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GPU problem

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Hi fellows,

I've got the Carenado ATR72 and I'm quiet pleased with this machine but I have a big issue related with the GPU.

When I stop the engines, open doors, start desimbarking bla bla bla ...... I have on the overhead panel the GPU as available and I press the button. After a couple of minutes the aircraft shutsdown completly, and there is no way the recover the power. I always have to reload the aircraft in order to fly the return flight.

If it is under GPU control, should the aircraft be lighted on always?


Can some expert tell me how to keep this machine alive on the ground using the GPU ( step by step if possible ) 😉


Thank you so much


Best regards,



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I don't think there is a GPU with this aircraft.  You need to use the hotel mode to power it on the ground for an extended period of time, which is essentially running the no. 2 (right) engine with prop brake on.  Steps to do so are in the included checklist but there's also a YouTube tutorial (search for "Carenado A72-500 - Hotel Mode").

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The real ATR does use the GPU of course.  The hotel mode is a very inefficient and extremely noisy crutch IRL.

The problem is that Alabeo/Carenado are only programming strictly according to the original SDK, and for some reason MS never implemented GPU use for turboprops and LM didn't fix this either.

It's unfortunately only a fake switch.

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You cant simulate GPU on carenado unfortunately.

Also you can use hotel mode anyways as i believe carenado does not include the actual limitation of it. In real life the Hotel mode cannot be operated with side to tailwind wind exceeding 5knots at any place you're parking at. It also cannot be used during front cargo loading as the heat coming from the engines is bad for the ground crew.

On ground purely on battery, the voltage endurance gives u roughly about 25minutes to do your preflight up to starting up the engines.

You can imagine how hot it can be over the tropics at certain airports where there is no GPU provided. There are times when you park and there's tailwind registered, the plane will be basically cold and dark on most of the turnaround phase and there's no air conditioning as hotel mode cannot be used. And passengers don't feel good in the cabin when the temperature is 30c above 😁.


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