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Everything posted by Vineguy

  1. Thanks for the replies. I have tried both and also tried using FSHUD and everything works fine until I am told to descend. When I enter the new altitude and VS the LNAV disconnects and I am history. I am new to the PMDG aircraft and have read the introduction pdf file, but I can't find anything that refers to what I maybe doing wrong. Any help for a new user would be appreciated. Bob G.
  2. So, there really is no need to download it from Simbrief if I am using a PMDG aircraft. Why would I want to download a rte. flight plan? Since the tablet takes care of it when I use it to the FMC.
  3. Yes, it has been installed into the correct folder. LocalState/Packages/PMDG737-700/work/flight plans. It's there when using file explorer but there is no choice for rte. file names. Only pln.
  4. After installing manually or using Simbrief's installer, when I select load in MSFS there is no flight play or rte. I can see it if I check it's location but not when trying to load. I have hidden folders selected. Bob G.
  5. Will it work with any airliner without having to program the FMC, like a PMDG aircraft?
  6. Hi Noel. I remember you from years ago :).The default ATC works fine for following the flight plan and getting to cruise altitude. The problem comes when I am told to descend. Using the flight levels they give I end up way too high to intercept the ILS. What I have been doing is, when ATC tells me to descend to say fL150. When told to descend I enter 2700 ft. and a rate of descent to 1800 FPM and reduce the throttles. The problem, once I bust FL150 ATC keeps nagging me to ascend to 150 altitude and will level off and I have to enter another rate of descent every time they give me a new altitude. If MS would only fix the way the rate of decent is figured I don't have a problem. In fact with the co-pilot active it will enter the frequency and heading to intercept the localizer etc. Using this method I usually end up about 20 miles from the runway and on the localizer etc. and hand fly from about 2 miles out. My VA has an optimum landing being between 100 and 300 fpm and around 1200 feet from the threshold. I hope that makes sense. Bob G.
  7. Just to clear up some misgivings many of you have. I have flown over 10,000 hours for two virtual airlines. I know most of the rules of the road regarding airspace, altitudes, speed etc. Very comfortable executing visual and ILS landings. The reason I haven't had to program a FMC is because since 20006 I have been flying the MS default B737-800 using FSX and P3D and it doesn't have a FMC. I guess I will just have to watch a couple YouTube videos etc. to learn how to accomplish this. I am familiar with computers and have built 5 computers to keep up with the flight sim updates.
  8. Sweetd31. I know how to do an ILS approach etc. and your last post I don't think is funny.
  9. So, are you saying that if I load a flight into the FMC I could start at a gate or runway and not contact ATC for clearance etc.?
  10. Thanks for all the replies. I have found a way around the descent stage that sometimes works. When ATC tells me to descend to a certain altitude, I ignore the FL it gives me and instead of their step down levels I descend to FL 2,700 and ignore the instructions to climb etc. after going through their suggested altitude. Does Beyond ATC follow a flight plan I would generate using Simbrief?
  11. Hi all. I will be 81 in a couple of days, and have been using every version of flight simulator since it was first introduced. Since it's inception into MSFS using the default flight planner and ATC to fly IFR airline routes I have enjoyed using FSX and then P3D all versions except V6. I always enjoy using the default flight planner and flying my flights with a VA. Visual landing are no problems and always turn off the AP around 1000 ft. AGL. I have tried to find a way to us MSFS 2020 for 4 years with no luck. The climb is no problem, but on descent ATC will always leave me WAY too high to make any kind of landing. Is there some way to make the default flight planner with ATC do what the FSX and P3D can do? Programing the FMC is something I would like to avoid. I never had to do it with the prior sims. Thanks in advance. Bob G.
  12. Thanks for the reply. I think we both use GMAIL.
  13. I was a beta tester back in 2020. I purchased MSFS from Microsoft Store. Much later, I found that I had to install Xbox to remove or install MSFS. Why did that change from me uninstalling or installing from Microsoft Store to now using Xbox? Can I remove Xbox from my system and still be able to install MSFS from MS store?
  14. I purchased a new computer and sold my old one. I removed MSFS 2020 before I sold the machine. Now when I install MSFS on my new computer it also installs it on my old machine. How do I tell the owner of the old machine to remove it? I imagine it has to do with the registry on the old machine? Thanks in advance.
  15. The difference must be windows 11. Years ago I installed the default B737-800 from FSX into P3d. It has worked fine for P3DV3, V4.5 and V5.4. The aircraft shows up fine but the elevators and ailerons don't work. Throttle and rudder and buttons work fine. I tried the PMDG 700NG but I didn't care for it. Most developers are not working on things for P3D like they are MSFS. I also have MSFS and I use the Bredok B737-800 MAX for that sim. I sure wish there was a work around to make the elevators and ailerons work in W11.
  16. Thanks. I did that, no change. I noticed that it's only some aircraft that have the problem. Perhaps do a fresh install may work.
  17. Thanks for the reply, but there is no power management in the properties on that tab.
  18. Buttons work fine. Throttle and rudder axis work fine. Just the elevators and ailerons barely move.
  19. I have tried MS Sidewinder Pro and Thrustmaster 1600. Calibrated using using P3D control calibration. Problem is with all aircraft. All worked fine with W10.
  20. Yesterday I installed P3DV5.4 on a new machine running Windows 11. After setting up my joystick and calibrating, none of my control surfaces work except the axis for the rudder. I tried another joystick, same issue. Any ideas? Bob G.
  21. I am using it for V5.4 and it does raise my viewpoint higher for landings etc.
  22. From the old FSX days I use "control+q" to raise the eye point and "control+shift+q" to lower it. Works great. Bob G.
  23. When you say COPY the following, I assume you mean to remove the existing and replace with new that you show. Or do you mean to COPY the new lines below the existing lines?
  24. I copied the link you have listed and it takes me to a web page. I am confused. Is there some where in the MSFS files I should be looking to find that? Ok. Found where to find it. I deleted the original and entered the new lines and I still don't have my VS displayed on the autopilot.
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