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Auto Brake Selector for PMDG with TCA - Struggle / Help

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Posted (edited)

I am struggling for a while to try and set my Autobrake selector of my PMDG 737 (MSFS)  with AxisAndOhs & Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus

spacer.pngAOGEw94.png 5Rsf4gG.png

I some how partially made it work on some buttons, but if i select another button selector it goes to off, etc.

Can any one tell me what values to set at each button for it to work well (Button 21-25)?
any one got this to work on your side? if so, care sharing your settings?

Edited by Akila

Joel Strikovsky

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Posted (edited)

How do you want this to work? Isn't the knob on the TCA for Autopilot functionality only?

Generally speaking what you do is this:

1. For turning the AutoBrake knob to the right, select ROTOR_BRAKE as the Key Down Event, then dial in 46007 into the event value box to the right

2. For turning the AutoBrake knob to the left, select ROTOR_BRAKE as the Key Down Event, then dial in 46008 into the event value box to the right

The value box makes big changes when you place your mouse cursor over the left half of the box and spin the mouse wheel, small changes are made with the mouse cursor on the right half
Or doubleclick the box and enter the number with your keyboard

In any case, you may want to assign a Combo button, so the AutoBrake is only handled when you want it to.

If you want to set the auto brake selector to specific positions, use the PDMG SDK Events instead. In this case #70092: EVT_MPM_AUTOBRAKE_SELECTOR. Values 0-5 will set the selector to the desired position. You can do that directly on the button assignment, by assigning #70092 as the Key Down event and then dialling in the number that you want to send to it in the value box to the right. Or use a script "n (>K:#70092)" n is the number to send, 0-5

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Posted (edited)

I tried the 70092 events 1-5 but it all got screwed up as I don't understand if I need to put in event up or event down (not sure what those even mean, the documentation didn't really explain it)

the problem is that the TCA has 5 buttons in total. each knob on the controller is a button , apart from the DISARM knob which is not any button (probably off).
the PMDG auto brake has 6 positions. so does the TCA knobs, it has 6 positions. but only 5 buttons are active in the knob dial.

i tried event up event down (I really need to understand what those mean, couldn't understand from the documentation), so it works one direction if i climb up the knobs, but when i go down the knobs, it is all screwed up.

Edited by Akila

Joel Strikovsky

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13 minutes ago, Lorby_SI said:


the problem is what if I go back to from higher knob to a lower knob, it will go back to the right?

for example I am at knob position "3" and I switch to position "2" wouldn't it now go to position "4" as the command to go right/increase?

Joel Strikovsky

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6 minutes ago, Akila said:

I really need to understand what those mean

They mean exactly what they say:

Key Down Event = Button on your joystick is pressed
Key Up Event = Button on your joystick has been released

In your case, with a rotary encoder, using Key Up Events doesn't make any sense IMHO. Every time you turn the knob you would get two events - the Key Down from the new position and the Key Up from the previous position. That just doesn't do anything helpful.

What kind of hardware are we talking about exactly? I can only look at pictures of the TCA, but I have no idea what "knob dial with 5 positions" you are talking about. I see a freely rotating knob and below it a selector for autopilot modes??


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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Akila said:

the problem is what if I go back to from higher knob to a lower knob, it will go back to the right?

for example I am at knob position "3" and I switch to position "2" wouldn't it now go to position "4" as the command to go right/increase?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

The assignment in my screenshot is for a freely rotating knob that has basically "endless" positions. Like the one that you use to change altitude or heading - OK? 46007 is assigned to the right turn in one assignment, 46008 to the left turn in another assignment - nothing more to it.

But as I said, I have no idea what "knob" exactly you are talking about. If it is not "endless", but has 5 distinct positions instead, you can only target 5 positions on the auto brake selector - and that's that. For this you need the second option that I've specified above, 5 disctinct assignments to #70092 with different values in the value box (0-4 or 1-5)

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Posted (edited)

It's the Thrustmeter TCA Airbus Capitan Edition. it has 6 positions on the knob dial, but only 5 of them are actually buttons. the DISARM position is not a button.
the button count start from BTV

DISARM = no button (empty Knob I guess that press no button)

BTV = Button 21

Low = Button 22

2 = Button 23

3 = Button 24

HI = Button 25



So I would love to set it on the PMDG (if possible) as:

Disarm = RTO
BTV = Off

Edited by Akila

Joel Strikovsky

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Posted (edited)

That's too bad. 

You can try this:

1. You will need 5 button assignments, and every button assignment will have #70092: EVT_MPM_AUTOBRAKE_SELECTOR as the Key Down Event

2. On each assignment you put a different number into the value box of the Key Down Event.

21 = 1
22 = 2
23 = 3
24 = 4
25 = 5

3. Now you should be able to turn the selector through these positions

4. I don't know if this works, but I would put #70092: EVT_MPM_AUTOBRAKE_SELECTOR as the Key Up Event with value 0 ONLY on the assignment of button 21. OK? The idea is that turning the knob down from 21 into DISARM will release button 21, so the Key Up Event should fire. And turning it the other way, while the key up is triggered too, it should be overridden by button 22.

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yeah I tried this already. it works partially. when I dial up it works fine, but button 21 acts wired when I come back to it from button 22. it is like it registers the event up of "0" instead of the event down of "1"

Joel Strikovsky

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Akila said:

yeah I tried this already. it works partially. when I dial up it works fine, but button 21 acts wired when I come back to it from button 22. it is like it registers the event up of "0" instead of the event down of "1"

Key Up is only fired when button 21 is released. Unless - these positions are actually momentary buttons that always send Key Down and Key Up directly behind it. That would be a weird choice on part of Thrustmaster, but you never know.
Does the green LED stay lit when you turn the knob into a specific position or does it go out again?

I have a similar knob on my Honeycomb Bravo - but with that one the buttons are pressed down permanently when I turn the selector = the LEDs are always on = there are no Key Up events unless I turn the knob again.

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Posted (edited)

Maybe I got it wrong as I don't remember, It could be (need to test it again), that the issue was that when I switch from b21 to b22 the b21 "release" function overrides the B22 "press" function.

so what happens is that from RTO (no button/Disarm) it goes to Off (BTV/B21) as expected, but from BTV/B21 to LO/B22 it goes back to RTO position on the PMDG, like it was released.
I'll test it now again and tell you what is the behavior 

Just a thought: is there a way to priorities it? or maybe playing with the "ms" (miliseconds) on one that will basically cause it not to be long enough for it to actually go into or something?

Edited by Akila

Joel Strikovsky

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Akila said:

Just a thought: is there a way to priorities it? or maybe playing with the "ms" (miliseconds) on one that will basically cause it not to be long enough for it to actually go into or something?

If these are momentary buttons (=the green LED on the button assignment doesn't stay lit) then there is no way to make this work. Sorry. You will have to assign RTO to another button. Or figure out a scripted solution of some kind, with a state machine and possibly timers - which will be really hard to do.

So the big question is - do the LEDs on the button assignments stay lit for this knob or not? 

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Posted (edited)

there isn't any led. it is a cheap mechanicals / electrical switch hub. it seems like each Knob is a press a button and stays there like a hold positions (constantly pressed).
i got to this conclusion (i don't know if it is the best conclusion method),
when selecting this button (either one of the 5 buttons in the dial  knob) in the MSFS built in key binding settings (after assigning it to some function), it stays lit (in the MSFS key settings - you know the part that you see what button is bind to what function, when you click on the button is lights up) as long as it is at that position, while with other buttons on my yoke, etc. which are ordinary clickable buttons ,it is lit during the click only  (unless you hold the button pressed). so my conclusion that the knob buttons are Press and Hold, meaning it is constantly pressed until you switch to another position in the knob dial and then that other button is pressed and hold.

Edited by Akila

Joel Strikovsky

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1 minute ago, Akila said:

there isn't any led.

I am talking about the green LED images on the button assignment in AAO.


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