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PILOT2ATC IFR Questions - Xplane 11

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I have a couple questions (note that I am not at all experienced with flying).

1) I have x-plane11 set to "real weather setting" . When I get the altimeter info from PILOT2ATC it is different to what the ATIS is providing. How would they end up being different ?

2) I currently go to Simbrief to get my flight plan - and that would give me all the weather info, TOD, cruise altitude, speed etc. What is the correct procedure (or recommended procedure) to take this information and enter it into PILOT2ATC.  I get you can export/import - but it is the case that the actual flight plan and the PILOT2ATC should align or not?  i.e I'm not clear on whether the FMS plan and the atc plan should be the same or intentionally different?

For example- being told to descend early - or vectors to final would mean having inconsistencies between the fms and atc?

Thanks for your assistance.

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1) Be sure that Pilot2ATC is using NOAA weather and any differences will be minor.  Let P2A provide ATIS and turn the ATC and voice volume OFF in X-Plane.  Of course there is always the possibility that P2A will pull a slightly different METAR report than X-Plane depending on the exact time of download, but differences should be minimal.

2) Importing the flight plan from SIM Brief to P2A imports only the route, not the performance or other information.  After adding the procedures to P2A's flight plan, you need to be sure that what is entered in the FMS of the aircraft is identical to the P2A plan.  This would be true in the real world as well.

After you get clearance from ATC, you need to double check that nothing has changed (it rarely does) and make any adjustments to the FMS needed to keep them in sync.

Planned Cruise Speed and Altitude should match.  P2A will calculate the TOD based on those values along with the planned descent rate.  You can adjust all three variables to get a TOD that you desire.

Hope that helps.


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