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  1. Nice one !
  2. YOu are the BOSS mannn !! kind regards , jaff
  3. lately been flying with .6 ,will retry .7 and adjust the eyepoint according to your pics, thanks for the pics ! kind regards, jaff
  4. Yes boss ! did that long bak ! zoom @ .6 to .7 , maybe i am just staring ttoo much at the corners of the screen, unlike others :S Kind regards, jaff
  5. i have a 34inch curve (LG34uc87) and distortion is very much noticeable, infact it is terrible in comparison to 16:9, running zooms of .7 and above the distortion is almost eliminated but the terrain texture suffers , strangely this effect is absent in x-plane ... could i ask how you dont see distortion ? what zoom setting do you use ? any help would be great kind regards, jaff how do you manage to " Not see " distortion , arghhhh i have stuggled with many zoom levels to get a right view, please help !! i have an LG 34inch too ... kind regards, jaff
  6. hey ROB, take care man ! sorry for your loss, its good to know youur taking care of mom ! ... kind regards
  7. A very good system for both P3D and X-plane 10,even general gaming , please use it wisely that is donot overload it with tons of scenery and addons and AI , and i am sure you will be happy for a 3-4 years with it !! Also, if willing, do try to overclock it, 6700K overclocks well and if you'r lucky it can go upto 4.7-4.8 Ghz which is a good boost over 4.0 Ghz but even if such high clocks are not achieved , you may settle for 4.5-4.4 which should be comparatively easy to achieve .! kind regards
  8. Yup probably my system :S
  9. OKKaayyy.... time to stalk you both ......on forums ofcourse , i am waiting to buy them, here in India the prices are insanely high at the moment ,waiting for the AIB versions.....Please post results.... BOTH of you !! kind regards
  10. if you upgrade to a GTX 1080 , you will easily have one of the best gaming systems for the next 2-3 years , and will not need to upgrade till then, your 770 now is a poor card if you plan to run at higher settings or resolutions, i have a 780 and i know for sure its reaching its end of life ,In flight sims you will see massive differences in X-plane 10 and P3D , P3D mostly with AA and clouds etc but much better nonetheless . Again the magnitude of differences is a variable based on what ad-dons you run ,what resolution you run etc.... my suggestion ; if you have the budget ; 1) go for gtx 1080 and try to overclock your 6700k to at least 4.5-4.6 (if your chip lets you and you are capable and willing to do so). 2) get a separate SSD for your OS and separate for your game ; P3d or whatever... 3) i have not much idea how DDR4 is performing these days , as i am still on a haswell 4th gen system ..so no suggestion there but , lower timings with high freq (with a limit) always better with RAM. My suggestions only make your system a complete gaming rig, NOT what you may desire but its only a suggestion and you are free to ignore it Complete your system with the above upgrades and never (hopefully) will you ever come to hardware forums for a while ( 2-3 years)
  11. Hey Mark Tried bumping up the zoom to 1 but as I do so the scenery starts to loose quality and blurs up . At setting of 1 or even .9 Kind regards
  12. dear mr robert . i have been a fan ! i was the guy who used to be happy with default 737 on FSX and by mistake stumbled upon your 737 NGX and since then ...... junkied :/ I like the "push the envelope" approach you guys have wherein every release you do something new and surprise us , You have set a standard and now people look up to you , by people i mean Devs included,so in turn because of you guys we might just get better planes from others as well ! Hopefully lots gonna change for X-plane soon .... Gonna buy this and cant wait for your port overs of other airliners into X-plane (hoping extra fast black magic port over )! there better be port overs as well kind regards
  13. hello elaine , where did you purchase the VFR england pack :/ cant to seem to find it except in DVD versions and that too out of stock ...
  14. hey, i have a 21:9 panel 3440x1440 and when i play p3d on it , there seems to be quiet a bit of distortion on the sides. is there a solution to this ? i tried fiddling with the zoom and above a zoom of .7 the distortion starts to minimize, but the scenery starts to blur/ decrease in quality . maybe an option to adjust horizontal FOV ? my lack of knowledge in this field leaves me without a solution :s kind regards
  15. hey all , i have a 21:9 panel 3440x1440 and when i play p3d on it , there seems to be quiet a bit of distortion on the sides. is there a solution to this ? i tried fiddling with the zoom and above a zoom of .7 the distortion starts to minimize, but the scenery starts to blur/ decrease in quality . maybe an option to adjust horizontal FOV ? my lack of knowledge in this field leaves me without a solution :s kind regards
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