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AITX Client and P3Dv5

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Hi Oliver,

I have a small online flying group of old retired chaps.

I have AITX and I am trying to get the AITX client to work for them, so that can see any AI planes I add around me. We tried last night but without success.

There is no installer for P3Dv5 in the client zip.  Does that mean it will not work for P3Dv5 or you just haven't made one yet ?.

Is there a way we can convert the P3Dv4 installer to work in V5 ? Copy the contents of the Documents\ P3dV4 addons to Documents\ P3Dv5 addons., or it can't be that easy ?

We use JoinFS as our online platform

I welcome your suggestions. 


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Hello Mark,

There is no V5 installer because nobody ever requested one...

What does "without success" mean exactly? Theoretically the V4 version should work.


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Thanks for the reply.

A V5 installer would just make the old guys more 'relaxed' making things automatic. If V4 should work that'll be OK.

I'll try and explain the problem. We use JoinFS for all of us to join over the internet. I assume that would be in replacement of the Multiplayer button ?

As it was I surrounded myself with AI aircraft but the '' client' could see me but not the AI planes. We made sure that he had the same planes in his simobjects folder.

So next, whilst still in Join FS, and seeing each other, but not the AI, I clicked on the Multiplayer. Then clicked on server. 

The clients plane then came up on the main AITX screen of all the AI, but within the Server dialogue box, nothing. He also could not see any of my AI. Also he did not have anywhere to input my ip and port adress if it was needed.

Lastly he did not have any menu options show up in P3Dv5, if the client does get any.

I hope that makes things a bit clearer 

So do we copy the V4 AITX client files in documents folder to V5 documents folder or no need. ? 

Am I duplicating having JoinFS AND clicking on Multiplayer ?

Any test we can try to see if V5 can see the client ?

I hope this is a little more clearer.



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Hello Mark,

that is not how it works... The AITX Server and Client need to connect to each other - this is an entirely separate network conenction that has nothing to do with P3D (but naturally both apps must connect to their local P3D through SimConnect to display the networked planes). I don't think that it is a good idea to use both AITX and JoinFS at the same time, since they both do the same thing. Besides, doesn't JoinFS propagate AI aircraft too? So it would be sufficient to just run AITX on your end, without bothering with the Multiplayer feature? 

The P3D V4 Client works fine with V5, no copying of files or anything is required. On both computers the sim should be running. First you need to put your running AITX app in Multiplayer - Server mode. Then he starts the Client on the other computer, presses the "Connect to P3D" button, and once that turns dark grey (=the app is connected), he clicks on "Multiplayer", enters the IP and Port, then presses "Run as Client". If the connection is successful (firewall! port forwarding!) he will show up in your AITX Server Chat Window, and he will see you in his Client chat window. Once all that is up and running you can share the AI in the main list of AITX - either individual ones or all of them. Please check the manual for further details about that.

When I have a bit of time I will make a V5 version, but it is definitely not necessary to run this scenario. And it shouldn't be necessary when you already have JoinFS?



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Thank you Oliver. Great instructions. 

Here in Australia, must be off to bed now. Hopefully one of my client aircrew can test with me tomorrow so I'll report back as soon  as we've tried.

Sounds straight forward enough.

Best regards


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Hi Oliver,

Well we followed your instructions. Doing Port forwarding in my router helped. I also put in my Public IP address in the AITX Multiplayer NetworkHandler box instead of accepting the default that showed up when first starting.

So now we are further down the track but not quite there yet.

Only using AITX ( with me being the server ) , we can see each others plane. Also the dialogue boxes for Server and client see each other and we can chat in the chat box.


The client cannot see any of my AI aircraft I add via AITX.

Not sure what to do next ?

Maybe changing to another port ?

We'll have this sorted soon. 

Thanks for your help and advice


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21 minutes ago, kingchiro said:

Not sure what to do next ?

AITX manual, chapter 7.8 and 7.9

You must "consciously" share the AI planes using the right-click context menu on the main list of the Server app.

That decision was made because every networked plane creates load on each module - and the network connection. They are shared just the same way as player aircraft. So you get a choice of how many you want to actually share.


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Got it.

I wrongly assumed that as soon as you setup and connect the Server/Client that any AITX added AI would be automatically seen by the clients.You need to manually Share or Share All for them to be seen by the client, as long as they have the same models in their simobjects folder

I'll retest on weekend with a client and confirm all good but so far, brilliant.

Thanks again


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1 hour ago, kingchiro said:

I wrongly assumed that as soon as you setup and connect the Server/Client that any AITX added AI would be automatically seen by the clients

I thought that the risk was just too great. If a powerful server computer can handle a couple of hundred AI, that doesn't mean that every client can handle a similar amount of networked planes...


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Yes, I get it that you opted for the manual sharing of AI. 

I just wanted to tell you that we tested it out with the sharing and everything worked like a charm. I had to turn off Traffic in P3D because one of your options was Share All. So, as it implies, all the AI, even the ones generated by P3D that showed up in the main AITX screen, were sent to the clients. That is great as it now gives me more options.

My WWII mission on Monday for my flight crew is now achievable.

I am flying a Japanese flying boat ( an Emily) with a Rear Admiral around the Solomon Islands inspecting airfields.

My other members have three Vought Corsair F4U's and they will try and find me and shoot me down. At least on Monday I will now be able to have an escort of Zero fighters that the Corsairs will be able to see ! I can also send off other Japanese flights using their own flight plans to lure the Corsairs away.

That is what I can't thank you enough for making these dreams come true for us old blokes.

Thank you again for your help and patience.


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1 hour ago, kingchiro said:

Thank you again for your help and patience.


Hello Mark,

sure thing. There are a handful of similar use cases, for example at a Tornado museum in England.

... IIRC you as the Server should be able to place a Zero on their six in Formation mode that they will not be able to shake 😉

Years ago another customer told me that he modded FireFighterX into a WW2 app. IIRC the fires have been turned into tanks etc. or AA cannons that shoot flak, and the retardant drops are bombs (that actually destroy the assets on the ground, which for the app is functionally the same as putting out the fire). FFX has the same network functionality, and custom AI planes etc. too. Naturally, those AI have been designed to fight fires, but they don't really care what you make them do...

Best regards


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