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About clocki

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  • Birthday 01/23/1984

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  1. Someone else having or had the issue with DD Leipzig that the ground textures of the surrounding airport are not loading or loading very slow. Rest of the world and airports are fine also the scenery itself is good. So no problems with the terminal or the apron. Its only the surrounding. Its green (as on the photo) and then it instantly appears as normal and that continues till you have passed the whole airport. You can see the area not covered by the scenery is sharp and good but the airport is not while the ground layout is fine.
  2. I thinking about throttle to better use on my airplanes. Using the build in throttle in my old Saitek Joystick is not that good for planes without auto throttle. Sadly the Honeycomb is a bit too big, their Tango Foxtrott is not processing and no news on it (llok on the FSElite link). So I watched some videos and tests on the Thrustmaster Airbus set. I fly Airbus but also 777 and had the Majestic Dash in use. Is it possible to use it with the non airbus style aircrafts? If I saw it right the detents are possible to disable and so use it with other aircraft. But the flaps are not for that? So would it make sense to buy only the throttle and not the other pack? I'm currently having flaps on my Saitek and it works well. Would appreciate any feedback :)
  3. After some further testing it seems the main problem is caused by the option "amortize clouds" which is marked as experimental. To be hones I don't know really what it does but after unchecking it it was mainly sovled. Some small things are left but thats all. I think the rest is like @blaunarwal said with panning and my older screen which will be replaced. But with the EA on and so and all settings on a higher level I still find the clouds looking quite like toys or like drawn. Not as good as they could be. Also I have the problem with ActiveSky that the weather is for example bad on departure, then on FL200 it changes to sunny and 50nm later suddenly to cloudy. And when looking behind me all is sunny and not like real life. Is there a way to change that somewhere? So it is more real? I have resources left when looking on my frames if that is relevant.
  4. Thanks Dan for that hint. Now I firted the sim up and got on my testposition like on the last shot. But this time it was okay without a change. I then tested some other sun positions but still nothing. I mean that is maybe a good thing, Then I wanted to test frames with the PMDG 777ER and the cam for taxi. Loaded and chosen the cam, frames dropped around 7-9fps. Still 35fps. But I noticed the following as on the picutre, Only when in VC. Outside was all fine. When turning off cam it suddenly is all normal. Like using a switch. No loading screen nothing. Never had this with Nvidia before. But I have same as on the pic below when moving the camera around. Maybe its I'm using a 24" screen which is also a bit older but all new ones are having such big racks not matching my table 😕 To be honest I wanted to have a Nvidia too. I planned for a 3070 (TI) but then the price for the 6800 Red Devil came up so cheap and it has more VRAM. In all the 6800 doing good frames and in other games too.
  5. Hello, I'm quite happy with the graphics due to my new system and in some tests it runs very good with 30-50fps stable. Even with higher settings. So far so good. But I noticed some vertical lines when moving around. Sadly not able to take a screenshot. But what I also saw is some typical line flickering. I think its maybe with shadows but I tried some settings and could not find a solution. I also noticed that on a clean system only with a 777 or default. Its also not releated to the airport as it also occurs on the air. Using a AMD 6800 video card and also tried some Radeon settings without success. You can see the problem around the windows and the terminal/tower. This is annoying and destroys the good system to be honest. I do not have this on other games like MSFS or RDR2
  6. Hey guys, it seems I'm not that lucky with the new system. I got my new PC and of course installed v5. After the basic things like SODE and PMDG777+737 and FreeMeshX I now installed the first scenery for test. First it was FlyTampa Boston. Then it crashes after I select KBOS and Okay. No error in event viewer. Deleted KBOS and installed Gaya LOWW and the same problem. When starting then P3D again it shows a quick loading screen where it says generating scenery database files. Only the basic airport works set as default from P3D. It seems the selection is in general not possible. When selecting the airport ingame it also crashes. Still no event viewer error Even when using the location mover it crashes after clicking okay. EDIT: Tried a repair of P3D but no success
  7. I upgraded to v5 today after I got my complete new PC build. So I also installed the Lorby Addon Manager and on the first run I got the warning Ivalid or broken package - Visual FX Tools and Traffic Toolbox - missing addon.xml I recognized that these both tools are sitting under the Settings - Addons tab. They seems to be from Lockheed direct but never heard. Can I deactive the addons to use the addon manager without the warning? Or is there a corrupted install?
  8. @Pe11e I was only wondering about the different files. In your folder are 54 files and in PMDG there are around 95. And my fault, I did not recognize the sound.cfg file. Sorry for that. By the way, I guess same procedure for the -700 too?
  9. Can someone help me with install? The Various sound folder isn't a problem and crystal clear. I'm wondering about the PMDG NGX folders. It says to rename the original folder. That means all files and the sound textfile will loose effect. I tested it and I'm not sure if that really sound good. I felt that there is missing something... Maybe it's only because of my feeling... PS: I'm also using the Cockpit Sound files
  10. The manual did not really helped me much. Still the same problem. To be honest I don't understand why such a product makes such problems in such a simple thing. Never had these problems with other addons. I have a registered version of FSUIPC but never used it to configure my Joystick and also never used another joystick since I started FS. It's still my Saitek Cyborg Evo since FS2004 It's really frustrating to not fix that problem :( I simply do not understand what could cause that and that makes me angry
  11. Thanks for the idea. I loaded up P3D to calibrate as I to be honest haven't done that. But it didn't help. The cpan recognizes my inputs but thats all... On the pics below you can see that with different throttle power settings the rudder also changes??? On the pics the yoke is in neutral position and I only moved the throttle. First is with minimum power the second with full power.
  12. Hey guys, I'm really getting problems with flight controls and not get them working. Maybe it's I'm not used to props... the elevator is inverted the rudder is not working and when trying to taxi or take off the pedals are "pulled" to the left side after trying to enable 125Mh controls I had no controls That problems makes me stop trying to learn to fly the Dash. My system: Dash 8 Pro Edition P3D V3.2 Windows 7
  13. Thanks Chris for your help, the first issue is fully solved. It was the solution you described but other way round. I had the newest patch for the 3.2 so I applied the older patch and it worked. Now I'm only struggling with the flight controls as they are not working. I will open another thread.
  14. Hey folks, when starting the Dash 8 Pro with the newest update I get on my P3D 3.2 the message after loading the plane that the gauge is for P3D 2.0 and lower and I should go to the support page. But there is nothing inside the FAQ? Another thing: Sometimes the Dash is stopping for maybe 1s and then continuing.It's only the plane not the sim itself. After that she continues...Don't know how to describe that best :/ How to fix that as it's a bit disturbing
  15. Hello mates, I had that topic maybe 2 years ago or so while using the FSX version. Now in P3D I'm still having the same problem that the 777 is not following the nav line (LNAV) in some areas. It starts shaking and drifts to the left right or somewhere else. See the photos please they describe best what's going on. Last time the advise was to use another weather tool. But I don't see the point buying a new weather tool as FSGRW is normally doing good job. The problem occurs normally when flying over the big "lakes" and not very often over the country. Of course I'm using the newest version of P3D+PMDG+FSGRW+FSUIPC if that helps a bit.
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