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  1. Carlito777 I'm not succeeded in connecting MCP Vrinsight with Prepar3d! You did! Can you tell me how? Harmen Weistra www.hweistra.nl
  2. For the people who are'nt familiar with FSUIPC I have made a powerpoint presentation how to install CH flightsim yoke and pedals with FSUIPC4 in Windows 8 and using FSX. I had the problem of disconnecting randomly. Now that is over! As it is the first publication, there maybe some questions, please ask! It is on my site: www.hweistra.nl With kind regards, Harmen. KLM764.
  3. Yes, Sir! Porblem solved! It is raining here, but you make my day sunny! Thanks, more then I can say! With kind regards, Harmen!
  4. I am very happy with my VRI MCP and your answer makes me sad as you will understand. Maybe some extract from the console will help: "LUA.1: [iNIT} Loading... LUA.1:Aircraft: Boeing 737-8K2NGX KLM Royal Dutch A LUA.1: Aircraft module detected: Project Magenta LUA.0: AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: FSX stadard library loaded... LUA.0: IAO Library loaded... LUA.0: RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: A2A MAPlibrary loaded... LUA.0: Module: Project Magenta Started... LUA.0: Ready to go, Captain! LUA.0: LUA.0: LVars watching list cleared... LUA.0: Affset watching list cleared! Pause I don't understand why Project Magenta is activated. I use and have chosen in the top line of LINDA PMDG 737NGX and FSX sync. One other question: If Linda does not work, is there a way to use one of the SFP2_MCP dll files? Thanks for any answer! With kind regards, Harmen.
  5. I have tried to assign functions with Linda. It is possible but not with any effect! I have changed and saved the funtions of some buttons of the COM part, but no reaction. The strange thing is that the COM, NAV ADF etc correct are functioning! Greetz, Harmen.
  6. De sun is not brightly shining, but I do understand what you mean! Thanks for this quick answer. I bought a new PC and Windows 8.0 was what I got! :-(( I don't understand why this action is necessary. Because of Windows 8? In Windows 7 every thing worked perfect and that made me a happy men. Now I am a little sad! Still, thanks! Greetz, Harmen. www.hweistra.nl
  7. I don't know how to solve my problem. Information: New PC with SSD disk and harddisk; FSUIPC 4.853 with registration; MCP panel VrInsight 1 (orig); Windows 8.0 64Bits; PMDG B737-800 NGX; Linda 1.11. Message Joystick: everything OK!; Message VrInsight MCP Combo: everything ok; Message FSX/FSUIPC: everything ok; fsuipc4.ini: "looking good"; x=com3: "found ok". Using USB 2.0. Problem: As far as I can see, everything should be working fine, but only the COM part of the MCP is working! COM, NAV, ADF, TRN are woirking fine. However CRS, SPD, HDG, ALT, etc. etc. not! I have no idea at this moment! The log file of FSUIPC give a long list of information of the LUA. See below for just a part of it! On the old computer it was just a short list. Who can make my day a sun(ny)day? With kind regards, Harmen Weistra, Just a part of the FSUIPC log file: 25734 System time = 24/11/2013 13:10:59, Simulator time = 13:10:39 (12:10Z) 25906 Aircraft="Boeing 737-8K2NGX KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Winglets" 28640 Starting everything now ... 28656 LUA.0: beginning "C:\FSX\Modules\ipcReady.lua" 28656 LUA.0: C:\FSX\Modules\ipcReady.lua:1 28656 LUA.0: Global: ipcPARAM = 0 28656 LUA.0: ended "C:\FSX\Modules\ipcReady.lua" 28656 LUA.1: beginning "C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua" 28672 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:18 28672 LUA.1: Global: ipcPARAM = 0 28672 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:19 28672 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:20 28672 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:21 28687 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:22 28687 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:24 28687 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:25 28687 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:27 28703 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:28 28703 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:31 28703 LUA.1: 28703 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:32 28703 LUA.1: [iNIT]LINDA:: Loading... 28703 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:35 28718 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:36 28718 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:37 28718 LUA.1: Global: ACFT = table: 07CB46E8 28718 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:38 28718 LUA.1: Global: LIBS = table: 07CB47D8 28718 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:39 28718 LUA.1: Global: CFG = table: 07CB4760 28718 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:40 28734 LUA.1: Global: VRI = table: 07CB47B0 28734 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:42 28734 LUA.1: Global: HID = table: 07CB4940 28734 LUA.1: C:\FSX\Modules\linda.lua:43 28734 LUA.1: Global: JSTK = table: 07CB4990
  8. Unbelievable, ubglaublich, Afte a night rest everything works perfect again! Maybe I will get a night rest tonight ;-) With kind regards, Harmen Weistra.
  9. Mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, deshalb: I have a "lookalike" problem. FSX new installed, FSUIPC also, everything seems to be ok, (3 times green) but, only the radio/transponder part of the MCP1 is working. I have Linda installed, reinstalled, I have FSUIPC.INI checked with the same file from the backup. Everything seems indeed to be ok! I don't know wat to do! I am using the MCPCombo for some years and Linda made it easy to reconfigure some switched. It a very nice smart program. FSUIPC 4.853. FSX SP1 SP2. PMDG 737 NG X. Is there somebody somewhere who can help? With kind regards, Harmen Weistra www.hweistra.nl
  10. I have the same problem: I have to reactivate for the 737NG X. I have a box version, fill out the code, but it is not possible to get it working! The second problem (Murphy) I made a type-error and called my log in name Har,em and ..... the komma is not accepted, so I can't log in for a ticket! Do I have to register again? message: "ERROR: flxActCommonRepairLocalTrustedStorage - (50044,71013,1)" Greetz, Harmen.
  11. Groetenis ut Stiens www.hweistra.nl Bought iFLY 737

    1. JP_Visser


      Hee wat leuk, ik ben net het FP aan het testen !

      Ga zometeen een C185 door Canada heen slepen, die 737 zie ik soms te vaak.

      noflike jûn ut Harns Harmen!

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