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About Slayer

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  • Birthday 11/24/1968

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  1. Condolences to his family and friends. He helped a lot of people here over the years.
  2. I might be interested in the MCP Pro and EFIS. Does the MCP come with all hardware such as mounting brackets? 

    What zip code will it be shipping from? 

    What types of payment do you take? 

    How old are they and do you have pics? 


    Thank you,



    1. Slayer


      Currently the EFIS is attached to the MCP Pro with the screws that came with it. The only brackets are the ones that came with it that let it stand on a desk etc. I think they can be turned to mount in a sim pit etc. Zip code is 48838. I could take paypal but I'd be open to other forms of payment. I believe the units are about 4 years old. They are in good condition.


  3. Maybe settings or key bindings were lost during the upgrade?
  4. It's more of a sidegrade. Logitech has terrible support and drivers, so I guess nothing will change.
  5. First thing I'd do is roll back the update and see if it fixes it. Windows update probably updated your USB drivers.
  6. I did see a TI usb driver update come through about a week ago. My system appears to be fine.
  7. For me the water cooler is just a means to remove excess heat from the case since the GPU draws it's air from within the case and I don't want a bunch of noisy fans to ventilate the case.
  8. That program was never really freeware in the first place. If you can find the old donationware version out there, it supported the T7 as well. That download is no longer available on Steve's site as very few people actually donated anything so now it's a payware product...
  9. Otherwise it is in demo mode and all the buildings disappear after a few minutes :wink:
  10. Let me ask you guys why are you using the F9/ F12 thing with EZDOk and TIR? I just set up static views that have the TIR box unchecked in ezdok , that way it won't try to auto center on controls where I require no head movement ( like setting up the FMS and overhead panels etc) I mainly have the TIR turned on for pilot and copilot views and a couple of outside views. That's the beauty of using ezdok for me anyways. Sometimes it's cheaper directly at naturalpoint especially if you want to get a track clip pro at the same time.
  11. You can get Goflight interface tool and it has built in support for the PMDG T7 and 737, no programming needed unless you have additional switch panels etc. It is no longer donationware anymore but payware, it is worth every penny and the support is top notch. https://shop.pollypotsoftware.org.uk/goflight-interface-tool.html
  12. A friend is having the same issue with the NGX. keeps getting OOM with plenty of memory free....and yes I realise it is an OOM if it can't get a big enough contiguous block of free memory. My only guess is that something is fragmenting the memory to the point where you have lot of memory left but it can't get the block it needs, so boom. I've seen and fixed countless FSX and P3D problems for friends etc but this one really has me baffled. I'm afraid that it may be unfixable unless we can track down what exactly is causing the issue. Teamviewer thinks I'm using their software to make money because I helped out too many people and have put a 5 minute timer now. I have to find an alternate method of remote control to help him further troubleshoot this.
  13. I'm sure Mitch doesn't want this thread to degenerate into yet another affinity mask thread as they always seem to do.
  14. Blurry ground textures (provided not running at low settings) are mostly caused by a CPU overload condition and it doesn't matter what GPU you are using. If the CPU can't feed the GPU fast enough blurries are the result. As a quick test just drop your autogen sliders and/or limited framerate to lower settings and see if the situation improves. Put autogens on lowest and set your FPS to 20 then work up from there.
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