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This thread is not dead. I’m here! You can play Flight Unlimited 3 with amazing quality on Windows 10. With all the updates below your airports will be populated, and Air Traffic Control will be realistic. Try to put your jet at 6 miles off the airport in the right direction to an approach or land your biplane without tumbling your nose to the ground.

All that is needed to install and run the game on windows 10:

If you download Flight Unlimited 3 from this link https://www.old-games.com/ the game will work flawlessly with no bugs on windows 10. There is a serious bug with ISO files found on internet (it’s the original version probably). Radio channels get stuck or blocked with an horrible noise on many voices. The software downloaded from Old-Games.com, apparently a "Sold Out" modified version, doesn’t present the radio issue. The radio works perfectly with rogue or bass voices!

Installation tricks: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Flight_Unlimited_III

Install on windows 10 applying “two layers”:

Install ddfix 1.5.13 https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143020 with the help of HxD Hex Editor, change ddraw.dll by ddfix.dll. Follow instructions. This improves DirectX working.

Install dgVoodoo2 2.7 from this link http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2.html  This enables the game to play on Windows 10. Dgvoodoo works with ReShade 4.7 https://nearfile.com/games/reshade/ to improve dramatically graphic quality. (Settings for example: prod80_03_FilmicTonemap | Pirate_Bloom | Pirate_Curve | Pirate_Vibrance | Vibrance_fx | Pirate_LumaSharpen).

In this link https://library.avsim.net/index.php?CatID=lgfu3&Sort=Author&ScanMode=1&Page=1 you have Ansgar Avermeyer AI Package, and a few more planes to install directly, as one Boing 747.

Christopher Low has uploaded Seattle 2006 and SanFran 2006 to his MediaFire account. You can download them using the links below:

Seattle 2006 http://www.mediafire...j59kocbuja241tn

SanFran 2006 http://www.mediafire...mdoiqam8o6127y7

Manual is here: http://alfozavr.wdfiles.com/local--files/fu3-downloads/FU3_Manual.pdf

One more link, (search for "Looking Glass: Flight Unlimited III") https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=displaysearch

In FU3 there is no AntiAliasing (AA) "out of the box" for jagged lines. The turnaround is to apply AA setting in DGVOODOO2. Sadly, this ends up in another issue: white lines appear in most plane cockpits. You can remove this white line downloading CockpitDesigner from the link before. Edit blue rectangle. Increase one pixel the biggest number on X or Y axis. https://gpdev.net/Downloads.html

Play it in 1024 x 768, with 3D acceleration driver activated.


Dear patrickmore,

thanks a lot for holding this classical sim still alive and supporting us with all the usefull hints to get it running under actual operating systems. The flight feeling was and is in FU3 still very good and better than in a lot of other sims. Also if the optic and resolution of the models may not reach nowaday's standards and possibilities - it was several years ahead when it launches. And to get that model quality out of that limited number of polygones (think it was around 2000) - try it in other sims....

I only can offer to support any older development tools if they where missed in the library or only there in older versions. I still have them normaly on my HDD or backups. So if somebody miss it pls. give me an private mail so I "wake up" and can react (adress is still guilty i.e. in my last B747 V2.00 uploads).

Nice greeetings


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hello all,

a small update just fitting to the topic:

if somebody has a "ready to fly" installation and the hardware is "gone", or simply he want' s to go for an original install also a simulated VM (virtual PC) is working perfekt under a lot of operating systems.
I work here with the free available Oracle "virtual box" VM which works so far fine for me.

Just tested my FU3 (which crashes now to desktop with Win7 and an actual NVIDIA card) under the VM with Win-XP and SP3. It directly starts without a new install or modification. So sure no HDD failure, it's the NVIDIA, the driver or one of it's parmeters who causes the CTD.

Means short: start the VM with an original, clean install of Win XP, configure all the needed VM hardware and VM graphics support, attach the drive volume on which FU3 is installed as "shared volume" to allow access, and click on Flight3 - voila and here my FU3 runs. Once you where firm with the Oracle VM and it's several configs this can be another way simply prevent an running install to set everything back to beginning. Only the performance can loose a bit - but under newer hardware not much.
And enjoy flying FU3 is with this trick also unter Linux possible! Because the VM is also running under Linux without problems. Hope this helps also a bit.

here are links to what I'm talking about:


Helpful greetings


Edited by AnsgarA
Posted (edited)

Great tip Ansgar. My comment is, as I have Oracle Virtual Box installed for others games: you could lose performance. My method is solely to pass from DirectX 6, output of FU3, to DirectX11, fully compatible with Windows 10. In addition I propose to obtain a great graphic rendering with ReShade 4.7 (ReShade 4.8 doesn't work), tip provided by Naji who I give my reconnaissance.

Edited by patrikmore

Hi, I allow myself to rescue a description given by AnsgarA on novembre 2015 about a "challenge" (game into the game) you can download from AVSIM (link before) called "Reno Air Racing". What a description!

<< It is a good macro programming of FU3 with AI-planes flying the course direct behind you. 

You will really "feel the racing" atmosphere with great Reno engine sounds surrounding you. The other engines flying the course intelligent together with you! I didn't know if there is any sim who can do like this.

Will mean the other planes learn trying to fly similar as fast as you did. If you get better they are also did it faster+nearer.

Sure it is a bit tricky to find the course pylons around - but don't give up to early - if you're a race guy you will be satisfied later on - for NO MONEY.

May be some crashes occur and an voice in the background is crying: "You word not allowed... :Shame On You: " - but don't give up than - and learn. :wink:

Best is to run with a tuned Mustang P51-D - my "Dago Red" upload gives a good and well fitting model for this.

The course goes left around several red/white pylons in nearly an oval around the area. Start flying high and simply train a bit around until you got it. You have to fly right behind the pylons! Later on try to fly much deeper and sharp around the pylons. I hold the plane nearly all the time in 80-90° vertical turned position.

In this modus the other planes are very near behind you, try to overtake you etc.

After some hours of training - you will be nearly in a race fever.

In MSFS or Xplane I never heard of anything comparable - but may be I'm wrong inbetween.>>


Hello patrikmore,

yes - I fully stand for that I've written above. From time to time I  still enjoy that reno race app in FU3.
You remember: Fly low, Go fast and Turn left! ....
Try it with my Dago Red (P51) and the goal to reach was around 530 or 560mph...(which was my personal top-record). If I search I may found the screenshot of it.

Pls try it yourselve to understand me - helps also your pulse rising up...

  • Like 1

I understand what you're saying.

Switching topic, I'm testing planes on Sanderson airport. Pretty calm, one  plane or none on ATC, sometimes two. On take-off I answer to the radio. On pattern I report downwind... I have a collection of 22 planes. The fokker wasn't flyable. I had to tune it. I borrow physics from another similar plane with resviewer. Now my fokker is flyable (with difficulty). But still, no flaps, no brakes, can be used. I tuned and rearranged cokpits and instruments on the fokker and the geebee with cockpitdesigner, because I couldn't see taxiways when taxiing. If someone is interested, tell me.

Posted (edited)


The FU3 original version, when taxiing, at very low speed on the ground, goes left or right  in an uncontrollable way. When landing, same behavior, goes violently left or right out of the runway, and tumble to the nose.

My modified version is less "aggressive" but still difficult to fly.

• Once the tail is up (should need no help), look for 60kias and pull up.
• To descend, reduce throttle to 15" and trim throttle for ~100kias during descent.
• To slow down reduce throttle to 12" when entering the pattern, and wait until you
slow down to ~80kias. This speed is also valid as an average cruise speed.
• THERE ARE NO FLAPS, so go to the ground slowly, and face the runway
as horizontally as possible. Maintain throttle 12" on final, keep speed ~70kias.
• In the flare, go to idle (7"), aim for 50kias.
• On touchdown, THERE ARE NO BRAKES, pull back on the stick, nose up, THROTTLE
TO IDLE, try to keep the plane straight in line until the plane stops by itself.

Edited by patrikmore
  • 2 weeks later...

@Naji, original FU3 Fokker tumbles to the nose too easily, and it’s also not very stable laterally. It’s too easy to scrape wings. That’s why I modified its physics. I modified also VFR cockpit, so you can see what is in front of you, the runway for example! I modified the GeeBee1 VFR cockpit for the same reason. If someone is interested, please, tell me.

I’m aware I’m almost the only one person playing FU3 game (on windows 10) on the planet. Anyway, I’m going to share below my tips or tweaks to achieve a fulfilling experience. First, how to install dgvoodoo2 and Reshade. (I guess I finally reached an interesting config with Reshade.) From dgvoodoo2 you need D3DImm.dll, DDraw.dll and dgVoodooCpl.exe in the folder game. In DirectX config only set: “Force anisotropic 16x”, “Antialiasing 4x” (you’ll need to edit cockpits as explained before), and “Apply Phong shading when possible”. For Reshade install Reshade 4.7 (for DirectX 11). On install select all the options. Inside the game select: Techniques=LumaSharpen,Pirate_Bloom,Pirate_Curve,Pirate_LumaSharpen,Unsharp,Pirate_Vibrance,prod80_02_Bloom. For activation of shift F2 these lines in ReShade.ini:












  • Like 1

My flt3.cfg file:


language eng

; new stuff

terrain_delta_time 5

maximum_cap 280000000


haze_cache_size 512000

show_distant_mountains 1

opt_wind_accuracy 2


;joystick with throttle and rudder pedals

joy_device 1

rudder_device 1 3

;mixture_device 1 6

throttle_device 1 6



;Nice, non-blocky haze may be achieved with

;TerrainHazeMethod MT

;but probably with a small framerate hit.

;Nice, non-blocky haze may be achieved with

HazeMethod Specular

;but few 3D drivers support it properly.  You'll see things

;like black clouds if your driver doesn't handle it.

;If your 3D driver can handle single-pass blending multitexturing,

;remove the following line for framerate boosts during nighttime



plane Beechjet

airport shn

region seattle


default_weather default.wsd

; AI

pattern_cap 10

takeoff_cap 8

ground_cap 20

cam_mode 11




forcefeedback_xmin 0.

opt_pilot_voice 0

opt_hw_acceleration 1

opt_3dhw_last_hw 1

opt_video_resolution 2

opt_perspective 2

opt_gamma_correction 35

opt_close_caption 0

opt_aircraft_density 84

ai_density_multiplier 0.7

opt_distance_clipping 103

opt_terrain_detail 103

opt_BDensity 5

opt_sun_moon_glare 1

opt_sky_detail 2

opt_enhanced_cumulus 1

opt_fair_weather_cumulus 1

opt_cumuloform_population 58

opt_cumuloform_variability 103

opt_radio_volume 103

;--For proper size taxi-signs

sign_scale .4

;--Change airport beacon brightness

beacon_brightness 2.7

;--Adds "other" airports to the scenery area.


haze_scale 29

turb_scale 40

blackbox_autorec 101803

;the blackbox_real_time option will make your flight recordings stay in better sync with any .wav

; sound files they reference


sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles 2

haze_lowlevelhazelevel 0.1

Xsky_UseLowLevelProfile 1

sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedHW 1

sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenHW 0.999

sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueHW 0.95

sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedScatterHW 0.23

sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.32

sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.42

sky_LowLevel1OpticalDepthHW 800

sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedHW 1

sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenHW 1

sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueHW 1

sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedScatterHW 0.23

sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.32

sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.42

sky_LowLevel2OpticalDepthHW 800


My joykeys.cfg file:

; following assigns both brakes to joystick trigger - a la MSFS

joy_1 console func left_brake_on && func right_brake_on

joy_1_up console func left_brake_off && func right_brake_off

; uses joy 2 for toggle between IFR cockpit view & VFR cockpit view

joy_2 console func Camera_IFR_Cockpit || func Camera_VFR_Cockpit

; uses joy 3 and joy 4 for throttle

joy_3_rep_5 Throttle_Increase 2

joy_4_rep_5 Throttle_Decrease -2

; uses joy 5 to look left

joy_5 console func Look_Left || func Look_Left_Done && func Look_Ahead

; uses joy 6 to look right

joy_6 console func Look_Right || func Look_Right_Done && func Look_Ahead

; tab toggle Autopilot on off

tab Autopilot_OnOff

; ` to show green lines for taxi path at unfamiliar airport -- Alt F12

` Show_Taxi_Path

; A for toggle and lock Air Speed in Autopilot

a Autopilot_HoldAirspeed

; T (Tune) key to auto Tune radio -- same as Alt f

t Auto_Tune_Radio

; uses N for reverse thrust (only when on ground) - same as kp_*

n Reverse_Thrust

; uses \   for navigation lights

\ Toggle_Navigation_Lights

; this uses keys Z or X to trim up or down and D to center trim

z_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Up 3

x_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Down -3

d Elevator_Trim_Center

; this uses key V to put flaps up (restore default position)

v Flaps_Up

; S for speed brakes - same as kp_/

s SpeedBrakes

; uses C to Confirm send Communication to Tower or Ground Control

c Repeat_Message


My last discovery for joykeys.cfg file:

; space toggles between request to Communicate (radio) and Send Message
space console func Communicate || func Repeat_Message

I reassign C for Center trim

D for showing green lines for taxi path

And left `  for Toggle Anti-Ice (original config)

Very convenient.


It is nice patrikmore to see how much pleasure you are deriving from FU3.

As to me, whenever I crave flying in rain (I love rain and dark weather), I jump into FU3. FS2020 still doesn't have that magic feel of flying in a rainy or stormy weather as FU3.

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