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About drayton_k

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  1. Hi, I have just noticed that on my last couple of flights the top right hand digits that display the crossing time of the next waypoint on the ND are not constant. They are constantly scrolling thorugh the times. Does anypne know why this could be? thanks Keith
  2. My Sincere condolences to all concerned in this terrible tragedy.
  3. It does when you lower. As my flap lever hardware was in the UP position the gear lever in the sim was trying to lower it.
  4. Hi, I have just had to reinstall FSX and of course the 777, and all seems fine with the model. But there is a strange loud ticking sound when loading the plane. Its just like a very loud clock ticking. If I change the controls sound level to 0 the the noise dissapears!! Even if the cockpit is C&D the noise is still there. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this at all? Thanks in advance, Keith EDIT . Please ignore. It was the gear handle!!
  5. I cant even try the demo. I tried starting the exe and it crashed 4 times. I now cant run it because it says its locked...Oh well....not for me then..
  6. Hi, I bought the button version last night and have been playing around with it. However, although I have managed to get the main button working using the key X, I am unable to get the secondary button to do anything. I have assigned various keys but none are working at all. I am new to this so I may be doing something wrong ? By the way I have downloaded the update and installed that as well. EDIT..All fixed, just read the update 2.2 readme..! DOH Many thanks Keith
  7. I have just installed XPAX again after a long lay off and when it starts up the program it says I have completed 8528 flights, and I know I havn't done this many!!..It has been installed onto a laptop that it was previously installed onto so it must have retained some of the data and that now seems corrupt.How can I completely remove all the old data and start from scratch with zero flights etc?thanksKeith
  8. Are you using the old Walk & Follow by any chance?I had this a lot when using that. More than likely it is linked to a DLL file in the modules directory that is probably causing the problem.
  9. I use ActiveSky Enhanced ASE and REX FS2004 for the textures. Registered FSUIPC
  10. Hi,I have just noticed this recently..a Line has appeared all the way around the aircraft seperating the weather. Does anyone know hot to get rid of this line?ThanksKeith
  11. Ben,Delete both the AF2_ETHL & AF2_ETSM files. That should hopefully stop your CTDKeith
  12. [ben,Off the top of my head I think they are in FS9 - Scenery - World - scenery folder.However, if you just do a search for ETHL & ETSM in windows explorer wihin the FS9 folder you should find them easily enough. Delete the ones you find.Let me know if it works for youCheersKeith
  13. Ben,If you do use AI traffic of any sort delete any ETHL & ETSM afcad files to stop CTD...Cheers Keith
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