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  1. I own KBOS, KBUF, KMDW and KTPA and with the exception of KTPA, the others are only for FSX. I however own the migration tool and have used it to install all of FlyTampa's airports successfully but there is a little glitch I wonder if anyone else has encountered and found a way to fix it. Given those airports are rather old, it is understandable that they would wig out in the P3D environment but I want to know if anyone has solved the mystery of "The Taxi Lights of Many". Basically, when taxing around the airport, either after having landed or getting ready to depart, the object they use for their taxi lights will appear all over the screen, in the air, on the ground, dozens and dozens of them, flying around like angry gnats. Then they'll suddenly vanish and all will be normal for a moment. Taxi a little bit more and then BUZZZZzzZZz.. .Taxi lights all over the place again. It makes me wonder if these 100+ extra taxi lights are what is causing a drain on the VAS and hitting the FPS slightly. It happens every single flight, day or night, that begins or ends at KBOS, KBUF or KMDW. Anyone know what is causing this anomaly in P3D on these FSX airports? Any fix for it? BEHOLD! The invasion of the FlyTampa taxi light monsters! RAR!
  2. I started fsx two days ago, and all, and i mean ALL the land was shown as water with autogen on top. I reainstalled 3 times, deleted the files, repaired the registry with the flight1 tool. I dont use UTX or any terrain mods for that matter. I did in past use terrain mods, but never UTX. I only have a couple payware planes. Specs: Phenom II X4 965 @4 GHz, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, GTX 650 Overclocked w/ 2GB VRAM thanks-Morris
  3. Hi everyone, I think this is probably the first time I've actually posted on the avsim forums, despite having been a member for several years! Anyway, I'm really hoping that someone may be able to help with some ideas, or even better a solution to my problem, because it's driving me mad! Basically, in the last few days I've suddenly started having a problem with FSX that I've never had before - when I switch between full screen and windowed mode, or even when I minimise FSX and then open up the window again, or return to the main window after going into a menu item like Aircraft settings etc, I'm getting a variety of weird graphics glitches. The graphics oddities are wide ranging, and include the following: 1. completely black screen 2. scenery partly or completely disappears, leaving just ground visible 3. part of the virtual cockpit becomes invisible (usually the MCP and floor) 4. the FSX menu bar becomes invisible 5. The sky goes black, but clouds are still visible 6. The ground goes white, and the sky goes black I've never had this issue before. I'm running an EVGA GTX 780 card on a Windows 7 64bit system. This graphics issue happens both with the latest NVidia drivers, and the previous one. I'm also running a dual screen set up, but this problem occurs whether I have one or two screens set up. I have tried uninstalling the graphics drivers completely, and doing a complete clean reinstall. I've got the UIautomationcore.dll file in place, I'm also using an unmodified fsx.cfg file. Don't have ENB installed, and am not using DX10 in FSX. The machine is a core i7-4930k, overclocked to 4.4ghz, on an Asus Rampage Formula IV board, with 16gb of DDR3 so it's not a resource issue (I hope). Has anyone encountered similar issues? Is there a fix for this problem? I'd be really grateful for any advice - I really don't want to go through the pain of reinstalling FSX if I can avoid it! Appreciate any help, Tim
  4. Have scoured Google to no avail; posted on Simviation's forums and got no replies; even searched this forum and found nothing relevant; so here I go again. =P Reinstalled Flight Sim 9 recently after upgrading to Windows 7 a while back. Surprisingly few issues, but one rather annoying glitch remains. Text in certain menus seems to lag behind, under-lapping and obscuring the new text that is supposed to take its place. This happens in various settings menus- realism, control assignments, display settings, etc- and while selecting planes, airports and user-defined weather. It's really an effect best shown- These are just a couple examples. It also happens on the load bar once I'm ready to fly. I'm also getting weird black boxes behind the variables descriptions in the user-defined weather menu. All in all, it's proving quite difficult to read certain parts of this game... It's been like this since I first installed it on my new system, so I'm certain its not an addon to blame. I've tried every compatibilty mode available, too, with no change. So hopefully someone here can figure out what's going on! XD
  5. It seems that only the clouds in frame have their shadows rendered. Couldn't find any references to this. Let me know if it has been posted before, and I'll take it down.
  6. Have you ever had a "glitch". This has become a common word that is used to dismiss a myriad of problems people encounter with technology. A glitch is rarely fixed. A glitch is usually resolved where the resolution is to reload, re-boot or some similar remedy. The glitch is still there. We have been trained to appreciate the resolution and not seek the remedy. We move on, leaving behind something that may trap us again. Glitches "seem" to mutate. That is, they cause problem A and some time later cause problem B which is entirely different. We are told this is a new glitch - reload. Hmmmm. Glitches are costly issues in technology. They are difficult to fix since they appear in a wide variety of environments. - PC, tablet, smartphone, security system, even your new "smart" refrigerator can have a glitch. So what happens when a glitch "glitches"? Well many events can happen. A screen goes blank, a program loops/repeats, you loose data, a program no longer works, etc. Or, you get some cryptic message with a meaningless number on your screen. Your best hope is that some skilled programmer finds a real fix and the next update kills the glitch. If not they pile up and that program's customers seek other avenues for entertainment or commercial support.
  7. Hi guys! I was flying the PMDG 777 this morning, It worked perfectly as always, I started flight sim and now the gear is up, the controls are jammed, on the ground. I didn't change anything with the FSX interface or other stuff. I'd highly appreciate a solution asap. Tenkjuw, Jake Meilak
  8. I've had this for a while now i didn't really mind untill now wheres its starting to get annoying, anyway to fix this?
  9. Hi guys, for the past few days, I have not been able to get onto MSFS. After the checking for updates page, the screen goes black (however still shows the blue bar at the bottom) and then my game crashes to desktop. I have tried everything to fix it and was wondering what Nvidia driver I should downgrade to to try and get it working again. Also, any other tips would be appreciated. Cheers, ViperNB
  10. When zooming in on the virtual cockpit ive notice that a strip of the ground constantly appears, its just a tiny glitch but it is a bit bothersome. Anyone have the same problem?
  11. Hi people, I need some help solving this problem with REX in the picture all theose lines are glitching. I tried to restore REX back-up but didnt help, also uninstalled REX didnt work. I think REX changed the scenery.cfg file which i only can reset by reinstalling fsx. any other addons i have is EZdok and mega airport Schiphol which also has the glitch. The picture is Rotterdam (EHRD) default. Thanks for anyhelp, i hope i can solve this and dont have to reinstall fsx and do it without my REX. Greetz Robert. Think i posted this in the wrong topic right? im sorry if so.
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