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  1. Hello, is there somebody who can kindly help me on how to turn on/engage the NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM? I checked the whole cockpit switches without success, manuals didn't point me. Thank you so much.
  2. It seems that it uses all but the JPGs, because it downloads the same images in BMP format. Why BMP ?   Did I miss some setting?
  3. I have no clue. You are perfectly right. In fact ortho4XP 1.3 (the original for X-Plane) downloads JPGs.
  4. @ kjjj11223344 Hello, I have created orthosceneries for X-plane by means of ortho4xp 1.30 and I have still the JPGs in Orthophotos folder, plus Elevation_data, Masks and OSM_data. I have already copied these folders to Ortho4XP_FSX_P3D-master folder Can I use them to create the same for P3D without going from the whole process since the satellite images download? Thank you!
  5. Ciao Alberto, il link del download non funziona. Grazie e complimenti. Sergio
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