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The Goose

Mig 21 Bis released

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Anybody aware of this release or already bought?



Br Marc



12900K | Crucial 4TB | 64GB | ASUS RTX 3090 

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I have been following them for a few months. It certainly looks full featured. 

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Not purchased yet but tempted to go for the standard edition. The extended edition is not an option for me as it requires a P3Dv4.5 / v5.1 Professional Plus license (!)

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Im looking forward to read or view a short review of this bird, as I only have the non Prof. version I would go for the standard edition as well.

Are you 100% sure that the extended version requires the Professional Plus version of P3D? I can't find anything about that in e.g. simmarket.



12900K | Crucial 4TB | 64GB | ASUS RTX 3090 

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The Goose: The Novawing24 guy talks about this in the 20 Dec Novawrap youtube video and today several Sim Outhouse members found out the hard way the extended edition does not work on other P3D licences.

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Thanks for the information.

Unfortunately not only the weapons are not in the std. version, rain effects and bird strike as well...not that important but from immersion point of view...


Maybe I pass this one.



12900K | Crucial 4TB | 64GB | ASUS RTX 3090 

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I’m one of the users on the Sim Outhouse P3D forum that encountered issues and seemed to have assisted in solving the mystery as to the weapons functionality. The developers developed this aircraft with a fully featured pro+ or dev license and didn’t realize that Academic and non-Plus Pro licenses prohibit weapon visibility and functionality in P3D. This is the only aspect that I believe is “broken” right now. Note that the Extended also includes rain effects and a rare bird strike effect that I believe still work. All other features and systems work with non Plus licenses.

In the short term, it sounds like GKS will be releasing an update with configurable static weapons (for appearances purposes) within the coming days. They will continue to see if they can somehow make working weapons for non Plus licenses in the future.

For what it’s worth, the model is still extremely detailed from both a systems and a visuals perspective, and the developer is very responsive to support inquiries via email, their forum, and other forums, so even with the lack of weapons functionality at present, I’d argue that the aircraft is still worth it.

Sean K.

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Was looking at this, but the problem is that it is 40 quid, which ordinarily would be okay if there was no alternative (disregarding that there is a pretty good freeware one for P3D), but there is a cheaper and more capable payware alternative which is difficult to ignore, this being the DCS version of the MiG-21Bis.

The DCS version is currently on sale for literally half the price of this one, and for that price it has fully functional weapons and systems; these even include some nuclear bombs - for when you really want to be sure lol - and it has a single-player campaign with loads of missions too.

It's hard to justify not choosing the DCS one when comparing the two and I think the only thing which might swing that for some, is the fact that you can fly the P3D version anywhere you like, but even then you could always use the freeware one for that.

Apart from that, I think if you have a MiG-21 in a sim, you're gonna want to shoot and bomb stuff with it. It was literally the iconic 'bogie man' fighter plane for most people in the west, for decades, so actually getting to see how much of a threat it really can be is fairly irresistible.

Not only this, DCS have just announced that you can try all there stuff out with their free to play option until Jan 11, so really, the timing of the release of this one for P3D probably could not have been worse. I wish the developers well with it, but in view of the opposition from DCS and the problems this one has with some stuff not functioning, I think they have a bit of a battle on their hands.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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GKS/Aviasim released a weapons payload visual patch. Please note that users need the Pro Plus version for fully working (launchable) weapons systems. This patch is for Academic and Pro (regular) only. 


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