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Studders after short time

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I am not sure if this is related to the other post about framerates and disabling the TFDI stuff or not. When it loads up and I start down the runway everything is smooth and then about 8-10 mins in, I start to get bad studdering. See link below



Chris Chiozza

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Update, Uninstalled and did not install TFDI stuff and it is smooth so far...

Chris Chiozza

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The issue I strongly feel are the cockpit floodlights...atleast on the ground..they seem to take up a massive amount of gpu memory and cause up to 100 percent gpu usage which in p3d is wierd:D

I turned them off and the whole flight was smooth. 

Tfdi stuff includes those lights I believe ...

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I did complete a flight that started at dusk and ended at night. Everything was smooth until final and then the studders started again. and again after landing they immediately stopped on the runway and all was smooth. Still no TDFI stuff. I do have the 717 and have no studders.

Chris Chiozza

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Could it be related to the wheelspray effect?


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What’s the resolution for the tfdi lights thingie?

I found that the high setting has a massive fps impact while the low gives unacceptable quality.

Medium is a reasonable compromise on my system, being 6700k@4500 , 1060 for gpu running p4d v4.2

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