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About stefltt

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  • Birthday 06/03/1975

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  1. Hello Richard, An RNAV approach is an NPA (non precision approach) like a localizer/glideslope out app, or a vor app or an ndb app. The difference is that you don't rely on radionavigation aids to follow your track. You can't do an autoland when performing an NPA, A/P must be disconnected at MDA/DA -50 ft the latest. The preferential mode for lateral navigation in an RNAV approach is LNAV. For the vertical navigation, you have multiple choice : doing it the old way with V/S, or using VNAV. 1) V/S : set your MCP altitude at MDA+50 ft. At the FAF or the final descent point, indicated on the vertical profile of the approach chart, set your V/S to a calculated value depending on your ground speed (may also be indicated on the charts), generally -700/800 ft/min. Adjust your rate of descent with the green arc on the ND. When at least at 300 ft below the missed approach altitude, reset the MCP altitude to the missed approach altitude. When visual with the runway, A/P off and land manually. 2) Using VNAV : different minima exist depending on the authorization delivered by the Civil Aviation Authority of your country. You may be authorized for an RNAV with LNAV only(a), or you may be authorized for RNAV with LNAV/VNAV( b ) (also named APV, Approach with Vertical guidance). Even if you are authorized for RNAV LNAV only, you can use VNAV for the approach but with higher minima. (a) LNAV only : When approaching the FAF, assuming that your MCP altitude is set to the level altitude depucted on the chart, engage LNAV and VNAV, and check that the FMA indicates LNAV, VNAV PTH. Set the minimums to baro, and MDA + 50 ft. Set your MCP altitude to MDA + 50 ft in the 737 (rounded) or to the minima value in the 777. When intercepting the descent path, VNAV will do its job and the aircraft will start to descent on the calculated profile. At 300 ft below missed approach altitude, reset MCP altitude. Disconnect A/P when visual but no later than MDA-50 ft, or go around. ( b ) LNAV/VNAV is almost the same at (a) above except that the minimums (on the EFIS control panel) is set to the DA value indicated on the approach chart. Stephane
  2. Hello, when requesting "set heading three six zero" (verified in the text bar), the answer is "Are you sure about that ?". When I asked "set heading zero zero zero", the F/O is turning the hdg knob counter-clockwise indefinitely. Easily reproduceable on ground or in the air. Stéphane
  3. I also tried yaw only to the twist grip axis but does not work :-(
  4. Hello José, I have the same problem as yours with the nosewheel steering in the QPAC A320. How did you solve it ? Stephane
  5. José, what about the Peter Hager's model ? I see that the QPAC has only a 2D cockpit, and Peter's one a 3D Cockpit. Which one has the best FMGC simulated ? (for info I have the JarDesign, but not flown to much with it) Stephane
  6. The three autopilot systems engaged when localizer AND glideslope are captured AND below radio altitude 1500ft, not when APP mode is armed. Then LAND3 comes green on the autoland status indicator when all conditions are true. Did you have those conditions ? It may need some tests before sending a ticket to FF. I have never performed a CAT III autoland with this aircraft. Stephane
  7. José then go to visit Keflavik BIKF. This is where Boeing is doing its crosswind tests ;-) Stephane
  8. This is exactly what I said in my post above. The aircraft is perfectly align with the ILS signal, but it is the ILS signal which is not aligned with the runway in the scenery. You have to manually edit the ILS signal course on the local map and your aircraft will be on the ILS and will land on the center line of the runway. Stephane
  9. As someone said above, sometimes it can have many causes. From what I've experienced, for example, I have the FMEE airport's scenery and the Reunion Zone Photo scenery. I also have the latest navdata from Aerosoft or Navigraph (I have both of them but installed only once at a time), for XPX, for the GNS, for the 767 and all other add ons. What I've noticed is if you tune the ILS 110.3 in the aircraft with a course of 135° and let the aircraft follow the ILS until the DA, you will land to the right of the runway in the scenery. I have looked at the local map in XPX and noticed that the Localizer signal was a few tenth degree to the right of the scenery runway. I don't know if the signal is related to XPX navdata or coded in the scenery. Anyway, a workaround to this is to edit the ILS course inside XPX, add/substract a few tenth degree or one or two degree until the Localizer signal is perfectly aligned with the runway in the scenery. Don't forget to save the change you made. I don't know if I am clear in my explanations, but I think that a lot of ILS problems that people are reporting (aircraft not following the ILS perfectly or drifting to the left/right of the runway) is due to the difference between the FMS or XPX Navdata and the sceneries. Stephane
  10. The fuel introduction depends on the engine model. From the Boeing FCOM, Oct 17 2015, Rev 17 : For the GE CF6-80 engines, put FUEL CONTROL switch to RUN when N2 is at 20% or (if 20% N2 is not possible), at maximum motoring and a minimum of 15% N2. For PW 4000 series engine, put FUEL CONTROL switch to RUN at maximum motoring and a minimum of 15% N2 FF767 engines type are PW. Note : Maximum motoring occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in approximately 5 seconds. I don't have any problems when starting the engines and putting fuel between 15-17% N2. I f I wait until 25% N2 or Max motoring, I have an EGT peak to 653°C (amber) during the start then back to normal parameters. And according to Boeing, you can start either left or right engine first, but always one at a time. Also, make sure that the packs are OFF, and the EEC are ON. IMHO, I won't recommend to follow the tutorial/check list inside the sim, as there are a lot of mistakes in it. I would recommend you to follow the FCOM in the Amplified Procedures section. Stephane
  11. Hi, have a look at .org forum official topic. Roman said that the gear tilt was modified and it is correct now. Stephane
  12. I just have the same CTD a few minutes ago when requesting the Runway Entry Procedure. I was on IVAO with ASN, FSREALTIME, FS FlightKeeper Stephane
  13. you need to install SimConnect (3 files) first, BEFORE installing the NGX and 77X. It is written in the readme files. :wink: Stephane
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