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Everything posted by cbtaylor

  1. Ron, I can't imagine why you would have uninstalled it in the first place! It's definitely on my short list of GA's to fly. I've been thinking of taking one around the world following Amelia Earhart's route.
  2. I started off in the Maule7/260, which didn't have enough squirrels to get over one of the first few ridge lines. Restarted in the Kodiak, which made the altitude issue moot. Proper application of technology.
  3. I was in the Quest Kodiak, not a RV-7, and still getting acquainted with the power settings. The nose wheel was not the problem...and once I got the hang of things with beta I could land it in the proverbial "three yards and a cloud of dust" (borrowing from the Packers' ground game ).
  4. Thanks Rob. I appreciate the feedback, as always. I'll probably just stick to thethe pdfspdfs, for now at least.
  5. I won't be able to make today's flight. I'll have to try it later on my own. Rob - I tried to send you a PM earlier, but you don't seem to be able to receive. Are you in some sort of PM jail? Anyway, I wanted to get your opinion (or anyone else's) on a product called SimPlates Ultra X by Dauntless. PCAviator has it on sale for $19.95. Worth it? I seem to recall you using something similar a while back when we were planning FMC/S-controlled flights, and was thinking it would be a handy resource.
  6. Today was fun. I think the visibility issues we all had just added to the experience. I really enjoyed getting used to the idiosyncrasies of the Lancair Legacy. Sweet plane, but you really have to manage the speed/energy. Looking forward to next Saturday at Yellowstone. Sorry I had to bail early, but Saturdays afternoons are when the wife and I do our weekly hunting and gathering. Since I do the cooking, I have a vested interest in what we buy to cook with. B) (Need a smiley with a chef's hat...)
  7. Mike, Thanks. I'm downloading them now. I'm happy about getting the extra airports for Tasmania.
  8. Haven't had time to dig too deep into the OZx stuff yet, so I have to ask a stupid question - is the AU Complete scenery additive to and compatible with the FTX AU payware package, or is it an alternative? I just purchased the FTX AU package on sale and would hate to have to rip it all back out again.
  9. I would also be up for some flights around England/Scotland/Wales as well.
  10. Nice shots, Nick. I think the weather adds some "atmosphere." I bet you had a terrific day!
  11. Mike, Thanks for the head's up! I don't think I have the Alaska sceneries, so I'll be looking to pick those up to round out my North American regions.
  12. Flying zoo might be appropriate. :lol: Don't know why I double-posted. I posted from my phone. I guess the forum took it twice.
  13. Ah...but which 'Cat? I actually flew the first leg last night in the Dog (Piglet's). What a blast! You guys are in for a real treat if you haven't flown the area before. I was a little disappointed with the amount of nose down trim the Dog required. Something might be a little off in the airfile and I couldn't find a replacement for it on short notice. However, I think I might refly with the AF Corsair.
  14. Ah...but which 'Cat? I actually flew the first leg last night in the Dog (Piglet's). What a blast! You guys are in for a real treat if you haven't flown the area before. I was a little disappointed with the amount of nose down trim the Dog required. Something might be a little off in the airfile and I couldn't find a replacement for it on short notice. However, I think I might refly with the AF Corsair.
  15. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting, Roman. I'll have to fly this one offline, but haven't decided what to use yet. It's down to the Able Dog, Razbam Harrier II, and Turbine Duke.
  16. You know, it only occurred to me a short while ago that you might have been still working on it when I posted. Sorry if I jumped the gun. I won't be able to make it this Saturday. We're taking my mother-in-law out to dinner for her birthday. There's a good German restaurant down here in Stafford, called Zum Rheingarten. It should be a nice treat. Umm...Hefeweizen! At any rate, I'll have to plug your coordinates into Flight Planner and do this one on my own, I guess. Looks like fun!
  17. Jeff, You might want to recheck your SkyVector plan. Your last GPS fix is somewhere in Spain... :Whistle:
  18. I was trying to do that. I guess I just wasn't leaning it out enough. Now where did I leave that wire brush...
  19. Big "thank you" to Ron for hosting another splendid outing in Northern Cali, to Jeff for planning a fun route, and to everybody (especially Rob) for all the helpful tips for flying the Cherokee. I must have been doing a few things right because the only gripe I had on my maintenance sheet at the end of the night was "badly fouled plugs." Probably from all the idling we did along the way.
  20. It's not the floats I'm worried about - it's floats and wheels. No worries, though. I've got some twin-engined options if the Beaver isn't properly equipped.
  21. Hey, I might actually get to fly this one! Would the stock Beaver be OK? I don't have too many single-engine amphibs. Great pics, Jeff. I've always wanted to see Northern California.
  22. Roman, Thanks for the detailed write-up! I don't have much experience with image-reengineering, so I welcome anything you feel up to providing. I'll have to give her a shakedown myself soon. Cheers, Craig
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