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P3D V5 Only Using Dedicated Memory

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Hi, really hope you and your families are keeping safe and well.

I need some help or advice if possible.

I have a gaming laptop which I have the Geforce GTX 980M dedicated to P3D & the onboard to run as default on anything else.

I do not run any other graphics on it.

However, the program only recognizes 3.4GB of the 4096MB dedicated memory.

The 980M also has available 8GB of shared memory, I have 16GB of RAM in total which about 6gb is used. I am using Win 10 1909.

Is there any way I can get P3D to increase the cache of memory as it is leading to OOM's if I run the Sim at anything other than default settings. It seems such a shame that I cannot use the shared memory to its full potential.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can achieve this.

Many thanks and stay safe.


MSFS2020 ,P3D V5, Ryzen 3600 4.2GHZ, 32GB 3000 Ram, Nvidia GTX 1600 Super 6GB, 22 inch 75 hz Monitor , Windows 10 204, Toposim,   Orbx Global, Vector, Europe  N & S California LC, England Regions,  England, PMDG 737, 777, Majestic Q400 and Aerosoft Airbus A318-20.

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You should be aware windows reserves some of your memory you never get the full installed memory, increasing your page file can help, and again the system UI will use some of your GP memory, in the end it`s the same with all sims reduce the settings until you get smooth flight ignore the FPS counter in the top corner, get the best smooth flying you can get.  


Raymond Fry.


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I'm pretty sure that the system memory is only acting as a buffer in this case, unless you have the 8GB 980M chip you will still be limited to 4 GB video memory with some being reserved for Windows ( thus only showing 3.4 GB available)

I think the "shared memory" is probably restricted to the Intel® HD Graphics 4600 built into your processor, not the graphics card.

Edit: Nvidia did have a 980M with 8GB, so you may find a used one out there... up your system memory to the max 32GB would also help if you're not looking to replace the laptop yet.


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