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Victor Ortiz

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About Victor Ortiz

  • Rank
    Victor Ortiz

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation, computer gaming, history, cinema, photography,

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  1. Fortunately, it was easy to reactivate them with the Merge function on the voice file. Whew! Thanks for talking me through, Dave!
  2. I followed the video on Youtube to download MS voices for many languages and had enjoyed using them until a week or so ago. Suddenly, only the desktop voices are available and the others are not to be found in P2A. They are in their files in the system, ready to use, but P2A does not show them anymore. What did I miss?
  3. Thank you.... at any rate, the registry software had no effect, neither did uninstalling and reinstalling the plane (making sure I deleted all the files that were not uninstalled by the system.)
  4. Will I have to uninstall and reinstall.... as it stands now, it still sits there spinning.... How is the name thing by the way....
  5. I reinstalled FSX Acceleration to a partitioned drive. Planes work fine there, but the ops center is not connecting. It just spins, saying, " loading settings". I see the ops center is in the C drive, but FSX is in the H drive. I uninstalled and reinstalled the 737 NGX, as well as the op center, three times now and still cannot find a way to get the I've looked around, but I'm not finding any previous examples on this. Please advise.
  6. I just wanted to say thanks to Adrian at FSS for his quick work getting the update back up and running. Sorry, Adrian, for some of the rudeness in other posts.....
  7. First a signature issue with Firefox. I say, "go ahead, anyway"..... then blocked by Comodo..... Poooo. Anything happening I should know about?
  8. First a signature issue with Firefox. I say, "go ahead, anyway"..... then blocked by Comodo..... Poooo. Anything happening I should know about?
  9. Interior only matters to me. June was just not a correct estimation, I suspect. Looking forward to your usual quality.
  10. Oogah Boogah! Bet CS are crapping in their pants....
  11. Anubis and Morten.....thanks for the tip.....tricky, but it will make for some worthy flights.....TP rocks!
  12. I hope this finds you, well. Thank you for making the Tileproxy. I enjoyed it immensely in XP with FSX. I am very new with windows 7 and did not have vista
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