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About aentwis

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    My business, no one else's
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    three guesses...

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  1. Firstly, thanks for such an in-depth review on the CRJ series from Aerosoft. It is indeed one of a niche seldomly represented in simulation. I just don't have the time for lengthy long-haul simulations unfortunately, so I am always on the lookout for something to fill the 2-3 hours from planning to shutdown that I have available in the evenings. My concerns are always with simulation performance. I currently run an i7-2700K, but am in the process of upgrading my sim platofrm to an i5-8600K that has been pretested and delidded to run at 5.1GHz, paired with a GTX1070Ti. It is certainly not top-of-the-range, but only a small percentage of users can affords the likes of 7900Xs and the like. My question is, on what system exactly do you run the sim? I gather from the screenshots that you did the review on FSX. Do you have P3D V4 as well? Thanks for the great review... Andrew
  2. Rob's system will dent your upgrade more than $1500... :) For me, new CPU/board/RAM, ca. €1000, new M2 SSD, €400, new power supply, €100, P3D V4 $199, upgrades of software and repurchases... ? Ouch...
  3. I see that a 2.7 update is now out. Has the green windshield heat light logic been addressed in this update? Andrew
  4. I had major issues with the Q400 and my hardware. It turned out simply that the various controller IDs were incorrect. As such, axes were active in the configurator that hadn't been even assigned in FSX or FSUIPC... You may need to check that the axes you are assigning are the on correct controller device... A
  5. If I remember correctly, I do believe you have to be within certain navigation parameter limits of the course you wish to follow, in order for the NAV function of the autopilot in the Jetstream to capture... I am just getting back into this aircraft again after a couple of years not in it... A
  6. It is more than just one developer that requires payment for different sim versions... A2A (completely separate with no upgrade pricing, other than offers on release sometimes), RealAir (offers cross-platform upgrade pricing) As well as one or two scenery developers even nowadays... A
  7. It is also one of my go to testing grounds, just because it is so beautifully crafted and performs well. Great for that 30 minutes of free time in the evening to fire up the A2A Harvard/Texan and go for a spin over the island! A
  8. So, how do you find your set of NFG Crosswinds Ron? I am loving mine... Andrew
  9. I just removed my Saitek Cessna yoke, as I was constantly fighting with its detents. Removing one spring made it nicer to use, but I just didn't feel happy with it any more. The biggest problem in terms of yoke is that there is almost nothing else on the market other than the CH equipment (which looks too toy-like for my taste) that is even vaguely in the same price range. The yoke remains connected as I still need the prop and mix levers of the throttle unit, but I now run with a Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS with MFG Crosswind pedals. The Saitek trim wheels are great pieces of kit - I have two, one as rudder trim and the other as elevator trim, through FSUIPC... But I really want a throttle quadrant from virtual-fly and probably a yoke from PFC, but not for a year or two... A
  10. Did you try reinstalling it? I noticed that the configuration panel was not available on updating the libraries and the new FTX Central system, so I reinstalled Rügen... A
  11. I hope I am not the only one who just went to look up CFD, ODE, PDE and so on... My brain hurts Andrew
  12. Are you sure you have the most up-to-date version of UK2000 EGCN? There appears to have been an AFCAD issue with an older version that was interfering. Make sure you are running the latest version of the airport... Andrew
  13. It will be with us forever. You kick fanboyism off one platform, they eventually find another. That is life. It is up to the rest of us just simply to ignore them, preferably with no comment. To compare two items so far apart in terms of point in time of release to market is pointless, that is the opnly comment I will make on this video. Now, if two companies release the same airport/aircraft or whatever at pretty much the same point in time, then a constructive and objective comparison of the two products helps us as consumers to decide which one fits us better. Time to move along... A
  14. May be a dumb question, but have you tried updating to the latest version of FSUIPC? It could be an issue of P3D in its latest version clashing with an older version of FSUIPC... A
  15. Ben Weston from Airline2Sim sums it up well enough for me. Anybody putting out their wares on the market will soon know if the price they ask is justified. If you like the top-end stuff, you can wait for the odd sale or two that occurs. Granted, not all the design studios offer their goods at sale prices, but over the years I have picked up some good deals on OrbX goods, to name but one... If you feel that you do not wish to be at the cutting edge, or cannot afford it, sometimes a little patience is all that is required... Now, off to MilViz, I have had my eye on the F100 now for a few weeks... A
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