Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Three Two Five Six 01/08/2018 19:22:17
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:22:17
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed.  Expect departure runway Three Three.   Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Three Two Five Six19:22:17
Sug Resp:  ~Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed.   Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Three Two Five Six19:22:17
NewActiveWpt: BLAKA
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:22:33
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:22:33
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed.   Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Three Two Five Six
 01/08/2018 19:22:33
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed    Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet   Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure   Squawk Three Two Five Six
 01/08/2018 19:22:53
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:22:53
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed Climb and Maintain Four Thousand Feet Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure Squawk Three Two Five Six 19:23:02
HandleIFRClearanceReadback 19:23:02
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 19:23:02
HandleSquawkCodeReadback 19:23:02
IFRReadbackSuccess 19:23:02
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:23:02
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:23:02
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Call for IFR Release when number one for departure.  01/08/2018 19:23:03
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:23:03
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Call for IFR Release when number one for departure. 19:23:03
Sug Resp:  19:23:03
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:23:09
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:23:09
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Bold Seven Seven is cleared to Yankee Bravo Bravo November as filed    Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet   Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure   Squawk Three Two Five Six
 01/08/2018 19:23:09
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Bold Seven Seven ready for IFR Release Runway Three Three at Yankee Lima India Sierra  01/08/2018 19:27:05
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:27:05
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven Ready for IFR Release Runway Three Three at Yankee Lima India Sierra 19:27:09
HandleIFRReleaseRequest 19:27:09
State Changed to: TakeoffIFR 19:27
SpokenAssignedAltitude 19:27:09
SpokenAssignedAltitude 19:27:09
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:27:09
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:27:09
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven You are released for departure.  Runway Three Three After takeoff turn Right to heading Three Four Six Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Release for departure void at Zero Nine  Thirty Four  Zulu advise with alternate intentions no later than Zero Nine  Thirty Nine  Zulu Time now is Zero Nine  Twenty Seven  Zulu 01/08/2018 19:27:11
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:27:11
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven You are released for departure.  Runway Three Three After takeoff turn Right to heading Three Four Six Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Release for departure void at Zero Nine  Thirty Four  Zulu advise with alternate intentions no later than Zero Nine  Thirty Nine  Zulu Time now is Zero Nine  Twenty Seven  Zulu19:27:11
Sug Resp:  ~Bold Seven Seven Released for departure  Runway Three Three After takeoff turn Right to heading Three Four Six Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Release for departure void at Zero Nine  Thirty Four  Zulu19:27:11
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:27:31
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:27:31
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Bold Seven Seven Released for departure  Runway Three Three After takeoff turn Right to heading Three Four Six Climb and maintain Four Thousand feet . Release for departure void at Zero Nine  Thirty Four  Zulu
 01/08/2018 19:27:31
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:29:52 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:29:52 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius
rOnTowerRadiusReached 19:29:52
SpokenRandomSalutation 19:29:52
State Changed to: EnRouteIFR 19:29
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Contact BRISBANE CENTER on One Three Zero Point Four,  have a good afternoon  01/08/2018 19:29:52
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:29:52
ControllerChanging: True : 01/08/2018 19:29:52
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Contact BRISBANE CENTER on One Three Zero Point Four,  have a good afternoon 19:29:52
Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Three Zero Point Four19:29:52
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:29:59
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:29:59
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Three Zero Point Four Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:29:59
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:29:59
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:29:59
Started Listening
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:30:01 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:30:01 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 4000; CurAlt: 3276; FPM: 1515; 19:30:01
NextAssignedAltitude is 8000 - 19:30:01
AssignedAltitude is 4000 - 19:30:01
CheckAlt - NextAssignedAltitude is 8000 - 19:30:01
CheckAlt - AssignedAltitude is 4000 - 19:30:01
CheckAssignedAltitude 19:30:01
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:03
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:03
Recognized Speech: Center on One Three Zero Point Four Bold Seven Seven 19:30:03
Stopped Listening
HandleFrequencyReadback 19:30:03
AssignedController: 130.4.  CtlrShrtName: BRISB Ctr CtlrType: Center19:30:04
Ctr ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Ctr
ControllerFreqChanged: 130.4.  CtlrShrtName: BRISB Ctr CtlrType: Center19:30:04
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 126.05.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found19:30:05
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:16
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:30:16
Started Listening
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven With you at Three Thousand Seven Hundred For Four Thousand 19:30:20
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:21
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:21
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleInitialContact 19:30:21
SpokenRandomGreeting 19:30:21
HandleInitialCenterContact 19:30:21
CheckSquawkCode 19:30:21
CheckAssignedAltitude 19:30:21
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:30:21
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 19:30:21
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact.   Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  QNH is One Zero One Three at LISMORE 01/08/2018 19:30:21
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:30:21
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact.   Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  QNH is One Zero One Three at LISMORE19:30:21
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Altimeter One Zero One Three19:30:21
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:30:31
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:31
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Altimeter One Zero One Three Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:30:31
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven  Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:30:32
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:30:32
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven  Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:30:32
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:30:32
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:30:35
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:35
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:30:35
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:40
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:30:40
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:42
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:42
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:44
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:30:44
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:30:48
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:30:48
Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand Feet Bold Seven Seven 19:30:48
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 19:30:48
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:36:47 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:36:47 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup
rOnReachedArrivalSetup 19:36:47
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW01 - I01-Y -
AssignedRunway: RW01 -
AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW01 - I01-Y -
AssignedRunway: RW01 -
 ATC FlightPlan Changed
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Expect the BLAK 9 A arrival  with the BLAKA transition  for the  ILS  approach to runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Cleared direct BLAKA 01/08/2018 19:36:48
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:36:48
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Expect the BLAK 9 A arrival  with the BLAKA transition  for the  ILS  approach to runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Cleared direct BLAKA19:36:48
Sug Resp:  ~Expect the BLAK 9 A arrival  with the BLAKA transition  for the  ILS  approach to runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  Cleared direct BLAKA19:36:48
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:37:02
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:37:02
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Expect the BLAK 9 A arrival  with the BLAKA transition  for the  ILS  approach to runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  Cleared direct BLAKA Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:37:02
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Expect the BLAK 9 A arrival  with the BLAKA transition  for the  ILS  approach to runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  Cleared direct BLAKA Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:37:02
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:37:02
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized01/08/2018 19:37:12
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:37:12
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:37:12
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:39:29 Trigger:ReachedFirstSTARWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:39:29 Trigger:ReachedFirstSTARWaypoint
rOnFirstSTARWaypointReached 19:39:29
NewActiveWpt: MOOVI
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:40:48 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:40:48 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: MOOVI; 19:40:48
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:42:31 Trigger:ReachedCenterRadius
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:42:31 Trigger:ReachedCenterRadius
rOnCenterRadiusReached 19:42:31
SpokenRandomSalutation 19:42:31
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Contact ATC CENTER on One Two Five Point Zero Two have a nice day  01/08/2018 19:42:31
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:42:31
ControllerChanging: True : 01/08/2018 19:42:31
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Contact ATC CENTER on One Two Five Point Zero Two have a nice day 19:42:31
Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Two Five Point Zero Two19:42:31
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:42:37
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:42:37
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Two Five Point Zero Two Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:42:37
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:41
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:42:41
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:45
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:42:45
Recognized Speech: Center on One Two Five Point Zero Two Bold Seven Seven 19:42:45
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleFrequencyReadback 19:42:45
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
AssignedController: 125.02.  CtlrShrtName: ATC C Ctr CtlrType: Center19:42:47
Ctr ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Ctr
ControllerFreqChanged: 125.02.  CtlrShrtName: ATC C Ctr CtlrType: Center19:42:47
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 130.4.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found19:42:47
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:51
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:42:51
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:51
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:42:51
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:53
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:42:53
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:42:53
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:42:53
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:43:01
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:43:01
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:43:05
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:43:05
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven With you at Nine Thousand Feet 19:43:05
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleInitialContact 19:43:05
SpokenRandomGreeting 19:43:05
HandleInitialCenterContact 19:43:05
CheckSquawkCode 19:43:05
CheckAssignedAltitude 19:43:05
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:43:05
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 19:43:05
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact.   Maintain Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:43:05
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:43:05
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact.   Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:43:05
Sug Resp:  ~ Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:43:05
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:43:11
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:43:11
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:43:11
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:43:12
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:43:12
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:43:14
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:43:14
Recognized Speech: Maintain Eight Thousand Feet Bold Seven Seven 19:43:14
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 19:43:14
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:45:11 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:45:11 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius
rOnApproachRadiusReached 19:45:11
SpokenRandomSalutation 19:45:12
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Contact BRISBANE Approach on One Two Four Point Seven,  enjoy  01/08/2018 19:45:12
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:45:12
ControllerChanging: True : 01/08/2018 19:45:12
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Contact BRISBANE Approach on One Two Four Point Seven,  enjoy 19:45:12
Sug Resp:  ~Approach on One Two Four Point Seven19:45:12
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:45:17
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:45:17
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Approach on One Two Four Point Seven Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:45:17
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:45:18
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:45:18
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:45:21
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:45:21
Recognized Speech: One Two Four Point Seven Bold Seven Seven 19:45:21
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleFrequencyReadback 19:45:21
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 124.7.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found19:45:39
AssignedController: 124.7.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN App CtlrType: Approach19:45:42
App ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\App
ControllerFreqChanged: 124.7.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN App CtlrType: Approach19:45:42
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:45:49
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:45:49
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:45:52
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:45:52
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven With you at Nine Thousand Feet 19:45:52
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleInitialContact 19:45:52
SpokenRandomGreeting 19:45:52
HandleInitialApproachContact 19:45:52
CheckSquawkCode 19:45:52
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 19:45:52
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact.  01/08/2018 19:45:54
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:45:54
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven  good afternoon .  Radar Contact. 19:45:54
Sug Resp:  19:45:54
NewActiveWpt: TOD PT
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:45:58 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:45:58 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: TOD PT; 19:45:58
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:45:58
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:45:58
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Approach on One Two Four Point Seven Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:45:58
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:46:19 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:46:19 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:46:19
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:46:20
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:46:20
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:46:20
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:46:20
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:46:23
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:46:23
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:46:23
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:46:35
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:46:35
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:46:37
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:46:37
Recognized Speech: At Thousand Three Bold Seven Seven 19:46:37
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleInitialContact 19:46:37
HandleInitialApproachContact 19:46:37
CheckSquawkCode 19:46:37
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Radar Contact.  01/08/2018 19:46:38
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:46:38
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Radar Contact. 19:46:38
Sug Resp:  19:46:38
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:46:41
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:46:41
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:46:41
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:47:36 Trigger:ReachedTOD
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:47:36 Trigger:ReachedTOD
rOnReachedTOD 19:47:36
NewActiveWpt: BERTI
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:48:04 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:48:04 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: BERTI; 19:48:04
NewActiveWpt: GEROO
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:48:44 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:48:44 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: GEROO; 19:48:44
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:49:46 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:49:46 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:49:46
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:49:47
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:49:47
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:49:47
Sug Resp:  ~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:49:47
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:49:52
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:49:52
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:49:52
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:50:17 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:50:17 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:50:17
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:50:17
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:50:17
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:50:17
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:50:17
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:50:21
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:50:21
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:50:21
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase:  Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:50:23
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:50:23
Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand Feet Bold Seven Seven 19:50:26
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 19:50:26
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:50:26
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:50:26
NewActiveWpt: GLENN
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:50:35 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:50:35 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: GLENN; 19:50:35
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:50:47 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:50:47 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:50:47
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:50:47
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:50:47
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:50:47
Sug Resp:  ~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:50:47
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:50:51
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:50:51
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:50:51
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:51:18 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:51:18 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:51:18
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:51:18
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:51:18
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:51:18
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet 19:51:18
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:51:22
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:51:22
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:51:22
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:51:48 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:51:48 Trigger:OffEnRouteAltitude
rOnOffEnrouteAltitude 19:51:48
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  01/08/2018 19:51:48
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:51:48
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:51:48
Sug Resp:  ~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet 19:51:48
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:51:52
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:51:52
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Expedite Climb to Eight Thousand feet  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:51:52
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:52:12 Trigger:ReachedApproachIAF
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:52:12 Trigger:ReachedApproachIAF
rOnReachedApproachIAF 19:52:12
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:52:12
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:52:12
State Changed to: ClearedForApproach 19:52
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven QNH is One Zero One Six at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway Zero One at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  with the GLENN transition  01/08/2018 19:52:12
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:52:12
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven QNH is One Zero One Six at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway Zero One at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  with the GLENN transition 19:52:13
Sug Resp:  ~ QNH is One Zero One Six Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway Zero One with the GLENN transition 19:52:13
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:52:23
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:52:23
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is One Zero One Six Cleared for the ILS approach to Runway Zero One with the GLENN transition  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:52:23
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:53:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:53:33 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
rOnNextApproachWaypointReached  19:53:33
SetNextAPPRWpt: CI01Y - 19:53:33
NewActiveWpt: CI01Y
NewActiveWpt: GLENN
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:53:35 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:53:35 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
rOnNextApproachWaypointReached  19:53:35
SetNextAPPRWpt: CI01Y - 19:53:35
NewActiveWpt: CI01Y
NewActiveWpt: GLENN
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:53:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:53:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
rOnNextApproachWaypointReached  19:53:36
SetNextAPPRWpt: CI01Y - 19:53:36
NewActiveWpt: CI01Y
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:53:38 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:53:38 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix
rOnReachedApproachInitialFix 19:53:38
AssignedRunway: RW01 -
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:53:38
SpeakAltimeterSetting 19:53:38
SpokenRandomSalutation 19:53:38
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven QNH is One Zero One Six at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Contact Tower on One Two Zero Point Five,  have a good afternoon  01/08/2018 19:53:38
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:53:38
ControllerChanging: True : 01/08/2018 19:53:38
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven QNH is One Zero One Six at BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  Contact Tower on One Two Zero Point Five,  have a good afternoon 19:53:38
Sug Resp:  ~ QNH is One Zero One Six Tower on One Two Zero Point Five19:53:38
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:53:47
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:53:47
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is One Zero One Six Tower on One Two Zero Point Five Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:53:47
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:53:52
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:53:52
Started Listening
Recognized Speech: QNH is One Zero One Six Tower One Two 19:53:56
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:53:59
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:53:59
Recognized Speech: Zero Point Five Six One Seven Seven 19:53:59
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleAltimeterReadback 19:53:59
HandleFrequencyReadback 19:53:59
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
AssignedController: 120.5.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN Twr CtlrType: Tower19:54:00
Twr ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Dest_Twr
ControllerFreqChanged: 120.5.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN Twr CtlrType: Tower19:54:00
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 124.7.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found19:54:01
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:54:53
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:54:53
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:54:57
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:54:57
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven One Five Yes Runway Zero One 19:54:57
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 19:54:57
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Bold Seven Seven established on final for ILS  runway Zero One 01/08/2018 19:55:04
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:55:04
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven established on Final for ILS Runway Zero One 19:55:08
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleOnFinalContact 19:55:08
State Changed to: ClearedToLand 19:55
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:55:08
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:55:08
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Whinds are Zero  One at One Five knots  Cleared to Land Runway Zero One 01/08/2018 19:55:09
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:55:09
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Whinds are Zero  One at One Five knots  Cleared to Land Runway Zero One19:55:09
Sug Resp:  ~Cleared to land runway Zero One 19:55:09
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 19:55:15
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:55:15
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to land runway Zero One  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:55:15
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:55:16
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:55:16
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 19:55:19
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:55:19
Recognized Speech: Entering Runway Zero One North Seven Seven 19:55:19
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
NewActiveWpt: OM01
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Cleared to land runway Zero One  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 19:56:28
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 19:56:28
Recognized Speech: Cleared to Land Runway Zero One Bold Seven Seven 19:56:31
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleLandingClearanceReadback 19:56:31
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 19:56:31
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 19:56:31
NewActiveWpt: YBBN
RespondToFlightTrigger 19:59:34 Trigger:Reached1MileFinal
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 19:59:34 Trigger:Reached1MileFinal
rOnReached1MileFinal  19:59:34
RespondToFlightTrigger 20:00:36 Trigger:LandingTouchdown
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:00:36 Trigger:LandingTouchdown
rOnAircraftTouchdown 20:00:36
State Changed to: LandingRoll 20:00
State Changed to: Initialized 20:00
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven exit runway when able.  01/08/2018 20:00:36
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:00:36
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven exit runway when able. 20:00:36
Sug Resp:  ~Clear of Active 20:00:36
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 20:00:39
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:00:39
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Clear of Active  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 20:00:39
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:23
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:23
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:25
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:25
Recognized Speech: Clear Zero Two Bold Seven Seven 20:01:25
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:27
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:27
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:30
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:30
Recognized Speech: Clear Altitude Bold Seven Seven 20:01:30
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Clear of Active  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 20:01:36
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:36
Recognized Speech: clear of Active Bold Seven Seven 20:01:38
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleClearOfActive 20:01:38
State Changed to: TaxiIn 20:01
SpokenRandomSalutation 20:01:39
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 01/08/2018 20:01:39
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:39
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Welcome to BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  contact ground on One Two One Point Seven,  enjoy your afternoon  01/08/2018 20:01:40
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:40
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Welcome to BRISBANE  INTERNATIONAL  contact ground on One Two One Point Seven,  enjoy your afternoon 20:01:40
Sug Resp:  ~Ground on One Two One Point Seven 20:01:40
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 20:01:47
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:47
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Ground on One Two One Point Seven  Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 20:01:47
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:53
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:53
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:53
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:53
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:54
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:01:54
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:01:55
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:01:55
Recognized Speech: Ground on One Two 20:01:55
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
AssignedController: 121.7.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:01:57
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 20:01:57
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 01/08/2018 20:01:57
Gnd ChatterFolder: F:\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Sounds\ATC_Chatter\Controllers\Dest_Gnd
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.7.  CtlrShrtName: YBBN Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:01:57
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 120.5.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found20:01:57
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:00
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:00
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:01
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:01
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:06
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:06
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:09
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:09
Recognized Speech: Ground on One Two One Point Seven Bold Seven Seven 20:02:09
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleFrequencyReadback 20:02:09
ControllerChanging: False : 01/08/2018 20:02:09
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:24
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:24
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:26
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:26
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven 20:02:26
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:27
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:27
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:28
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:28
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven 20:02:28
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:48
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:48
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:02:53
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:53
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven Request Taxi to Cargo Ramp 20:02:53
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleTaxiRequest 20:02:53
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Sorry, no Cargo Ramp available at this airport.  01/08/2018 20:02:53
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:02:53
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Sorry, no Cargo Ramp available at this airport. 20:02:53
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 20:02:58
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:02:58
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Bold Seven Seven request taxi to Cargo Ramp 01/08/2018 20:02:58
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:08
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:03:08
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:12
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:03:12
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven TYAGARAH 20:03:12
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:12
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:03:12
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:14
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:03:14
Speech Rejected: Request Taxi01/08/2018 20:03:14
Speech Rejected
Stopped Listening
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:15
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:03:15
Started Listening
Recognized Speech: Bold Seven Seven Request Taxi 20:03:18
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:19
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:03:19
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleTaxiRequest 20:03:19
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Bold Seven Seven Taxi to  General Aviation Parking  Via taxiways Bravo, Foxtrot Two,   01/08/2018 20:03:22
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:03:22
ATC Speak:  Bold Seven Seven Taxi to  General Aviation Parking  Via taxiways Bravo, Foxtrot Two,  20:03:22
Sug Resp:  ~ Taxi to  General Aviation Parking  Via taxiways Bravo, Foxtrot Two,  20:03:22
OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 01/08/2018 20:03:28
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:03:28
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to  General Aviation Parking  Via taxiways Bravo, Foxtrot Two,   Bold Seven Seven
 01/08/2018 20:03:28
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:30
AudioInterrupts: 1 WaveOutPlayer Paused: 20:03:30
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 01/08/2018 20:03:36
AudioInterrupts: 0 WaveOutPlayer Playing: 20:03:36
Recognized Speech: Taxi to General Aviation Parking via Taxiways Bravo Bold Seven Seven 20:03:36
Stopped Listening
modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Can't re-initialize during playback
   at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider)
   at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav)
HandleTaxiClearanceReadback 20:03:36
State Changed to: Initialized 20:04

I7-6700k 32 gig RAM, NVIDIA GTX-980 TI 6G RAM, GTX-460, Saitek X55 throttle, Combat rudder pedals, CH Eclipse yoke,TrackIR 5, 5 monitors (main is 40" 4k), Corsair K95 RGB k/b, Win 7 x64. X-Plane XP 11.1+

  • Commercial Member

Thanks for the report.

I found and fixed a bug that caused you not to be cleared to BLAKA as part of the IFR Release.

You should have been cleared to descend via the BLAK9A Arrival right before you got to BLAKA, but that did not happen.  I don't see anything in the log that would have caused this not to occur, but I will fly the route and see if I  can duplicate the error.

Thanks again,




Thanks. This is part of my milk run circuit in FSE, so would love to get this area sorted out. I used to work at Lismore (YLIS) and currently live in Brisbane (YBBN) so this is my home turf.


I7-6700k 32 gig RAM, NVIDIA GTX-980 TI 6G RAM, GTX-460, Saitek X55 throttle, Combat rudder pedals, CH Eclipse yoke,TrackIR 5, 5 monitors (main is 40" 4k), Corsair K95 RGB k/b, Win 7 x64. X-Plane XP 11.1+


good stuff. Thanks


I7-6700k 32 gig RAM, NVIDIA GTX-980 TI 6G RAM, GTX-460, Saitek X55 throttle, Combat rudder pedals, CH Eclipse yoke,TrackIR 5, 5 monitors (main is 40" 4k), Corsair K95 RGB k/b, Win 7 x64. X-Plane XP 11.1+


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