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ATIS updated too late

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When approaching the TOD during an IFR flight, I noticed the ATIS is keeping the weather information of the departure time, therefore it is unfortunately not possible to know which is the Runway-in-use to prepare the approach on the FMS... It seems the ATIS is only updated close the arrival airfield, at about 50 NM.

Switching off/on VoxATC to update the ATIS does not seem to be working, and the weather in the ATIS is set to default values (Temp 20/0, Wind calm, QNH 1013).

I am using VoxATC 7.43, with P3D 4.5HF3 and Active Sky for P3Dv4.

Do you know if there is a workaround to force the update of the ATIS near the TOD?



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The weather at the destination is not available from the sim until you are within 60 nm. At the moment the ATIS does not update automatically when the destination weather is available, this still happens at timed intervals so you still get the departure/enroute weather.

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13 hours ago, ToMasterman said:

Do you know if there is a workaround


Not exactly a workaround ........ I can recommend (for the moment) that you review the destination's TAF to "expect the most likely" touchdown direction & at least then input an appropriate arrival (& await the assigned approach after Vox has read the current metar at about 50nm direct). From there, you can ask for a different approach ("0" on the Prompt Page) to the one you may have programmed should you prefer.

I find it a reasonably consistent method if the destination has no crosswind runways.

Of course, if you were to set your afcad for landing in one direction, Vox will respect that even if it is a downwind touchdown (assigning arrivals / approach to match) ...... this is more than predictable, provided your review of the TAF suggests an acceptable downwind component.

A source of afcads configured for "specific" wind directions are the many at AIG .... or you can do your own (?)

for now, cheers

john martin

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7 hours ago, vadriver said:

Not exactly a workaround ........ I can recommend (for the moment) that you review the destination's TAF to "expect the most likely" touchdown direction & at least then input an appropriate arrival (& await the assigned approach after Vox has read the current metar at about 50nm direct).

Hello John,

Thanks for your reply, this is actually what I do to mitigate the effects of the ATIS not updating, unfortunately, in the case of Parallel runways operations, or if the wind is VRB, I would have to request the Approach the prepared runway to force my way 😁

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2 hours ago, ToMasterman said:

I would have to request the Approach the prepared runway to force my way 😁

indeed, it is a cumbersome time as a SP in an airliner ..... too many things to do.

it is why i prefer using "directional" afcads .... it is all predictable in Vox (which it would be if weather was read for touchdown rather than 30mins before).

i am more than comfortable with downwinds .... are you ? as best i know, Vox is the only ATC addon which allows downwind departures/landings.

for now, cheers

john martin

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7 hours ago, vadriver said:

i am more than comfortable with downwinds .... are you ? as best i know, Vox is the only ATC addon which allows downwind departures/landings.

Of course, as any simmer should be 😎

VoxATC is indeed the best ATC addon I know, but if it could be even better, almost perfect, it would be the best ever 😁

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This problem has been around at least since version 6.52 and the developer has been well aware of this bug for many years. I've written to him a thousand times and pointed this out equally often here in the forum. In fact, it would be trivial for Tegwyn to correct it with one or two simple lines of programming: Some 55 miles out (when the arrival weather is available in the ATIS stream, force VOX to update arrival ATIS and postpone the handover to approach until let's say 45 miles out such that the pilot gets the chance to listen to the ATIS broadcast with correct arrival weather and to make approach assign the correct runway) It would be really THAT easy, but unfortunately the developer does not communicate with his customers at all, another sad fact which has been well known here for years...

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On 12/1/2020 at 11:42 AM, bmaik said:

the developer does not communicate with his customers at all, another sad fact which has been well known here for years...

Not true, I think you'll find TW active here on this forum now... 🙂

Kevin Firth - i9 10850K @5.2; Asus Maximus XII Hero; 32Gb Cas16 3600 DDR4; RTX3090; AutoFPS; FG mod

Beta tester for: UK2000; JustFlight; VoxATC; FSReborn; //42

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