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  1. It'd be a shame to let such a great thread wither away. Coming in to land at KEWR (MJC8 Q400's second tutorial). South of Rochester: Cayuga Lake: Ithaca: Manhattan skyline coming into view beneath clouds:
  2. Very nice shots!
  3. Cool shots. Beautiful bird.
  4. One of the most photogenic planes in the world. Great shot, very interesting livery.
  5. Very atmospheric shots, nicely composed. Thanks.
  6. As mentioned, some really neat angles there.
  7. Cool grabs! It is a very handsome airplane.
  8. Some great shots there.
  9. Wow, that's quite a hijack... Cool kiwi 195 paint, though.
  10. "Like a flea, but wow!" Another excellent release from Flight Replicas: Messerschmitt Me-163B Komet. Comes with both powered and towable versions, special trolley jettison sequence, Bf-110G tow plane, a low-poly formation of 162 B-17G Flying Fortresses to make passes at, and aerodynamics by Bernt Stolle. It's great fun to rocket upwards at 19,680 ft/min (100 m/sec) and then glide down back to Earth.
  11. Cool pictorial, as always.
  12. Thanks for posting. Your shots made me realize exactly why I didn't buy NCA: the "more-or-less" correct autogen may make sense in areas you're not intimately familiar with, but the illusion falls apart if you happen to fly over a place you actually live in and you have flown over a number of times. The 3rd shot is the case in point: yes, Lake El Estero is there, yes, the Municipal Beach and Wharf are there, yes, the parking lot by the marina is there. However, El Estero Park around and to the south of the lake doesn't have any commercially looking buildings and its southern part by Fremont St. (right behind the plane's tail) is actually 3 cemeteries. And right across the street (Del Monte Ave) from the big parking lot you have what looks like a big shopping center, which isn't there in reality, unless you want to consider Monterey Sports Center and Jack's Park (the baseball park and tennis courts right across the Franklin Street, which is missing too) a shopping center. That's why I think I'm going to stick to photoreal scenery in my neighborhood. Though I have no issue using ORBx sceneries in areas I'm not too familiar with, like PNW or Southern Alaska... Beautiful plane though.
  13. Awesome plane, cool paint job.
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