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About Hollister

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  1. This link might be of some help?http://www.citadelindustries.net/readydriverplus/This is a really cool program and works great with Win7.Install it and see it work for yourself!
  2. I had the same problem and was only running SP1.When I installed Acceleration it fixed the problem completely.If you don't have Acceleration at least install SP2 as it is free.Acceleration has SP2 built in.Let us know if this solves your problem.Ed
  3. Thank you Christian I will re-install TP and look at that option.Should I completely un-install TP and start over again?Is this the best way to run TP on two different drives in you opinion?Thanks,Ed
  4. I have a quick question. I see how you can edit the ProxyUser.ini to direct the cache_folder=C or to a D drive.But what about the TileProxy Photoreal World?Maybe some one could explain how to set this up on a seperate hard drive.Thanks,Ed
  5. Water water everywhere?Has anyone been experiencing water tiles around the aircraft.I don't remember this before and I am using Beta 8. I un-installed 8 and re-installed 7, but had the same problem, so I re-installed Beta 8.Found in the manual that using only FSX no updates could be the problem.I just checked and found out I am using FSX without SP1 and SP2. I am going to install those two updates and report back.Problem FIXED...!!!Installing FSX SP1 and SP2 seems to have solved the problem.This is a great program that keeps getting better and better.Thanks Christian for all your hard work to give us such a fantastic program.Ed
  6. Thanks for the commentsI do have the MIPS at 4-5 and will try the Clamp feature when I get home in about 30 days, I'm at work right now on an extended tour with Kalitta Air.BTW I have a Evga 8800 GTS and a Intel 8500 CPU with FS9
  7. Has anyone figured out how to eliminate the shimmering effect in FS9 with hardware changes or setting changes? I've tried just about every setting know to man, women or beast to solve this problem.I was just wondering if there has been any progress with hardware lately to stop the shimmering in FS9.Thanks
  8. Thanks as I was pulling my hair out to figure this out.What's left of it that is............Ed
  9. Thanks Christian that made a BIG difference. I like it a lot more now.Ed
  10. Thanks and where do you find the water color adjustments?
  11. Thanks for the replies.I see there is no simple solution to this.Thanks again,Ed
  12. Dan,Thanks for that information.I will take a look at the SDK and see if I can figure it out.Is there both an remove and add function. Say you want to add a deleted airport back?Ed
  13. Hello Fellow Simmers,I've been using TileProxy and would like to remove some of the airports that are displayed in FSX.I just want to see the photoreal airport not the default airport overlayed over the photoreal one.See attached picture.Does anyone have an idea on how this can be done?Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Edhttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/183526.jpg
  14. It would look so much better with Water effects set to "Med 2.0" or "High 2.0". Then the blueness is toned down and you get beautiful reflections.Hello Christian,Thanks for the comments in the Screen Shot Forum. I reset the water settings but the water is still pretty blue. Although it's a lot better than the default water.Another issue is the airport ramps are all grayed out? Maybe it's one of my settings are not set right?Otherwise, Beta7 seems to be working fine on my machine with Service 1 and FSX SP1.It would be cool if you could remove the default airports and just see the TP tiles. Or maybe just keep a couple of them. VFR flying takes on a whole new meaning with this program.Thanks again,http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/183469.jpghttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/183470.jpg
  15. I installed Beta7 on FSX SP1. I edited the INI File and it is working great with Service 1. Haven't tried the other Services yet.Question: Has anyone used other Services with better results? Service 1 is working great and no blackouts.How does TP load files after you've downloaded them? If I fly over the same area over again does TP just load Tile out of the Cache?How does TP look for Tiles? First in the Cache and then to the Service? If it finds the Tile already in the Cache it bypasses the download for that Tile?What is the purpose of the Unload TP driver? Does it need to be run each time you restart TP and FSX?This is a GREAT program and sure fun to use. A BIG thanks to the author for all the time and effort he's put into this wonderful little program.Thanks,Ed
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