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RTW Race Team
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Everything posted by cbtaylor

  1. Flying Travis' wing KRBG-KMFR in the RR Seahornet prototype F MkI Wing down safe at KMFR
  2. Don't forget to monitor the tank usage. If you start off with the fuselage tank, in accordance with the pilot's manual, you will run out of fuel pretty quickly ( say 15-20 minutes) and then will have to switch to externals (or wings). You will then want to keep an eye on external usage (as appropriate), and drop those and go to wing tanks at the appropriate time. There are quite a few of us who have experience with the 'H' model and can coach you through the steps. The schedule is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I remember one race, quite a few years ago, on a Monday when nobody else was online at the time...I took a leg without a wingman and had stepped away from the cockpit for a moment of nature. When I returned just a few minutes later I was a few thousand feet below my autopilot altitude in a stall, having run the fuselage tank out of gas! Fortunately I was able to switch tanks and reestablish power almost instantaneously, and climb back out of the hole I was almost in. Nobody else was online, so it was just me and my shadow. I certainly learned something about flying that day, I can tell you...
  3. Win7/64 here. That's quite the jet stream you've got going there... :Big Grin:
  4. I'm in tomorrow (or today for those on the other side of the pond...) Will check in around 1730-ish UTC to see what's been sorted for a host.
  5. *click click* Callsign: CB (or Craig) Flightsim Version: FSX Experience in Flightsim: If it has wings (and preferably a tailhook) I can fly it. Timezone ( +/-UTC ) UTC-5 (EST)
  6. Rob, you left out the Vin Fiz, Curtiss Jenny, Vickers Vimy, and all the other decrepit things they've made us fly over the years for "historical themes." We wouldn't want Ron to miss out on all that fun now, would we? And we haven't had an eggbeater leg in quite a while, either... :ph34r:
  7. I fly with the Saturday crowd when schedule permits, which isn't as often as I'd like and will be fewer and farther in between due to current commitments. I should be available for the RTWR, and am planning to fly in the MacRobertson next month at SOH. Good to hear from you, Buzz. You should update your sig message... :rolleyes:
  8. Ron, I was just trying to have some fun with it. :wink: Just tried the first leg in the Cera Bell 412. I'm definitely rusty with the collective! I'm not sure if I will make it tomorrow, but if I do it will probably be in something conventional. Maybe the Maule can make it this time.
  9. Just a little poke at your "Work of the Devil" comment, Ron. No offense intended. (Some) language corrected. :ph34r: Nick, I'm not sure my mixmaster skills are good enough for primetime - especially on tiny helipads. I'm lucky if I can get one remotely close to an "H" at an airfield!
  10. Humbug! Fiddlesticks! I've flown on many a whirlybird (and even a little stick time :Big Grin: ) and have lived to tell the tale. My only complaint would be with the way MS chose to model the controls. I guess you'd burn me at the stake if I brought one to one of our little adventures... :Whistle:
  11. Yeah, he's offered me one, too. :ph34r: It's down to this or the ol' gooney bird...unless I can master the Comet in time.
  12. Hi TJ It will be just the "Flight Time" as reported by the duenna for each flight. Typically, each pilot will be required to report their own time using an online spreadsheet that the race administrators will create based on pilot registrations. When the registration period is announced you will need to register as a racer at the Outhouse. You will see a thread for that in their "Around the World/Multiplayer Events" subforum when registration opens. Once the race officially starts you will need to start your own thread in their multiplayer forum to announce your race start and legs, and post the .jpg file that the duenna creates after each flight just for verification purposes. This will be similar to the leg posts that we create for the RTWR, but each pilot has their own thread. Only the time you spend in the air will be used to score the race, along with any accrued penalties. This system works really well for races where everyone flies on their own as time permits. They typically allow about a month or so to complete the race course.
  13. I'm in. Not sure I can slog through with a 'Golden Age' entry, but will certainly pull something together for the modern GA class.
  14. I'm just sorry I didn't get to contribute to the recycling! :Big Grin:
  15. "Average" indeed! (said tongue-in-cheek). Nice pix, Roman. I'm glad you decided to post them.
  16. Well, I hope you can get it sorted quickly. I'm bummed I won't be able to join the gang tomorrow.
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