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About nudata

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    Member - 1,000+

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    Near KLBE
  • Interests
    Trains and planes

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    Anything less than an ORBX standard is not used.
  1. I am not sure of the inference. However, the thermal paste is properly applied as a very thin film with the specific objective of filing microscopic voids that detract from the transfer of heat. I spread it with the edge of a credit card, the safest use of this item. At several seconds of 100% load the CPU temp max's at 62C. I am sure a strong stress program could get it to TJ. Currently ay 3.5ghz but ran for several months at 4.2ghz with no issues. The real advantage was not significant so leaving it stock.
  2. Your right David. BUT - I found my problem. It was not the motherboard but an SSD. I was in the process fo trying to laod a program from it when the PC locked. I pulled the side panel off an unplugged the SSD since that was the target for getting the program and the PC began to work. I only had a train simulator on it so no great loss. My performance with the i5-2500K is quite acceptable with 47% load on a flight simulator and 35% on the train simulator. A lot of the computational stuff is now on the video card GPU and that does go to 100% sometimes. Thus I may get a fatter video card before any CPU changes.Thanks and regards, Dick
  3. Now I am having trouble booting/restarting. Restart from Windows10 and fans start, LAN port lights on, but no restart. tried various things including clear ROM and onboard reset. Had to remove power then came up with the setup screen. There I found the SATA protocol was not IDE. Setting to that and it came up. All ok then slight screen flicker and my SSD "disappeared". Power off, setup, showed ACHI not IDE for disks. SATA to IDE and then ok. "Browser" load at occurrence. SSD is on ok right now. New motherboard is next step. I could get a bios chip and a battery but financial stuff on PC. so reliability needed. Will get same one. Can't afford new Skylake CPU and the old i2550K gives me proper FPS with reasonable settings. Thanks for help
  4. Will take a look at the Asus board-Thanks CPU normally under 50% with my usual train simulator load. 4 core avg 35c.I do not have any grounds for suspicion since the evidence is slim. It is just the oldest element in the PC. CMOS battery is another possible item. I will get new battery first. Just seeing what might be the best board in the meantime.
  5. Currently have a ASRock Z77. Windows 10 with August 31 update. I have had a few strange lockups and suspect the motherboard since it is several years old. The CPU is a i5-2500K 4.3ghz overclocked. 8gb DDR3 ram. Because I am not needing the very latest I want to stay with the i5-2500K. Price target less than $200. Looking for reliability and overclocking.
  6. I am using Plan G V3.1.3.Open Streets background I see illustrations in the manual where flight paths are shown as solid lines. However, I only see a few symbols where that flight plan transits. Every other function is working as per the manual but no track for the plan....
  7. A manual install seems odd for something that costs 29 Euros. Also it is not V3 compatible and that probably disallows support since V3 is not supported. "FSX, FSX-SE, P3D V1, P3DV2.0-2.4, P3DV2.5 requires 10.5GB of hard disk space! Any hardware that runs FSX, FSX-SE, P3D V1, P3DV2.0-2.4, P3DV2.5"
  8. I have to reinstall P3DV3. Should I uninstall all four components or just the Client?
  9. I now have the Orbx Landclass product installed. The process was messy. As with a lot of these things you are trying this and that so when success arrives it is not clear where the magical solution came from. If Orbx has published a list of the 4 expected file sets, and a scenery.cfg that showed the results of a successful install, it would have helped and reduced the amount of confusion. Without this I was told to expect 7 files and some were CAB files. Not correct. Now that I have it. I see some differences but not anything I would call a "gushing" experience. Comparisons to Bing and Google maps bring the landscape closer to reality but with customer input they should, and will, get closer.
  10. I will try again. Wish I knew how my original scenery.cfg was recovered just in case it fouls up again. Anyhow thanks for the prompt responses.
  11. It is a zoo over at ORBX forums. I have posted a message with updates but no responses. So a simple question: Although it took all day I downloaded 4 files. From them I extracted 21 data files (512kb each) a setup.exe file . The #21 was actually 49kb. Over at the P3D forum I was told that I should of had 7 files a setup, MSI and CAB files. Which is correct?
  12. Have you ever had a "glitch". This has become a common word that is used to dismiss a myriad of problems people encounter with technology. A glitch is rarely fixed. A glitch is usually resolved where the resolution is to reload, re-boot or some similar remedy. The glitch is still there. We have been trained to appreciate the resolution and not seek the remedy. We move on, leaving behind something that may trap us again. Glitches "seem" to mutate. That is, they cause problem A and some time later cause problem B which is entirely different. We are told this is a new glitch - reload. Hmmmm. Glitches are costly issues in technology. They are difficult to fix since they appear in a wide variety of environments. - PC, tablet, smartphone, security system, even your new "smart" refrigerator can have a glitch. So what happens when a glitch "glitches"? Well many events can happen. A screen goes blank, a program loops/repeats, you loose data, a program no longer works, etc. Or, you get some cryptic message with a meaningless number on your screen. Your best hope is that some skilled programmer finds a real fix and the next update kills the glitch. If not they pile up and that program's customers seek other avenues for entertainment or commercial support.
  13. Pride cometh before the fall. Maturity tempers the enthusiasm for one's own knowledge.
  14. A personal perspective on one aspect of flight simulation. Looking out the window at the scenery has long been a portion of flight simulation. However, both Google and Microsoft have been mapping the world with both aerial and ground level photography. The public can now get a quite good aerial view and a very good view at ground level. I can tour London or Peoria, IL USA. With no flight simulation I can fly over both and with little effort, and no cost, "drive" the streets of each, and come away with an experience that is close to being there. I recently revisited Ecuador and found the hotel I stayed at in Quito. Wow did it look different. The beaches of Rio seem to have a more modern flavor and Doc Martin's house in Cornwall looked as it did on TV. However, none of that gave me the experience of flying into a local airfield. Especially one that someone had "enhanced". Both the visual and environmental reality of flying is quite different than roaming the streets of Bar Harbor, Maine. So, once you have landed, I hope you do so safely, then grab one of the "map" programs and have look around the area. Don't spend to much time so you can get to the airport and hop to the next destination. BAR HARBOR
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