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F16 afterburner help needed

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When I first downloaded the ViperDen, installed it and realized I couldn't live with the Glass tranparency issue in VC I deleted it; Then I found a fix, that didn't help, later on I found another that after unzipping the file it gave me the result of a .Bmp file that work !😃 The transparency even improved the look of the panel in VC.

Then I realized the AfterBurner effect was on ALL the time, even at idle and the lights blincked insasibely/Constantly, so I deleted again. Now after reinstalling I am more satisfied. I tried, only copying the Exhaust effect, hoping it was the Afterburner, but nothing shows.

Can anyone advice?


P.D. I am running FSX Acceleration.

Edited by Berlopez
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I have split this topic off from the 2003 original.  Is the A/B effect triggered by any of the lights?  What does the [lights] section of the aircraft.cfg look like?

I have a Kirk Olsen F-16.  This is my [lights] section:  If you use L key to turn on all of your lights, it also turns on the A/B!

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0= 1, -5.2,   0.00, -2.70, fx_beacon ,
light.1= 1,-20.317, 0.00, 12.10, fx_kVbeacon ,
light.2= 3, -9.5, -16.70,  0.70, fx_knavred
light.3= 3, 12.2,  -2.48, -1.40, fx_knavred ,
light.4= 3, -9.5,  16.70,  0.70, fx_knavgre
light.5= 3, 12.2,   2.48, -1.40, fx_knavgre ,
light.6= 3,-19.3,   0.00,  4.15, fx_knavwhi ,
light.7= 4, 15.56,  0.00,  3.50, fx_f20_vclight_red ,

//----------afterburner effects------------------------
light.8=9,  -19.70,  0.00,   0.0,  fx_F14_Burn1                                  //fx_F16ko_BURN_ONE
light.9=9,  -19.70,  0.00,   0.0,  fx_F14_Burn2                                  //fx_F16ko_BURN_TWO 
light.10=9,  -22.30,  0.00,  0.0,  fx_F14_Burnerflame                            //fx_F16ko_TORCH_FLAME
light.11=9,  -18.00,  0.00   0.00  fx_F14_Burnerflame                                                       //fx_F16ko_GLITTER  
light.12=9,  -23.00   0.00   0.00  fx_F14_Burnerflame

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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Charlie,Sorry I left the topic unanswered.I did realise than when one turns the lights on the A.B. Effect shows.


Edited by Berlopez
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