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Everything posted by rich_cooke

  1. I would support what Ray has said. I find SimStarterNG very helpful in running different profiles. It also helps that if you experiment with settings and don't like them you can easily revert. For me the best feature is that you can have multiple AddOn.xml files. So I only load the scenery I need for that flight which, I believe, reduces loading times and helps performance. I find it very easy to use and you can edit almost everything with a single mouse click.
  2. Just like Slayer I was surfing Microsoft looking for how to fix this error and was pointed back to AVSIM to this thread. I've had 5 failed attempts to install Windows 10. I removed the TODO file and bingo - now have Windows 10 on my PC. Huge thank you DylanM . I never would have found this without you! Rich Cooke
  3. Fantastic news Reinhard. I hope you succeed and I will definitely be one of the first to buy this. FSX heaven! I haven't been able to progress beyond the rpm gauge. If you want anything tried or tested I'd be happy to help. Rich Cooke
  4. Thanks Reinhard. That has worked for me. I didn't realise there was a fuel gauge specifically for FSX (FuelSingleFSX). I did have to renumber them to 42004 from 42007 as you specified above. I used them (making one left and one right) and they now display the correct amount of fuel.
  5. Reinhard - Thanks - I was hoping this would solve it but my fuel gauges are already set to 42004 not 42007. Back to the drawing board! Rich Cooke
  6. I have this same issue. I tried both the single and dual fuel gauges but they stay at zero. Mine worked in OK SimConnect as well but not in the FSUIPC version. Rich Cooke
  7. I fly with a hardware cockpit I've put together myself. I use the excellent and great value for money simPlugins Panel Builder programme for my gauges. I thoroughly recommend it. I use it for several different configurations - single, twin, helicopter. However "out of the box" Panel Builder reads default FSX data so doesn't recognise any custom gauge programming. I recently bought the very detailed A2A Simulations C172 Trainer and that has quite a lot of custom programming in some of the gauges. So, for RPM for example, what's in my cockpit and what the gauge in the A2A Virtual Cockpit don't match. I contacted Reinhard (the designer of Panel Builder) and he was very helpful in pointing me in the right direction. The post below on the Katana also helped so thanks to Honoresia. I've made some progress today and now have an RPM gauge in simPlugins Panel Builder that exactly matches what the A2A C172 gauge is doing. In case it is of help to anyone else this is what I did: 1. For Panel Builder use the MS Flight Simulator (FSUIPC) Interface (not the Simconnect Interface) 2. Find the simPluginsFSUIPC.ini. Mine is in C:\Users\Rich\AppData\Roaming\simplugins\PanelManagerPRO 3. Change the entry in simPluginsFSUIPC.ini for RPME0 so that it reads RPME0 = double,66CA 4. Open notepad and create a file as follows: -- Loop forever: to stop this you'll have to use the LuaKill control on it. while 1 do -- READING LOCAL VAR Eng_RPM = ipc.readLvar("L:Eng1_RPM") -- WRITING OFFSET ipc.writeDBL(0X66CA, Eng_RPM) -- DELAY ipc.sleep(100) end 5. Save this file as a lua file (mine is A2AGauges.lua) in your FSX Modules folder. 6. Run FSX and start and connect the MS Flight Simulator (FSUIPC) Interface and start Panel Builder and it should work. I'll post any more progress I make here. Rich Cooke
  8. Answered my own question. I had no fuel in the wing tanks only in the Centre tank so presumably APU couldn't fire up without fuel.
  9. Hope someone can help. I just got the PIC737 version (thanks Bryan) after using the 737 default version for a while. After starting FS2Crew I put the left aft fuel switch on and start the APU but it fails shortly after starting. If I don't start FS2Crew I can start the APU succesfully. Its probably something I'm doing wrong :( but I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks Richard Cooke
  10. Robert - Odd - mine is working fine. I posted a new complete file with the Prop Syncro switch in here. FSUIPC Forum and J41 You could try using that maybe. I left the CCT part in because if I take it out nothing works! Bizarre. I can't fathom out why. Hope you get it fixed. Richard Cooke
  11. Guenter - Thanks - I've posted this over at the Simflight/FSUIPC forum but as a new post. I realise now :( I should probably have added it to your "stickied" topic. I'm happy if you want to put a link in with your topic or to copy the whole lot if you want to or do you think we should put together a single Lua file with all these commands? Thanks again for getting me started on this.Richard Cooke
  12. Robert - Thanks for the feedback. Glad you liked it. I'm running out of switches as well! The Prop Synchro Switch is quite simple. Find this final section of the Lua file starting -- CCT Auto Cycle SwitchPaste this in before it (inserting not overwriting anything)-- PROP SYNC SWITCH TOGGLEif ipcPARAM == 19 then PSync = ipc.readLvar("L:PropSync")elseif PSync == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:PropSync", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif PSync== 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:PropSync", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8028)endThen again find the lines -- CCT Auto Cycle Switchelseif ipcPARAM == 19 thenand change 19 to 20.That should be it. This then gives you 19 Prop Synchro Switch20 CCT Auto Cycle SwitchThe Yellow warning light switch is more difficult. There is a Lua command for it but that clearly isn't the only thing happening and it doesn't work on its own. If I get it to work I'll post it here. Richard Cooke
  13. Inspired by the excellent work of Guenter Steiner I have written another Lua file. See Guenter's post here for instructions on how to use this. (Of course it only works with a registered copy of FSUIPC)Guenter's Lua TopicYou need to call this something different to Guenter's file. I called mine J41_Add.lua. It should give you the following commands:1 Left Fuel Pump2 Right Fuel Pump3 Ground Power4 Warning Panel mute5 Left Air Cabin Flow*6 Right Air Cabin Flow*7 Start Master Knob Left8 Start Master Knob Right9 Nav Lights10 Nav/Tail Flood lights11Seat Belt Signs12 No Smoking Signs13 Left Windshield Anti Ice14 Right Windshield Anti Ice15 Left Air Data Anti Ice16 Right Air Data Anti Ice17 DC Power Knob up18 DC Power knob down*I programmed the cabin air switches so they only work if they are set to 5 or off so they toggle between these two values. Here is the lua file -- LEFT Fuel Pump SWITCH TOGGLEif ipcPARAM == 1 then LFuel = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftStbyFuelPump")if LFuel == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStbyFuelPump", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif LFuel == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStbyFuelPump", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8028)end-- RIGHT Fuel Pump SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 2 thenRFuel = ipc.readLvar("L:RightStbyFuelPump")if RFuel == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightStbyFuelPump",0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif RFuel == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightStbyFuelPump", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8028)end-- GROUND POWER SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 3 thenGPwr = ipc.readLvar("L:GndPowerSwitch")if GPwr == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:GndPowerSwitch", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8028)elseif GPwr == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:GndPowerSwitch", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8027)end-- Warning Panel Mute SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 4 thenWarnMute = ipc.readLvar("L:CapMuted")if WarnMute == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:CapMuted", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)ipc.writeLvar("L:CapMuteSwitch", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif WarnMute == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:CapMuted", 1)ipc.writeLvar("L:CapMuteSwitch", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8027)end-- LEFT CABIN FLOW SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 5 thenLCabFlw = ipc.readLvar("L:CabinFlowControl")if LCabFlw== 6 thenipc.writeLvar("L:CabinFlowControl", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif LCabFlw == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:CabinFlowControl", 6)ipc.control(66587, 8027)end-- RIGHT CABIN FLOW SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 6 thenRCabFlw = ipc.readLvar("L:FDeckFlowControl")if RCabFlw== 6 thenipc.writeLvar("L:FDeckFlowControl", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif RCabFlw == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:FDeckFlowControl", 6)ipc.control(66587, 8027)end-- START MASTER KNOB LEFT GROUNDelseif ipcPARAM == 7 thenLStart = ipc.readLvar("L:StartMasterKnob")if LStart > 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:StartMasterKnob",0)ipc.control(66587, 8028)elseif LStart == 0 thenend-- START MASTER KNOB RIGHT GROUNDelseif ipcPARAM == 8 thenLStart = ipc.readLvar("L:StartMasterKnob")if LStart < 2 thenipc.writeLvar("L:StartMasterKnob",2)ipc.control(66587, 8028)elseif LStart == 2 thenend-- NAV LIGHTS TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 9 thenNavLt = ipc.readLvar("L:NavLightSwitch")if NavLt < 2 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 2)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif NavLt == 2 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8028)end-- NAV LIGHTS/TAIL FLOODS TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 10 thenNavLt = ipc.readLvar("L:NavLightSwitch")if NavLt > 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8027)elseif NavLt == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8028)end-- SEAT BELT switch TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 11 thensblt = ipc.readLvar("L:FastenSeatbeltSigns")if sblt == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:FastenSeatbeltSigns", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8028)ipc.control(66587, 74)elseif sblt == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:FastenSeatbeltSigns", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8027)ipc.control(66587, 74)end-- NO SMOKING SWITCH TOGGLEelseif ipcPARAM == 12 thennsmk = ipc.readLvar("L:NoSmokingSigns")if nsmk == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NoSmokingSigns", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8028)ipc.control(66587, 74)elseif nsmk == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:NoSmokingSigns", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8027)ipc.control(66587, 74)end-- Left Windshield Antiice offelseif ipcPARAM == 13 thenLWS = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftWSAntice")if LWS == 2 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftWSAntice",1)ipc.control(66587,8027)elseif LWS == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftWSAntice", 2)ipc.control(66587,8028)end-- Right Windshield Antiice offelseif ipcPARAM == 14 thenRWS = ipc.readLvar("L:RightWSAntice")if RWS == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightWSAntice",0)ipc.control(66587,8027)elseif RWS == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightWSAntice", 1)ipc.control(66587,8028)end-- Left Air Data offelseif ipcPARAM == 15 thenLAD = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftAirData")if LAD == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAirData",0)ipc.control(66587,8027)elseif LAD == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAirData", 1)ipc.control(66587,8028)end-- Right Air Data offelseif ipcPARAM == 16 thenRAD = ipc.readLvar("L:RightAirData")if RAD == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightAirData",0)ipc.control(66587,8027)elseif RAD == 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightAirData", 1)ipc.control(66587,8028)end-- DC PowersourceKnob UPelseif ipcPARAM == 17 thenDCP = ipc.readLvar("L:DCPowerSourceKnob")if DCP < 3 thenipc.writeLvar("L:DCPowerSourceKnob", DCP+1)ipc.control(66587, 8039)elseif DCP == 3 thenend-- DC PowersourceKnob DOWNelseif ipcPARAM == 18 thenDCP = ipc.readLvar("L:DCPowerSourceKnob")if DCP > 0 thenipc.writeLvar("L:DCPowerSourceKnob", DCP-1)ipc.control(66587, 8039)elseif DCP ==0 thenend-- CCT Auto Cycle Switchelseif ipcPARAM == 19 thenipc.writeLvar("L:AutoAnticeCycle", 2)ipc.control(66587, 8028)ipc.sleep(200)ipc.writeLvar("L:AutoAnticeCycle", 1)ipc.control(66587, 8027)end I hope this helps you to get more "hardware" control of the brilliant J41.Richard Cooke
  14. Guenter - Thanks for this - exactly what I needed. All my Lua commands worked but the sounds weren't always there. Using the FSUIPC logging facility to find the ipc controls I've added them to my Lua file and I've now got the sounds working too. My additional Lua commands file is now almost ready and I hope to post it here in the next couple of days.Even more brilliant is I use the GoFlight configuration software for commands like Taxi and Landing lights that are FSX standard but the switches had no sound. Using FSUIPC as shown in your tutorial I've now also got the switch sound as well. Isn't FSUIPC just a fantastic programme. Always the first add on I would buy for FS.Thanks again. I love flying the J41 using hardware and thanks to you now I can! :( Richard Cooke
  15. Guenter Thanks for your posts including this one and the macros and the "Lua" file. They have really enhanced my flying the J41 and I now control many functions with my GoFlight switch panels. Excellent.I just noticed for the first time that on this Cold and Dark Lua file the switchguards for the engine stop switches remain open. I've added a bit of code (adapting from your file) to close them at the end of the sequence. Its here if anyone wants it:--RIGHT STOP SWITCHGUARD OFFRSG = ipc.readLvar("L:RightEngStopSwitchGuard")if RSG == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:RightEngStopSwitchGuard", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8010)elseif RSG == 0 thenendipc.sleep(700)--LEFT STOP SWITCHGUARD OFFLSG = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftEngStopSwitchGuard")if LSG == 1 thenipc.writeLvar("L:LeftEngStopSwitchGuard", 0)ipc.control(66587, 8010)elseif LSG == 0 thenendipc.sleep(700)endI'm working on another Lua file for more commands, again learning from your and Tom's (Thanks Tom) stuff here. I'm no programmer but I've figured out most of it except the lines like "ipc.control(66587, 8010)". Could you explain to me what this does, how do you know what the numbers should be and where do you get them from.Thanks again for your great contribution to flying the J41 using Hardware.Richard Cooke
  16. Hi! I just tried to purchase the ASX/X Graphics bundle on your site. I entered all of my details, including credit card and confirmed the order. The next page locked up with the message "Your order is being placed. Please wait... PHP has encountered an access violation at 7C8E9AF" Can you please confirm either the transaction hasn't gone through and my credit card has not been charged or enable me to download the product. I sent a message through "contact us" but that says response in 24-48 hours. Thanks in advance. Rich Cooke
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