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  1. Thanks for the responses and I will read the manual. Sounds as if there is a lot to learn. Brad Storm
  2. Thanks a lot for the quick responses. Any problems installing liveries? Looking forward to flying this great plane. Brad Storm
  3. I plan to purchase the 737NGX later this week. My question is, have any of the hot fixes been incorporated into the current download version or will I have to install the hotfixes myself?Thanks. Brad Storm
  4. Bob, I sent an email to your GMail account. Thanks, Brad
  5. I have been having the same problem with the airspeed indicator needle and speed drum. I have discovered that the airspeed indicator failure for me is tied to the windowed mode and then going to full screen. I always start in windowed mode. If I load the Tinmouse directly (or load the default Cessna first, then load the Tinmouse), as long as I stay in windowed mode, airspeed indicator works fine. Once I go to Full Screen it stops working and I have to reload the aircraft (in full screen) and then the airspeed needle, drum start working again. Brad
  6. I also forgot in my last message that when I have to do this "on-line" key activation, I also have to go to the options page and redo all the options, such as DWC, etc. ASE doesn't seem to save the config file and then when load, it uses the defalut config file.Thanks, Brad Storm
  7. Keith, This happens to me also. I installed ASE and activated the key upon install. When I launched ASE the first time I got a window that said "on-line" key activation required. I clicked OK and shortly ASE on line key activation was a success. I thought this on line activation might been since it was the first time I used the program Now, when I open ASE, it starts to download, then stops and I get a window that says "on-line" key activation is required. I click OK and a short time later ASE on-line key activation is a success. Is this something new in ASE or did I load it incorrectly. Is this on-line key activation going to happen everytime? I did a full install of ASE, not an upgrade. Any help would be appreciatedThanks, Brad Storm
  8. I have just started using Tile Proxy and really enjoy it. However, I am having a problem. I can't get Service 4 to work. The DOS screens scrolls very fast with Service 4 and as best I can read it basically say cannot connect. I don't have any problems with Service 1 and 3. I am using Ed Truthan's ini file. Can someone tell me what the "module_config" should be.Below is my current Service 4 ini:[service Example 4]cache_folder=C:\cache.service4network_module=libnettilemodule_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://mapcache*.ask.com|path=/sat/%Z/%X/%Y?partner=|balance=1234|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"min_level=5max_level=19map_version=1color_hack=Yescolor_level=12bulk_extend=50Also, after Tile Proxy get done loading using Service 1 and 3, in the DOS window, the top left oval is still empty, while the remaining 9 ovals are filled with asterics. Is that normal?What is the best service for North America and the Caribbean?Thanks in advance.Brad
  9. Thanks Tim, I was just wondering and am looking forward to the FSX version of both Maam DC-3 and Briefing Time. Brad
  10. I run FSX on Vista 64. I do like to use the DX-10 preview. I get good frame rates, etc. I know that FS-9 aircraft textures can be imported to FSX, which I have done for both the MAAM DC-3 and Briefing Time and I also know that those textures will not work wiith DX-10, the fuselage of both aircraft are a real bright white. I can deal with the "white" aircraft, but I was wondering since the FSX defalut DC-3 textures work in DX-10, if there was any way to use the defalut FSX DC-3 fuselage textures for the MAAM DC-3 fuselage textures, just so I don't have a "white" plane. If not, I can live with it and looking forward the the FSX versions of MAAM and Briefing Time. Brad
  11. Steve, OK the light bulb just went on. I just went to the AVSIM library and I have now realized that I misread the download. I had a major brain malfunction, getting old I guess. I somehow misread the download and thought that there were 10 parts of version 2, and each part had 10 zip files. I have now realized that I downloaded the same 10 files, 10 times. Thank you for your help and the new voice files are really good. Brad Norman, got it sorted out. I had a major brain malfunction. I just went to the AVSIM library and I have now realized that I misread the download. I had a major brain malfunction, getting old I guess. I somehow misread the download and thought that there were 10 parts of version 2, and each part had 10 zip files. I have now realized that I downloaded the same 10 files, 10 times. Thank you for your help and the new voice files are really good. Brad
  12. SteveThanks, I'll look at the downloads again, but are there 100 files to download, Version 2, Part 1-10 and each part has 10 zipped files and within those 100 zip files are the "numbered" folders that go into winwood folder and in my downoads (which I will check later, I am at work right now), each #1 zip file in each of the ten parts has many of the same folders 1-5, and each #2 zip file in each of the same parts have the same numbered folders, etc. Steve, did you download Version 2, Parts 1-10, with each part having 10 zipped files, for a total of 100 zipped files? and when you unzipped those 100 files, the "numbered" folders which go in the winwood directy were all different? Brad
  13. Thank you for response but sorry, I am still confused. In the AVSIM library, there are 10 parts of the Version 2 Voicepaks, each part having 10 files to download, therefore I downlaod a total of 100 zip files. If I install all 10 parts of version 2, i.e., all 100 zip files (unzipped of course), the first file in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc contain the folders 0 to 5, therefore when I install the first file of Part 2, which contains folders 0-5, they write over the folders I just installed in the first file of Part 1. Am I only supposed to install just Part 1 of Version 2 which contains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 2 of Version 2, which constains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 3 of Version 2, which constains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 4 etc, OR just Part 5 etc. If that is the case, what are the differences between the 10 parts of Version 2. RC 4 does work when I have only installed just Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3. However, I did ask earlier in this forum if I had to downlaod all 10 parts (100 zipped files) and was told I did, so I would assume I am somehow supposed to use files in those 100 zipped files. If I leave them zipped and put them in the winwood folder, RC4 doesen't work, which I understand. Brad Thank you for response but sorry, I am still confused. I didn't use version 1, do I didn't use/see the instructions.In the AVSIM library, there are 10 parts of the Version 2 Voicepaks, each part having 10 files to download, therefore I downlaod a total of 100 zip files. If I install all 10 parts of version 2, i.e., all 100 zip files (unzipped of course), the first file in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc contain the folders 0 to 5, therefore when I install the first file of Part 2, which contains folders 0-5, they write over the folders I just installed in the first file of Part 1. Am I only supposed to install just Part 1 of Version 2 which contains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 2 of Version 2, which constains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 3 of Version 2, which constains 10 zipped files, OR just Part 4 etc, OR just Part 5 etc. If that is the case, what are the differences between the 10 parts of Version 2. RC 4 does work when I have only installed just Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3. However, I did ask earlier in this forum if I had to downlaod all 10 parts (100 zipped files) and was told I did, so I would assume I am somehow supposed to use files in those 100 zipped files. If I leave them zipped and put them in the winwood folder, RC4 doesen't work, which I understand. Brad
  14. Hopefully someone can clear this part up for me. I downloaded Version 2, Parts 1-10, which was a total of 100 zipped files. I have unzipped those 100 files. Inside the unzipped files are folders containing the various wav files, with numbers, 1, 2, 3, ...up to 98. These folders are going to replace the original/wav files folders in the RC4 Winwood folder. However, Version 2 Part 1 has a folder 1, 2, 3, etc, as does Version 2 Part 2., as does Version 2 Part 3, etc. If I place Part 1 in the winwood folder, then copy Part 2 in the winwood folder, part 2 will replace folders 1,2, 3, etc from Part 1. Do I just install the unzipped folders from Version 2 Part 1, or just Part 2, or just Part 3 etc. It seems if I copy all of them in sequential order, only Part 10's files would be in the winwood folder because each part copies over the previous part? I assume I am missing something. I did intall just the 10 unzipped files from Version 2 Part 1 of 10 and RC4 did work. Am I supposed to copy the contents of all 100 unzipped files to the winwood foldcer and let them overight each other. Thanks in advance. Sorry, but I am really confused. Did enjoy the new sound set just using Part 1.Brad Storm
  15. Maybe you or Nick can clear this part up for me. I downloaded Version 2, Parts 1-10, which was a total of 100 zipped files. I have unzipped those 100 files. Inside the unzipped files are folders, with various numbers, 1, 2, 3, ...up to 98. These folders are going to replace the folders in the RC4 Windwood folder. However, Version 2 Part 1 has a folder 1, 2, 3, etc, as does Version 2 Part 2., as does Version 2 Part 3, etc. If I place Part 1 in the windwood folder, then copy Part 2 in the windwood folder, part 2 will replace folders 1,2, 3, etc from Part 1. Do I just install the unzipped folders from Version 2 Part 1, or just Part 2, or just Part 3 etc. It seems if I copy all of them in sequential order, only Part 10's files would be in the windwood folder because each part copies over the previous part. I assume I am missing somethng. I did intall just the 10 unzipped files from Version 2 Part 1 of 10 and RC4 did work. Am I supposed to copy the contents of all 100 unzipped files to the windwood foldcer and let them overight each other. Thanks in advance. Sorry, but I am really confused. Did enjoy the new sound set from just Part 1. Brad Storm
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