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Validation Error

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In P3D v4.5 HF2 flying the RealAir Duke B60.  Trying a flight where I want to TKO and Land at same airport to do a Sightseeing trip, while flying over two other airports on the way (flight plan attached from Little NavMap).  When try to validate I get the Error Message about changing FL, Airspeed or decent rate.  So tried changing each of them...no joy.  I originally imported the FP from Little NavMap but then tried creating the same plan from scratch in P2ATC...no joy.  Looked at forum and saw several posts with same problem and tried turning off  "Safe Enroute Alutitude"...no joy.  Finally found had to delete the return to the original airport and just do the flight plan to SVCN (one of the airports I just wanted to fly over) and then do a separate FP back to my original airport.  I should also say I tried deleting the other two airports from the plan and added a 4th VOR (got one message that said I needed 4 waypoints when departing and returning to same airport)...no joy.

Would appreciate any help on what I'm doing wrong.


Problem Flight Plan.jpg

Garry Lundberg

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Thanks for the report.  I found and fixed a bug that surfaces when you use airports for waypoints.  It'll be fixed in the next update.


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Thanks for looking into that for me...however, when I take the two airports/waypoints out of the flight plan I still get the TOD Calculation Error (see attached screen shot).  What's strange is that even though I get the TOD error...the box still turns green.  But then when I try to "File" the flight plan, once I Connect with the Sim, I again get the error message, but, again the "File" box turns green.  I've tried changing my FL and Decent Rates, but no help.  Only thing I haven't done is actually try to do the flight, even though I've gotten the error message.

Sorry to be such a bother.


Screen Shot.jpg

Garry Lundberg

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If it's unable to calculate TOD, then your altitude or airspeed may be too high for the short flight or your descent rate too low.

If you would email me the saved .vbf flight plan to admin@pilot2atc.com, I will make sure it works on the new update.



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I have tried different altitudes from 5,500' to 16,500' , different Decent Rates from 500 fpm to 5,000 fpm.  Did not try different airspeeds since the aircraft (Beech Duke Piston) can only do what it can do.  I'll email you the .vbf file now.



Garry Lundberg

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Okay...new information.  As I said...even though it gives me the TOD error message I still get a green box on the validate and a green box on the file.  So I went ahead and did the flight.  Appears to work.  I got ground to give me Flight Following, then to give me taxi instructions and pass me over to tower who gave me takeoff clearance.  That's as far as I went since it is a 3+ hr. flight (you had said something about such a short flight...but it's over 3 hours) so I'm assuming it works in spite of the error message.


Garry Lundberg

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Thanks for the flight plan file.  I was able to File it in the upcoming version.  There were a couple of bugs in the program that made it unable to calculate a TOD properly and thus could not file.

It will be fixed in the next update.

Thanks for your help,


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