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  1. I tried v6 and went back to v5.4 because v6 HDR cannot be disabled. The v6 world looks gloomy / brownish as if I am looking through sunglasses, v5.4 with HDR disabled looks much better for me.
  2. No problems here (P3Dv5.4)
  3. Installed the 5.4 client and encountered one issue sofar: The sim did not start, the cause was I still did have the Traffictoolbox module enabled in my DLL.exe file. Once I removed the entry from DLL.exe, the problem was solved. EDIT: Traffictoolbox is no longer located in the SDK since it is now included in the core application, it can be accessed through the Tools->Development menu inside of Prepar3D.
  4. The stock P3D ATC files (USEnglishBig.gvp / USEnglishASOS.gvp) are still the same as they were in FSX so it should not make a difference.
  5. IIRC you need to assign a key in the MVAMS app - keyboard assignments, e.g. Shift G.
  6. Not for Milviz. In the video they explained their core business/highest priority is defense contract work. Also in the video, they announced the brand name Milviz will be split into a professional/defense contracts branch and a separate brand for entertainment (MSFS) products, further announcements will follow soon. Edit: In the video they said they are selling no more than 3 or 4 P3D products per week these days...
  7. You can make the P3Dv2 library scenery.cfg use your FSX scenery addon folders, it is simply a matter of putting in the folder paths. There are a few caviats like older FSX afcad taxiways not showing in P3Dv2 (which can be fixed with ADE) and FS9 scenery objects which work in FSX but do not display in P3Dv2. I have my addon scenery on a separate drive, FSX and P3D are on another drive, sharing the same addon scenery, no duplicates needed.
  8. If you predominantly fly in the UK, you don't need a vector add on because your Orbx FTX EU England/Scotland already includes custom mesh, land class and vector data. If you want more accurate lakes, shorelines, streets, highways, train lines, power lines, streams etc. in the rest of Europe you need to turn on your vector add on.
  9. Does not look like a duplicate, 1 appears to be an airport afcad, the other a traffic file, different beasts, best to be left alone.
  10. You will find that same typo in the old FSX SDK - "Terrain SDK" > "Scenery Configuration File" chapter. The QMID level 4 numbering really is Col-Row, the same numbering is used for the FSX/P3D base scenery folders: 0000-0007, 0101-0107 etc. The FSX SDK explains it correctly in the "Terrain and Scenery" chapter: "The first two numbers refer to the column of data (from 00 to 11) and the second two to the row of data (from 00 to 07). So 0000 contains the default information for the top left hand rectangle in the diagram below, and 1107 the information for the bottom right hand rectangle."
  11. Are you sure you run P3D as administrator? You need to run P3D as administrator, otherwise the FSRecorder menu entry will not show. BTW: I just tested it with the latest hot fix (2.5.12946.0) and it still works.
  12. Removing the [JOBSCHEDULER] and FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.1 tweaks did solve the blurries for me (I use Orbx FTX England).
  13. Go to Menu bar: Options > Settings > General. Then check the "Progam - Use system time for Default Flight" flag. EDIT: Admins please delete this reply - Penz was quicker. B)
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