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    ActiveSky for MSFS Released

    Bob Scott

    HiFiSim is pleased to announce the release of a new product in its long line of innovative weather add-on software--this time for the Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) platform.

    Active Sky FS (ASFS) provides direct MSFS2020 integration to bring the Active Sky weather engine to the MSFS2020 (PC) platform.

    Focused on comprehensive weather realism simulation, ASFS includes high-fidelity weather data and synthesis, planning, briefing, mapping, live weather, optional historical weather with playback, custom weather, scenarios, API, multiple depiction options, active air effects, snow depth data control, voice features, Navigraph and SimBrief integration, and much, much more.

    Details are available at the ASFS product page: http://hifisimtech.com/asfs

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    Hello from the Blind Pilot. I have my copy of fs 2020 via steam. I've tried e-mail Jorg since the beginning of 2024 with no success, so I thought I'd try writing to this list. Like I stated I purchased my copy of fs 2020 via steam. I've uninstalled and reinstalled fs 2020 until I'm blue in the face. No matter what I do, when I launch fs, it come up in the option mode and I can't access the main screen, I can't access the world golbe to select a aircraft to fly nor can I file a flight plan. Can anyone help me out with this? Also, if FS can't get fs 2020 to be accessible for we who need to see via our ears since our eyes don't work, how are they going to make fs 2024 to be accessible? I miss the good old days of fsx. If anyone can help me out, Now I thought Jorg and the team were going to take our input seriously, since we had roud table conference phone calls, but it isn't looking like it. We've tried to show the team why their bright idea of having their own built in screen reader isn't working. But it's like, don't call us, we'll call you and don't hold your breath while waiting for us to get in touch with you. This is sad. I thank all who can maybe help me out. Ron AKA the Blind Pilot

    Edited by Ray Proudfoot
    Email address removed

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    @Blind Pilot, you’ve posted this in the Announcement section which won’t be seen by many people.

    I cannot move your post to the main Microsoft Flight Sim forum. Please copy and paste in there. Once you’ve done that I’ll hide this one.

    Please exclude your email address too. Spambots will see it and you could get a lot of unwanted emails. I’ve removed it from this post.

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