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About scottsware

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    Scott Gustafson

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    Active RW GA and 787 pilot.

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  1. I started getting BSOD error (CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT). The fix was to uninstall: AI Suite 3 CORSAIR iCUE Actually I removed all ASUS AI and Corsair software. I haven't had crash since. Hope this helps someone. I almost reset the whole computer trying to fix this.
  2. The flight that the sim is trying to load my be corrupt. Temporarily remove the files from your computer Documents folder. I use v3 so mine are stored in C:\Users\simflight\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files. Yours maybe slightly different,
  3. While in cruise flying around 175 knots the pitch attitude on the left ADI is about 5 degrees nose down. The rights side ADI is at 0 degrees. I'm thinking 0 degrees is about right. I couldn't find a pitch adjust for the left ADI. Does anyone else notice this? Thanks Scott
  4. Auto-correct got the best of me, simming not swimming. :rolleyes:
  5. Just an observation from an Airbus pilot. It's amazing how rough it can get on takeoff. Not just the Airbus but 737 as well. I used to think the shaking in flight sim was excessive but I focused on the glare shield during takeoff and was amazed to see how much it matched up with the simulation. This is true for many aspects of swimming. Things look fake until I really look at it in real life.
  6. I've been getting this a lot lately. For some reason removing the files from My Documents\Prepar3D fixes the problem for me. I guess the default flights are getting corrupted. It's worth a shot.
  7. I fly the A320/319 RW and I find the Aerosoft 320 very emersive. I practice raw data ILS's in the sim as the display is not intuitive and a real challenge. It's a piece of cake with the FD on. I have messed with the latest version but I use the previous version quit a bit. I'm looking forward to messing around with the 318/319 software. The FBW in the Aerosoft seems very much like the real thing. The real joystick in the Airbus has no feel and no traiming, just centering springs. The plane goes where you point it, set a pitch and bank and it stays there, give or take.
  8. In the last week I've been through three video cards. I've been using the R290X running five vertical monitors. It was working pretty well with my 4790K. I recently got a 50" 4K monitor to replace three of my other monitors. The configuration is the 50" 4K centered on the front and two 1920x1080's to the left of the 4K. The two 1920x1080 are stacked one on top of the other to form one monitor (I removed the cases of the monitors) about the same height of the 4K. That side monitor(s) is mounted to the wall and tilted in toward me. The R290X was struggling to keep up with the 5760X2160 resolution. Now that I'm using three monitors I can use the nvida chip. I was able to get P3D to run much smoother with the 780ti. And by much smoother, I mean it was very nice at medium to medium high settings. It was a noticeable improvement over the R290X. I could bog the 780ti down as I moved the sliders right or added too much weather. The MSI 980 OC Gaming card came in today and it is a noticeably improvement over the 780ti. It is very very smooth and I am still pushing the sliders right to find this cards limit. I haven't it found it yet. At least for me the 780ti was much better than the the R290X and the 980 is just amazing. Just one thing I have noticed, the Carendo 337 HD runs great on the 980 but when I turn on the built in GPS there is a noticeable slight stutter. I haven't tracked this yet.
  9. Lower the Tessellation level should fix this. If I set the tessellation level too high in the AMD CC or Radeon Pro I get that tearing.
  10. The sim was running very smooth except for frequent 2-3 frame stutters. This was annoying me so to track down the problem I turned down all the sliders and any display settings that would reduce FPS. I turned off every thing I could. I then flew in circles and let the sim settles into a constant bank and pitch and watch for the stutters. Every 5-10 seconds I would get the small stutters (or long frames). I have a R290X video card and a 4790K. I figured at the lowest settings I should be able to fly a 360 without the slightest stutter. I couldn’t get rid of the stutter so I uninstalled P3D then reinstalled and flew circles with the stock P3D install. I had the exact same stutters. Here is how I got rid of this problem. I have 2 X 4GB of Corsair ram (CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9) and it was running at 1866 using the XMP profile. When I upped the frequency to 2133 and ran P3D the stutters were gone. As a side note, when I say upped the frequency that’s all I did, I left the timing settings on auto and let the sabertooth z87 take care of the rest. I reinstalled all the usual add-ons and I can now run P3D at very high settings on a 4K monitor(the stuttering was the same on the 4K or a single 1920X1080 monitor) It seems the ram couldn’t supply the 4790K CPU fast enough. Now I can zoom all over the place using one 4K monitor and two 1920X1080 monitors (one on top of the other to match the 4K height and placed to the left of the 4K) with the over-clocked ram. This might be something for people with stutters to look at. There is a long history of discussions of ram frequency and latency, I didn’t think it applied to todays computers but I guess it still matters.
  11. I fixed my R6025 on exit error with the Aerosoft Twin Otter X and P3D by removing this from my DLL.XML <Launch.Addon> <Name>Flight Recorder</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>Aerosoft\Flight Recorder\AS-FlightRecorder.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon>
  12. Hold the ALT key down for about 2 seconds.
  13. Sorry, I meant run five monitors in portrait. :-)
  14. Huh indeed. :-). P3D is a borderless window program versus full screen. It looks the same to the user but behaves differently. AMD crossfire does not support borderless windows at this time. This is too bad as only AMD lets you run your monitors in portrait mode. I've got my fingers cross that AMD will support borderless windows in the future. There are a number of programs that are now borderless window vs full screen.
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