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About iainsmith

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  • Birthday 10/12/1943

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    Flight sim
    Making videos of grandchildren
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  1. Sorry for the delayed response - I've been away for 10 days. Thanks Pedro for your helpful input and to Greg for confirming that it works. Regards Iain
  2. My C drive on which Windows 10 is installed plus other progs is also the drive on which Steam insisted on installing FSX (at least I didn't see any other option during the process). This C drive is 250GB and is now just over three quarters full so it has 49GB free. I'd like to move the 52GB of FSX to another 250GB drive that is almost empty which would leave the C drive with about 100GB free. If I uninstall FSX will Steam enable me to install it to my F drive? How do you uninstall in Steam? I'd appreciate any helpful suggestions. Thanks. Iain Smith
  3. That's it Steve - you've fixed it! I had C\Program Files\Steam and it should have been C\Program Files (x86)\Steam. Now I have installed the libraries without problem and when I run diagnostics I get four HINTS all related to VC shadows - e.g. "ForceVCShadowMap not set in cfg, VC shadows will only be shown when it is set in VC model" and "A/craft self shadowing not set in cfg, VC shadows will not be shown". I am not too bothered about VC shadows so I am happy. Thanks for your excellent support. Iain
  4. Steve, I was under the impression that DX10 fixer works with FSX Steam edition or maybe it's because I'm on Win 10 but having installed DX10 fixer it tells me the following:- Various shader files are incorrect and not the originals. It says I do not have an envmap.bmp file in FSX textures and I must restore the original file but I have a file of that name in that directory. It also makes a couple of false statements about my FSX.cfg file such as NUM_LIGHTS must be set to 8 when it already is and how HIGHMEMFIX should be set when it already is. When I try to install the libraries after clicking through I get an error message "Error copying C\Program Files (x86)\Steve's DX10 fixer\bkg.bmp. Error was 3." When I ok that I get the message about not having envmap.bmp in Texture. All this means I cannot use your DX10 fixer and I get trees showing up as black inverted triangles. Can you help, please? Iain Smith
  5. Yes, this is after downloading and installing v 1.016. Iain Smith
  6. I am running version 1.016 of the Majestic Dash 8 Q400 in FSX Steam edition. I understood from a post in January that version 1.012 and up is compatible with Steam but I have no engine sounds either inside or outside the cockpit. If I taxi I can hear the rumble and thump of the wheels along the taxiway but absolutely not a whisper from either engine. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what is the solution please? Iain Smith
  7. Sorry Dave but they're not. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this. I have all the recent traffic I have installed in FSX as well as the earliest FS9 traffic. Iain
  8. Got my traffic back in FSX-SE on Win 10. How? Simply by re-installing all my WoAI files in spite of them being a mix of FS9 and FSX traffic files. I must also say I'm getting very good frame rates and smoothness with Win 10 in DX10. I'm going to purchase Steve's DX10 fixer. Iain Smith
  9. This is a statement that seems to say a lot but actually imparts no information whatsoever. What do you mean Dave by "between your cfg and where you have your a/craft added lies the problem"? Iain Smith
  10. Well I have not found that to be true. I have a mix of WoAI traffic files and I see ones that I addded since moving to FSX as well as the FS9 ones. Anyway I started getting messages when starting FSX-SE about AI aircraft with duplicate titles. As I have both boxed and steam versions installed and as I don't use the boxed version I uninstalled that and deleted all the add-on and traffic files hoping that would solve the problem. However, I now get messages that there are duplicate titles for the flyable aircraft that I have installed but I cannot see how this can be or where the duplication is occurring. I've looked at the various aircraft cfg files but cannot find any instance of a duplicated title. So, the mysterious behaviour of my Steam installation continues. Iain Smith
  11. They are in the same location as they were in Win 7. No, I'm sure it didn't but it changed something! I'll keep battling with it in the hope of finding a solution. Iain Smith
  12. Well I hear what you say Dave but this has only happened since I upgraded. I've checked the file path in the cfg file but I'm not sure it is right. Against Simobject 6 it had the file path to my boxed version which is on my F drive. The SE version is on the default C drive. The other strange thing is that the file path for both versions ends in SimObjects\Airplanes\WOAI. But I don't have a folder WOAI - my WoAI traffic aircraft folders are all in the Airplanes directory. Could you look at your fsx.cfg file and tell me what that file path is, please? Thanks. Iain Smith
  13. Ok thanks Dave - I'll check that out and let you know. Iain
  14. The title says it all really. I've just moved to Windows 10 and although FSX-SE loads up really quickly compared with W7, this is possibly because I have no AI traffic. All my WoAI aircraft are in the correct folder and traffic level is set for 55% but nothing at all shows up at any airport. I did a search but could not find any reference to this problem but I did see some problems attributed to FSDT's GSX. Could that be the problem here? I'd appreciate any suggestions as to the likely cause. Thanks. Iain Smith
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