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About BR4593

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  • Birthday 05/04/1993

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  1. Anyone got any documentation for the 414 with RAM conversion as the Flysimware addond simulates? I couldn't find any on the web...
  2. Thanks. Works well. I remembred MSFS withouth the shapren and I guess one of the updates apllied it. My sim looks terrible with shapren on.
  3. Hey. I am interested in you chieftain mod. Can you send it to me at hbforbar(at)gmail(dot)com , please?

    It looks fantastic!

  4. Thanks. Any chance you got it in your email box maybe? Regards.
  5. Does anyone have the mod any willing to share? I cant PM the author
  6. Haifa is 45 mintues drive from my home. Very nice city, have some firends over there. You should really have the Israeli coastline scenery available here on Avsim library. It will add many 3d objects to Haifa,and the visual apparoach to Haifa runway 34 is a bit challenging.
  7. Runway 08 departure, very unusual in TLV. Great pics!
  8. Awesome! You shoudld really get a good scenery for Tel Aviv: http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?FileName=israel_coastline_part*
  9. Well, you can visit here in the RW , you just need to buy a ticket to Tel Aviv :smile:
  10. Awesome! You overflew my home which is pretty close to the Sea of Gallile in Israel.
  11. Awesome! Too bad the airport in Jerusalem is closed in real world.
  12. Nice shots!! To bad Air Berlin is getting rid of the 737...
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