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[21APR18] Activation Server Outage - RESOLVED 0345Z

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At approximately 0330Z/21APR18, we were able to resolve the outstanding issue with our activation server, and bring it back online.

I am very sorry to those who had their activation process disrupted all day Friday, but I am happy to report that the problem was located and resolved.

Thank you for your patience as we worked through the process.



Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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good evening

I'm trying to activate my NGX and I'm still getting an activation error. I tried to access the support page to report the error, and the page is unavailable. Now, when reading the message above, I tried to do new activation and now I get the following error:

"Error has been returned by Hibernate. [Incident#900551251] violation of PRIMERY KEY constraint 'OPS_REQUEST_ITEM_PIC' Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.OPS_REQUEST_ITEM'. The duplicate key value is (3112645)"

How do I fix this?

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Am also receiving same message as above for 747 QOTSII P3D v4. Already have 737 activated; wow... what a beautiful thing. 

Thanks, Regards.

Daryl Horton. 

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Getting same error as of 10 minutes ago..and cannot access support page.

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Seems we still have some issues afoot.  I have alerted the vendor.  We will keep you posted.

(Also:  Gentle reminder:  If you don't sign your posts, we will remove them... and if you do it repeatedly we will remove you.  Please don't make us do that.  :ph34r:)

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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Is there any new information on the 747-8? When will it be released?

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3 minutes ago, luojie said:

Is there any new information on the 747-8? When will it be released?

Welcome to the forums, please note that PMDG requires that users include a signature block with the user's name, first and last, in all posts in the PMDG forum.
Failure to include a signature will result in removal of the post without comment.

We strongly encourage users to set up a signature block in their AVSim user account, then you never have to worry to remember in the future!


This is a thread for the technical issues we are facing, please do not hijack a thread posting irrelevant questions. The current -8 thread has all the info released up to know. Thank you.

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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Thankyou all extremely very greatly much. Have successfully activated my product within the last 5 minutes.

Kind Regards and good luck from a continuing customer.

Daryl Horton.

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The activation server is operating normally and we see successful activation been made. The support page is back operational as well. If you still have any issues activating please open a ticket at support.precisionmanuals.com.


Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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