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I need Help

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Last three months on and off I have problems with PMDG 747 P3D. I am having major problem with A/P almost every departure when I engage A/P, it disconnects. I try to connect A/P again it disconnects. IF with luck I make the cruise flight I am already tired at 380FL  .  it works for about an hour then A/P disconnects  and dives the 747 to almost to ground .( VS 8500  Immediately after A/P disconnects)

I tried to find reason why A/P disconnects . 

Several times I uninstalled P3D and clean the files from system. No success.

Several times I uninstall/reinstall PMDG 747. No success.

I went through "Controls" calibration/axis no success.

I deleted  my CH Eclipse yoke/pedals  software and installed new one . No success


Recently I purchased REX Sky Force Weather Engine no success.


Today I took PMDG 777 to test. During climb A/P disconnects. During cruise flight SkyForce inject sudden turbulence A/P disconnect. That is the END.

Will you please advise what I should do? Is it possible My CH Yoke and Rudder pedals need replacement?






Ahmet Sanal


"Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted"

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Before you trying anything else, can you set up a flight with the 747, then go into your FMC - PMDG SETUP> <OPTIONS <SIMULATION page 2/10 CTL INPUT WITH AP ON if disabled select Enable then test from there, if the AP still disconnects then I can help you no further, but if that does fix your issue, then maybe your controls need calibrating within Windows or FSUIPC? 

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Thank you very much,

"Then go into your FMC - PMDG SETUP> <OPTIONS <SIMULATION page 2/10 CTL INPUT WITH AP ON if disabled select Enable then test from there"

 I selected "Enable"  problem solved.

Ahmet Sanal


"Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted"

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51 minutes ago, CptJack said:

using prepare 3d, unable to change fuel load on my newly downloaded pmdg 747-400. 

Welcome to the PMDG forums.  Please note their rules require us to sign our full names on all our posts here.

How are you attempting to change the fuel?  Have you reviewed the Introduction document?

Dan Downs KCRP

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