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About kingchiro

  • Birthday 03/17/1959

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  1. An update. My group had our online VR flight and we could see each other. So, I am living proof that you can cancel the beta updates and live to tell the tale.
  2. Yes, I have. I have the Steam version and opted out of the Update11 beta, once everyone had updated to the released Update 11. I feared the worst as I have tried to bail out previously when everyone was on 10 and the wheels came off. All I could do was re install or go back into beta, which was what I did with no problems. So now my MSFS seems to be running fine, however all will be revealed when I have my on line VR flying group on Monday morning. They were all Update 10 and whilst I was in beta we couldn't see each other. We had to use JoinFS to see each other. Now they are all update 11, we SHOULD see each other from within MSFS.🤞 Mark
  3. Hi chaps, Well I can happily report that the Y and then F4 to go up ( or F3 for smaller increments ) is the easiest and quickest way to go. One of my crew has just contacted me to show me something he had just discovered and I'll share it with you. Another method added to yours so we have a plethora of choices now. At the top menu, Dev Mode, go to: WINDOWS TELEPORT WINDOWS AIRPORT SELECT AIRPORT (ICAO) SELECT THEN WHEN YOUR PLANE APPEARS, PRESS Y. DONE... AND THE FLIGHT PLAN IS STILL THERE. Thank you so much for your help. Definitely learnt something today. Regards and keep up the flight plans. You have fans here in Australia that have been reading your posts ..........for years ! Mark S., Mark C, Peter, Brent and Steve.
  4. Thank you so much Mike and Jeff. Looks like you've covered some great solutions we'll give a try. Fortunately we don't fly Idaho Dirt Strips on a regular basis. I think the slew in crashed plane position could be the winner and the most convenient. I'm looking forward to trying all the solutions and will report back. We all really got sucked into the immersiveness of VR in P3D ( I also have a full size Learjet 45 simulator running P3D V5 in my shed ) but the lure of the graphics in MSFS was too much to miss out on. Thanks again, Mark S.
  5. Hi all, My flying group ( mainly VR ) needs some advice. We are based here in Australia. We have been flying fortnightly VR flights using P3D V5 but have now moved to MSFS and are running into some 'problems'. I know you all specialise in flying in a wonderful group, so whom better to ask. For our first official flight yesterday, I threw them into the deep end with the Idaho Dirt Strips Revisited flight plan ! Well needless to say we all crashed at certain airports, (did anyone mention Dewey Moore 😲). My/our question is, if you can't already guess, choosing Restart after crashing will take you back to the original airport and then you need to slew to catchup to wherever everyone else is. That is OK as it keeps the flight plan loaded on the GPS, but takes time for everyone to catchup. If we alternatively go back to the World menu and choose the airport to spawn where everyone is that's fine, but NO flight plan on the GPS is loaded. Remember we are VR so we can't easily look at Plan G or Little Navmap and it is easier following the panel GPS with a loaded flight plan. Getting out of VR is doable but multiple times is fraught with danger. Are we missing something or how do people catchup to the others if you are late or behind and still have your flight plan loaded ? Be gentle as we are trying to change our brains from P3D to MSFS. Thanks for any advice. Cheers Mark Speechley
  6. Retired Chiropractor and Acupuncturist, just over 2 years now. I've been flight simming since my Commodore Amiga days. Now I have a magnificent full size Learjet 45 cockpit to keep me occupied. I built a purpose built 'hangar' to house it, out in a paddock. When the wife unfurls her infinite list of jobs, she know where to find me............................unfortunately.
  7. I have very little to no stutters, but I assume the stutters are down to your settings for texture, cloud, AI, shadows etc. As for bezel correction it is with surround mode.
  8. I always assumed that it was Nvidia Surround, but I could be wrong. DSR is not given as an option that I've seen if you are in SLI. This gets a little grey here as we are told that P3D does not work in SLI however this 3 screen setup works as seen and setup in the NVIDIA control panel. I think that the stretching of the middle screen out to the lateral screens may be a P3D feature and not NVIDIA. Please can anybody confirm or deny for my own interest as well.
  9. I have been doing this for a few years now and have always had the option of bezel correction when you change the resolution. It works for me so have another look at your end. Mark
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