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Everything posted by flightsimmer747

  1. HiWhat is this options for?Its at the bottom of the asv screen next to refresh AI, when is this used?
  2. Hi guys1st off the enhancement seems to have added alot of stuff, honestly i haven't played with every option yet but noticed my flights being more realistc. I think the route temp option helped my speed be consistent throughout my whole flight where as before i had sudden changes in my airspeed.Also wind changes seems more realistic, though i do have a question, i always noticed problems over the atlantic but since the enhancement i haven't flown over that pond so don't know if its a pacific or atlantic difference or ASV and then the enhancement that cured the problem. Over the pacific wind speed and direction change very realistic and not sudden, making the flight more enjoyable! I don't have the registered version of FSUIPC as I don't see the need too. So can anyone tell me if the pacific always worked well or if the enhancement added a setting to help smooth out wind transitions?I'm curious before i head back over the atlantic!Thanks!
  3. I have mine set at 4 currently to free up some frames but if its not at 5, is it correct to assume i'll never get a perfect 100% overcast cloud ceiling where i cant even see the ground at all while over the clouds?
  4. I shut down my computer for about 10 minutes and all is fine now must of been a heat issue with the video card and processing the info.
  5. Hi Chris as of now only, after i mipped the clouds and on 3d detailed clouds on maximum. It happened from the begining of the flight with these clouds simple clouds are fine, terrain and aircraft are fine also?
  6. What happened here everything was going well until i saw this?http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/129997.jpg
  7. Sorry Jim but do you mean don't click it and i leave it as is, thats what i mean, if I should manually select click it?
  8. Also no turbulence what so ever at crz altitude ever and honestly i have had turbulence on all my real life flights.
  9. Seeing i did not set the defaults this time around with the default button when i installed b367 was there any thing option wise that was changed from b366 to b367?Thanks!
  10. Thanks guys,Jim having wind drift on 30 is this an ok setting?EDIT:Chris when installing the enhancements because of new textures the mips are not installed on other sets unless by default Build 367 does it, previously B366 which is what i installed did not have mips enabled. It says in the mips and dxt section mentioning they were disabled.
  11. What are the default values for these two options presently i have them all set to 30% are these comfortable values?EDITAlso where do i get the B367 and MIPS have to be enabled each time new textures are installed right, especially after asv enhancement?
  12. HiI always wondered and never knew or decided rather if i should have dxt textures or not, honestly as in all other textures i have never seen a difference in performance for this issue alone, there is so many other issues and reasons performance can change even on the same testing field.So my question is should i or not, any specific question besides performance should I ask myself to make this decision, should specific systems have DXT textures a MUST? SEE below for specs.I currently run 256x256 mips enabled and although i also nevcer saw a difference between with mips or not either but with my system i feel 256x256 is a must because default clouds or 512x512 is a system hog on systems like mine, that i knew since day 1 of FS9.Thanks, any advice or tip on how to test this is greatly appreciated?
  13. Default options say % for vas is 50 but its really 30 % on my pc just letting you guys know, not a big deal obviously.So what setting do others use for this is 30 a good number or 50?EDIT: correction vas was set at 50% for B360 not B366, 366 should be at 30%.Also where is the hold TAT temperatures option which was spoken about in other threads, for users that had problems with oceanic flights?Sorry i forgot the term for this. I've been away from ASV and forum for awhile.I just installed B366.Turbulence scale in cfg is controlled at what phase of flight, is it for flight level or anywhere at any time , what are the intervals?Should this setting be left at 1.0 if using a higher than ordinary VAS strength?
  14. Oh ok perfect thanks, i wasn't sure if some builds needed to be installed and some you didn't before applying another build, thanks again Chris!
  15. Ok i haven't installed B363 is it safe to install B366 without b363 basically go from b325 directly to b366? And what does RC6 stand for?Also i can't seem to download 366 it keeps saying 0 bytes from the link above?edit: it works now i downloaded it.THANKS!
  16. Are all options updated or do they stay as is, the way i have them set now all other options (new options) are set to default?
  17. HiWhat do i need to download there was the asv enhancement file which is no longer here, is the B363 an update of that file therefore all i need is this build 363 to update ASV. Currently i'm at B 325 without the upgrade (asv enhancements).I'm asking because i've been off line for about a week or so, and alot seems to have happened here.Thanks!
  18. Have other users found the hit to be minimal from 256x256 to 512 x 512 with there system?Of course this question is to users that have a similiar system like mine and using default scenery with an add on aircraft?Just curious!
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