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About Jimm

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    Flight operations, aircraft photography, flying

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  1. Since it is essentially a lua script, it'll work with anything, as Jan so eloquently pointed out. :wink:
  2. Once again (taken directly from the site): Does this Mod work with both XP10 & XP11? *YES Can I use this Mod "without xEnviro"? YES Why did you make this Mod? Because I got tired of the Unrealistic Giant ORB Nav lights that every flight sim is plagued with unfortunately.
  3. Interesting. Another great mod made by Lua. Hey Rich, this guy did Sedona!
  4. I can be a lot of things, but ignorant isn't one them. You may want to choose your words wisely next time. I stated, and now for the record that I ENJOY UK2000's airports, because they are lightweight, provide decent detail and are not detrimental to the sim. If issues arise, Gary is very quick to address and respond. I only wish there were more developers that pay that kind of attention, instead of getting snarky comments back at the users, eluding that the users did something wrong or the other well known stance that "Our products do not produce issues and are working perfectly fine on our end". When I said that i had regret, it was due to the fact that I have gotten away from P3D, and having UK2000 airports at my disposal was a big plus for me. Hopefully that clears things up. Sigh...
  5. FSDT has much better detail and with the GSX functionality, it is a worthy add-on. I once subscribed to Aerosoft's credits for AES, but found it expensive.
  6. Funny how I never mentioned personal experience with Aerosoft Support, yet you felt it necessary to put words in my mouth. On top of that, what I wrote was supposed to be sarcastic comedy and yet again, you took every single letter literally. Anyways, anyone else have something constructive to talk about?
  7. Carefully read my post again. I wasn't bashing UK2000, actually, just the opposite.
  8. Aerosoft Support...two words that don't belong together, kinda like trusted lawyer or jumbo shrimp. UK2000 airports is one of the top reasons why I regret not using P3D these days. I love Gary's work and he's a great guy to work with for support.
  9. On vacation

  10. Insults get you nowhere Bob. I see respect is right out the window.
  11. Water? You mean I've been drinking water this whole time? Wow, I thought it was vodka. Well I guess I owe you a huge apology. I had no idea you were so high in the ranks. Man, and to think this whole time I'd been talking to an expert. Come to think of it, I've visited your site and followed your settings for P3D. Unfortunately, those settings didn't work for me.
  12. And I really don't care. Yet another "expert" out there, driving capitalism.
  13. With all due respect Rob, not many common folk are aware of these extras. Well, i should say that they really wouldn't be looking for things like this. You statement about the NDA clause...do you work for LM? Why did you sign an NDA? Furthermore, what is the point to bringing something like that up? This is like a zookeeper telling a pride of lions "oh yeah, I know what you're getting for dinner, but I can't tell you what it is, although it could be meat".
  14. Here's a more productive question: why would a company like Lockheed Martin, buy a portion of Microsoft's Flight Simulator, only to maintain it at 32-bit? They have to realize by now that 64-bit computing is a veritable goldmine to be tapped in to. I mean, if LM is in the biz to produce high-quality flight simulator software, why didn't they jump on 64-bit a long time ago? X-Plane has been doing it for a while now and FSX, while produced by DTG, is moving forward with 64-bit to. What is taking LM so long, or were they only using the ESP rights to create a base to which they can move forward into 64-bit? It almost seems like every time LM releases a version, people get bent out of shape that there wasn't a move forward to 64-bit and so after a release, people spend time in between releases, clamoring for 64-bit. If the vast majority of flight sim users are already working in a 64-bit environment, with higher end systems, plenty of physical memory to handle the demands of 64-bit, then why can't they just come out and say "yes, we are currently working on a 64-bit version"...that sure would satisfy me, as I am sure a lot of others. Sorry, this was totally a rant. There isn't enough time in the day to keep up with every single discussion in the FS world, so when this topic springs up, I gotta see what's going on.
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