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FS2crew not showing up on 787 FMC

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Hi, I just purchased and downloaded the fs2crew files for the qw787 today. The installation took less than 10 seconds, and everything seemed normal. However, I cannot find the fs2crew 787 config manager anywhere on my PC, and the option to enable fs2crew is not showing up on the 787 FMC, what happened? 

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There  was a Read Me file in the download zip file that says there's no separate Config Manager.

You need to activate FS2Crew via the FMC as shown in the FAQs thread.

So you're not seeing this?




If not, when you installed FS2Crew, ensure that the FS2Crew installer auto detected the correction location of your FSX/P3D folder.

FS2Crew can't be installed any where other than the main FSX/P3D folder.


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Hi, thank you for your response, it turns out, I did not have the new update for QW787, as I though I did. I installed it now, and it showed up, as in the photo you provided. I clicked enable, and then save config. Is there something else that is supposed to happen afterwards? 



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You need to click Enable, then Save.

Then shut-down P3D / FSX 🙂

Then re-load P3D FSX.

You need to shutdown P3D/FSX because it's updating the panel.cfg file, and you can't write to a file when it's already loaded by the sim (hence the need to shut it down).




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Ok, thank you, the enable light turned amber, and the disable light turned blue, is this good so far? 



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Ok, I did everything you said, and fs2crew is enabled, however, it seems to be on button mode, how do I switch it to voice mode?


Thank you very much for your help! 

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1. Press SEC to open the Secondary Panel from the FS2Crew Main Panel.

2. Go to Config - Setup page on the Secondary Panel.

3. Press the Line Select Key Button beside "Interface Method: Button".  It will then change to Voice.

Your speech recognizer needs to be set to ENGLISH US, AU, UK, IN or CA.

This is all illustrated on Page 20 of the Main Ops manual.


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