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Status Replies posted by 188AHC

  1. Jim, not being nosey, but just checking on you and your medical progress. Hope the treatment is working and that you have a full recovery.

    Keeping you in my prayers.



    1. 188AHC


      Thanks Jim. 

      Keeping you in my prayers for a clean bill of health by July of sooner. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Jim, could you edit a post in the P3D forum by TravelRunner404.  He posted a good cause and effect on using sliders in P3D but he mentioned Black Marble (at least in a negative way) in his post. I couldn't blank that sentence.\



    1. 188AHC


      Never mind Jim. I took care of it.  I just couldn't get it to work on my tablet but it worked on my PC.


  3. Charlie, curious about a post you hid in P3D forum about a guy that got a CTD.  What was the problem with it?  I read it and can't find the problem.

    I'm sure I missed something  but I don't see it.


    1. 188AHC


      Ok.  That's why I didn't see the reason. Its sometimes easy to confuse us old farts. 😁

      Thanks,  Charlie. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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