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Posts posted by TexasGary

  1. I am running version of P2ATC.  I generate my Simbrief flight without an airline or flight number, and I enter "LEAR" for ATC callsign and "0BM" for the registration.  Prior to the last update this was reflected correctly when I imported the plan via the "FP Import" button in P2ATC.  But now with whenever I import the plan the Call Sign and Flight/Tail Number are always incorrect.  And although it's a GA Call Sign P2ATC always imports it as an Airline Call Sign Type.  The release notes for say "Fixes SimBrief Import Call Sign handling."  But for me it's still an issue.  

  2. Starting at a gate at Bmworld/Amsim KPHX (Version 1.5.0) with the PMDG 737, FS Traffic, and GSX I initially get pretty good FPS.  But after about 10 minutes or so my FPS always drops into the teens.  I tried lowering graphic settings and I also increased the DistanceToNotAnimate to 200000 from the default value of 2000 but neither of these helped.  This severe FPS drop happens every time I start a flight at KPHX.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  If so, have you figured out a way to fix it?


  3. OK, I just did some quick flights experimenting with some different scenarios and trim settings.  Here are the results:

    Normal cold and dark startup.  Trim left untouched at the top of the green band.  Takeoff was normal (no sticking).

    Normal cold and dark startup.  Trim adjusted to the middle of the green band.  Takeoff was normal (no sticking).

    Start on the runway ready for takeoff.  Trim left untouched in the middle of the green band.  Takeoff was NOT normal (stuck to runway until about 120kts).

    Start on the runway ready for takeoff. Trim adjusted to approx middle of the green band. Takeoff was normal (no sticking).


    After this I deleted and reinstalled the CJ4.  I'll try some more flights tomorrow and report back.



  4. I was aware of this CJ4 "runway sticking" issue from reading the forums, but fortunately it never affected me.  Until yesterday.  I did two CJ4 flights yesterday, and both flights had the same "runway sticking" issue as described above.  Just tried another flight today and had the same issue happen again.  I had not changed anything or added anything to the community folder, and my CJ4 setup and loadout was the same as always (flaps 15, trim center of green band, V speeds set correctly, CG in range).  Like others with this problem have said, once I got the plane in the air the rest of the flight was problem free.  I agree with Leptinos that it seems to have something to do with the elevator trim.  But if it's a trim bug then why doesn't it affect the rest of the flight?  Why only the takeoff?  And why does it just seem to appear randomly out of nowhere?  Very strange.

    I am going to take Leptinos suggestion and try some flights without touching the trim wheel before takeoff and see what happens.  Ill report back here after a few flights.


  5. Yes, you can fly whatever plane you want and you can choose to only fly short routes.  You will first need to buy a "license" to fly the A320.  Then you will need to join an airline that flies the A320.  Then you will generate a flight schedule, and when you do that you can select long, medium, or short flights.

  6. Hey Johan, I am just using the default MSFS assignments for Condition Lever, Condition Lever Cut Off, and Decrease Condition Lever per Mark's excellent vid  MSFS | KODIAK 100 Config Guide for the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant (youtube.com)

    Page 13 of the PC12 manual says “The assignments have been modified via custom code to work the same and avoid accidental engine cut offs or light ups.”  But to me it seems that if you use a Bravo TQ, with the modified CL assignment you are now MORE prone to accidental engine cut offs if you aren't careful in pulling the CL back to Ground Idle to the axis midpoint.

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  7. Really enjoying the SWS PC12.  But for the life of me I can't get the Condition Lever on my Bravo Throttle Quad set up the way I want it.  Mark at Simhanger Flight Simulation has an excellent vid on how to set up a Condition Lever on the Bravo Throttle Quad for single engine turboprops (thanks Mark!!).  In his vid he uses the Kodiak 100 as an example and using his vid I can set up the Condition Lever in the Kodiak so that when its fully forward it goes to Flight Idle, when it's at the detent it's in Ground Idle, and when it's pulled all the way down past the detent it's in Cut-Off Feather.  Perfect!!!  But using the exact same assignments in the SWS PC12, with the Condition Lever fully forward it goes to Flight Idle, when it's at the axis halfway point it's in Ground Idle, and when it's at the detent it's in Cut-Off Feather.  Pulling the lever all the way down past the detent doesn't do anything.  I also tried using the Mixture axis instead of Condition Lever, but it still didn't work.  Did SWS change the way the condition lever axis works in the PC12?  Has anyone figured out how to enable Cut-Off Feather when the lever is pulled all the way down past the detent?

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  8. 11 hours ago, B777ER said:


    Workaround other than shutting bloom off is to turn on the Ultra preset when MSFS first starts up before loading a flight. Load a flight and then start it. Once loaded into the airport, you can go back into options and adjust graphics as you need to include keeping bloom on. Flashing should not appear.

    Hey B777ER, thanks for this tip.  I was using custom graphic settings, and I always experienced random flashing at night with bloom on.  But I just tried your suggestion and started a night flight with the Ultra preset.  And for the first time I didn't experience any flashing.  None.  So I am going to stay with the Ultra preset from now on.  Thanks.

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  9. I have been having an issue with the weather function today.  Was working fine yesterday, but today every time I highlight an airport and hit the Wx button it just says "Not Available."  I also tried using the "Sim Weather" option instead of the "NOAA Real Weather" option, but it still just says "Not Available."  I am on Beta Version 6D.  I also installed Beta Version 7G3, but hitting the Wx button still says "Not Available."  Then I heard it was announced on the REX discord channel that In the USA the NOAA has changed some of their processes and it broke REX and likely other MSFS weather interfaces (like P2ATC) until adjustments can be made.  Hopefully Dave can sort out the changes that NOAA made and get the Wx function back up and running again.

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