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How to extract Jeppesen(/Garmin) navdata to RXP


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Not sure whether this is more a question for RealityXP or for Garmin/Jeppesen, but although I read lots of posts about updating the RXP GNS430 with the GTN trainer databases, I could not find detailed instructions about how to actually transfer real-world GNS430 data from a Jeppesen subscription to a desktop for use with RXP in XP11. There is a short section about this on the RXP FAQ section but that did not clear things up for me. I hoped to be able to download them to the desktop using the Skybound G2 USB adapter, but this does not seem possible.

Is there any place where I can find more detailed instructions for this, or can anyone explain how to to do this?  

Many thanks

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If you buy a navdata update from Jeppesen, you can download it on a PC using Jeppesen Distribution Manager, and you'll find it in a tarball somewhere under C:\ProgramData\Jeppesen\Jdm\jdmcache (if I remember correctly). You don't need a Skybound G2 USB adapter (I don't have one).

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17 hours ago, Kakugo said:

If you buy a navdata update from Jeppesen, you can download it on a PC using Jeppesen Distribution Manager, and you'll find it in a tarball somewhere under C:\ProgramData\Jeppesen\Jdm\jdmcache (if I remember correctly). You don't need a Skybound G2 USB adapter (I don't have one).

This is helpful, thank you, will check this!


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  • Commercial Member

.@Lennard78 Hi, you'll find more information about this in the dedicated topic.

I'd suggest you start with the recommended posts pinned at the top:



Jean-Luc | reality-xp.com
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