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  1. Ref my previous msg - FLT/WX path. In the first place I had not entered a path at all and when I did it had a "typo". I have now entered C:\Users\David\Flight Simulator x Files. As a result I now have a saved flight - four files: all present and correct with "rcd" as the final one in my Flight Simulator X Files folder. This was accomplished at very late hour (for me) so I will adjourn until the next session Extensive browsing the RC4 Forums reveals a persistent and long history of people experiencing this particular problem so I will take a comfort from my own "marathon" Once more.....thank you and regards for all who took the trouble! ANAMIV
  2. I may have found the source of my problem!? In the main RC 4 Window, button FLT/WX Path text beneath it is not complete! ie" FLT/.WX Path = However, clicking on the button brings up the RCD output folder window and scrolling to my C:\ users\David\...... "FlightSimulator X Files is missing.What could cause this error if the path is complete on my system??? more regards
  3. You guys are really pulling out the stops to help me and I really do appreciate it. My FSX flight plan files are in: "My Documents C:\users\David\Flight Simulator X Files. I have 3-files : VOROCH.FLT " FSSAVE " WX These represent a saved flight at a VOR - OCH 22.40 hrs. In RC4 the default key" CTR/SHFT/; does not work for me. I am a dedicated GA flyer. Not relevant, but for the record:WIN 7 Pro. 64bit. in use.
  4. Well.... I have tried and tried and tried again.... but my computer just will not produce the "rcd"-file. I am painfully aware that the forums and tutorials are something less than consistent in the procedures available; eg: 3-files produced or 4-files produced. All my attempts faithfully produce 3-files as illustrated in all my searches.... but no rcd file. I am sure I am obeying all the rules (inc RAS) and RC4 operates perfectly otherwise. Clicking the "Previously Saved Flight " box produces a blank. 3- files are saved in my docs/fsx folder : FLT/WX and D:\MS GAMES\FSX. Unlike the manual there is no "Radar Contact Saved Files" window. HELP!
  5. In my Documents folder together with my flight plans for FSX I have saved a file: a egkr-egfa 1 29m of fl60 dw me rcd this represents dep and destination; "1" is the first pause followed by"29m" -DME to next w/pt flight level 6000ft "dw" "me" the pilot rcd. Is this a valid format for an rcd saved file?
  6. Despite closely following the tutorial to save a flight (rcd - file) in RC4, creating a file path as suggested I am having no success! A print out of pages 120 and 121 from the shows a sample window with rcd files saved. The window is titled "Radar Contact Saved files". This window will not show on my system. (WIN7 Home Prem') The default RC key combo' (*ctrl-shift- does nothing and the other two simply brings up the std FSX "Saved Flight" window. Entering my chosen flight path file details produces an rcd file but with "flt" appended. I have traced several old posts querying this "saved flight" facility in RC4 so !I am not the only one!) Sadly I have had no success trying to follow these. FSX/FSC95/RC4 is an excellent combination for my GA flying and I am desperate to conquer this, for me; the last hurdle. My regards to any and all ANAMIV
  7. "Cognitive Science"/"The essential philosophy of meaningful communication to encourage and stimulate without causing offence" et al..... My last few months of employment was taken up writing procedures for Quality Assurance" procedures. I was one of a team and it was stressed we made extensive use of "the blue pen". i.e: be direct and concise!!! Now can we get back to the prime purpose of wonderful AVSIM.
  8. Thanks to both! Will try tonight. More regards ANAMIV
  9. A "Basic's" question. Can I; and if "yes"; interrupt a flight in RC and resume it later from my paused position? FSC is my flight planner. regards ANAMIV
  10. Please what is your version AVAST? I do not have "Action Protection/on/off under settings or anywhere else in AVAST.
  11. News to me but a welcome THANKS!!!!! Regards Anamiv
  12. Hope this is not regarded "off topic" I have the latest version of Free AVAST but now cannot find a facility to temporarily disable file and web features as a precaution when downloading and installing add ons. Anyone help please? Regards Anamiv
  13. Intercepting the localiser on ILS runway approach. With correct Nav1 set and at designated approach altitude the aircraft intercepts at the localiser but immediately veers off the approach track. So far as I can see indications in the autopilot screen are as they should be. This only occurs in the A2Akylane and not the bog standard C182. I have a printout of the relevant sections for the KAP 140 TWO AXIS Autopilot instrument which I believe is that featured in the A2A C182 AIRCRAFT. A manual approach is all ok! I am sure I am doing something wrong??? Regards Anamiv
  14. I have only one experience with the sound of a spitfire; a very close up one to be precise! It was in 1946 during my National Service "career" in the RAF training at Henlow as an engine fitter. With a pilot in the cockpit I was required to hand prime the engine standing on the starboard side of the aircraft between the leading edge of the mainplane and the prop'. One opened a flap in the engine cowling to expose the pump. Six plunges were required for the pilot started the engine. I recall the flames "licking" from the manifold and the instant roar from the mighty merlin Oh yes; I also vividly recall the prior instruction from the seargent not to walk forward after the engine had started! Surrounded by the sound of the engine made you completely oblivious of anything else. The seargent said it had happened.... once! You can't get close than that! Vimana
  15. Have ordered new pedals! Assume current set should be uninstalled prior assemble new? Thanks Anamiv
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