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Matt Piotrowski

Does 1/2 refresh rate work?

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Just now, Matt Piotrowski said:


Ah well, that’s a pity. Looks like this suggestion, along with several others that appear to work, are system specific.


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15 minutes ago, Matt Piotrowski said:

I tried limiting to 30 fps in p3d and it's not smooth at all for me.

It is because it is not a limiter. Instead of limiting, locking fps stores look-ahead frames and plays those back at exactly the right time, minus the slight delay in the buffer. SInce there's always a minor wobble the system will use up one frame of the look-ahead and will require replenishing to keep the buffer ahead. And so you need to see 60 at least with Unlimited+VSync=Off to use Locked at 30, maybe more.

If you get 100% CPU with RTSS limit on don't use it for that game it's not working right with the desktop mode.



Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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15 minutes ago, Matt Piotrowski said:

I just looked at my gpu usage and it's only at 30 percent. Is this normal? I have a gtx 1080.

Good one. So is the GPU using more power to display pixels or more power to rotate objects and paint the sides and so on. Say the fps drops 50% when you add another monitor the same resolution, you doubled the pixel count and halved the fps. So it is mostly doing the work of the display updating. Similarly the usage say goes from 30 to 60%. So you can see that the 3D power is not so much used in that case. It's not exact and varies but sort of puts you in the ballpark.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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46 minutes ago, Matt Piotrowski said:

I don't know why but I'm getting blurry terrain textures for some reason. I didn't have these before. I tried all different settings.

That may be something to do with fibre frame time setting in cfg file. Theres a good thread  the tutorial section. If you have unlimited set in p3d then I think it’s sets fft really low, if you limit FPS in p3d it sets it higher, so you get better texture loading but lower FPS. Anyway check the tutorial thread 👍 need to find the right balance for your system/settings. It fiddly 😎

AMD Ryzen 5900X - Asus Crosshair VI Hero - G.Skill 32GB (2x16GB) 3000 C14 DDR4 @ 3600 14-14-15-14-28-42

AMD Red Devil Radeon 6900XT  2700/2112 1125mv - 3 x Iiyama G-Master GB2888UHSU 4k @ 11560x2160

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2 minutes ago, djbully said:

That may be something to do with fibre frame time setting in cfg file. Theres a good thread  the tutorial section. If you have unlimited set in p3d then I think it’s sets fft really low, if you limit FPS in p3d it sets it higher, so you get better texture loading but lower FPS. Anyway check the tutorial thread 👍 need to find the right balance for your system/settings. It fiddly 😎

When I limit my frames I still get blurry textures.

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That’s me stumped then 🤔

AMD Ryzen 5900X - Asus Crosshair VI Hero - G.Skill 32GB (2x16GB) 3000 C14 DDR4 @ 3600 14-14-15-14-28-42

AMD Red Devil Radeon 6900XT  2700/2112 1125mv - 3 x Iiyama G-Master GB2888UHSU 4k @ 11560x2160

Saitek X-55 Rhino - Track IR5 - Obutto Sim Cockpit + Triple Monitor Stand - Fancy some Techno? https://www.mixcloud.com/dj_bully/

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2 hours ago, SteveW said:

If you get 100% CPU with RTSS limit on don't use it for that game it's not working right with the desktop mode.


Not getting 100% CPU, but 100% on one logical CPU Core, Core0.



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I’m still getting blurry terrain for some reason. Under my plane everything is good but looking a little out into the distance the terrain gets blurry. I have ftx global installed.

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8 hours ago, Matt Piotrowski said:

I’m still getting blurry terrain for some reason. Under my plane everything is good but looking a little out into the distance the terrain gets blurry. I have ftx global installed.

That may just be "normal"..

Depends on your terrain settings also.

Try this a test:

LOD radius:  high
Tesselation factor: high
mesh resolution:  5m
texture resolution:  1m
high resolution terrain: on

Scenery complexity: extremely dense
autogen draw distance:  medium
autogen vegetation density: normal
autogen building density: dense
Dynamic vegetation: unticked


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12 hours ago, Bert Pieke said:

Not getting 100% CPU, but 100% on one logical CPU Core, Core0.


That's what I'm talking about - that is 100% on that core however you like to think of it.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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If anyone has blurriness - turn down every setting so it's not blurred first, and then turn up things gradually.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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To increase fps you need to be sure to move any work possible from the critical core. That means also removing any work from the sister LP of the critical core in HT mode. In HT mode with no AM that critical core will be loaded on the sister LP with another main P3D task, so use an '01' in the AM for the critical core in HT mode. Corral addons onto the last few cores with their own affinity setting or start with a .bat or program that starts app in an affinity space. To also increase fps you need to slicken up the background process - too many LPs will slow that down you need the right amount. If you only have four cores that's all you have. Ten core CPUs don't allocate all the LPs or it will not be so good. Find the number of cores that load the scenario the fastest. That and the other advice I have given is the motherload. Don't be shy about liking those posts - give credit where it is due.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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When HT mode is selected, it seems as if there's double the number of cores to the software. With the mainstream gamer desktop PCs they have two logical processors per core. With some specialist CPUs there can be more than two but they are for a different purpose.

When typical Windows programs run on one core that's fine. However if they are multi-threaded the threads wait for each other. Each thread of the program is time sliced on that core, one thread does a bit, another thread does a bit, while the firs is waiting and so on.

The information about that thread (the context) is saved away for the next time slice it gets on the core.

So multi core means that those threads need not wait for each other. In the HT CPU that is further enhanced by the fact that less time is lost saving and reloading the context and spare cycles are used where they would go idle. So always allocate two or more LPs to programs especially addons which use networking to talk to the sim.

The sim can't use special game modes because these modes give lower priority to other resources than the game. But P3D and FSX are hybrid and they draw on many resources. If we alter priority on anything then it won't work so well. If we raise priority for the simulator, it will wait longer for the resources it relies on, which slows it down.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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