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Posts posted by Thunderbird8

  1. I am rather new in this, can somebody tell me how to install this LINDA solution. I unzipped it and copied it en also renamed the linda-cfg file but have no response from my MCP module.
    Linda is probably in the wrong place. I just ran it from my desktop and the folders were not in the right place. Where should the main Linda folder be installed?

  2. I was told a couple of years ago by a tech at our online FS group not to run FSX in full screen, but to size a window to just a millimetre or so smaller than full. Something to do with the way Windows runs things and allocates resources. At the time it seemed to improve FPS. Just wondered what people's take on this is nowadays in light of all the tweaks out there? I tested it the other day and it didn't appear to make much difference in the NGX.

  3. I had Autobrakes 2 set last night and came in at about 132kts (I was very light). I did as instructed in the tutorial and hit the manual brakes at just under 80kts. The brakes totally failed on landing and they then seemed stuck on. I then engaged and disengaged the parking brake, that released the stuck brakes. Then I had no brakes at all. This is bothering me and can't be at all realistic. Please don't ask me what my brake temperature was as I have no clue. I just want to turn the brake failures off while I'm learning to fly the damn thing.

  4. Following the tutorial (and other flights) I can't seem to get the reverse thrust to engage properly. The tutorial says to press and hold F2 as soon as you are fully down, I do this but basically nothing happens. I can sometimes get it when I repeatedly poke, prod and hold the F2 key and then it only deploys when the aircraft has slowed a fair bit anyway and isn't really needed. Is anyone else experiencing this?

  5. Hoping for some help from you learned folks.. All my experience of a detailed simulation to date has been three years dedicated to the LDS 767. Old habits and all that.... Whew.gif I fly frequently under 'real' ATC control (either VATSIM or my online group) and because of this I often have to depart from full VNAV/LNAV control quite a way from the destination due to separation, weather, vectors etc. One thing I'm still getting my head around (and my eyes went funny searching for it in the FCOM) is the 'correct' way to operate the MCP in regards to speed. I've noticed that if you press either VNAV or LNAV when they are engaged their green light goes out (unlike in the 763). What mode is then active in each case? I know that engaging v/s will also kick out VNAV, and likewise HDG/SEL will kick out LNAV. Secondly, under VNAV I notice the MCP speed window doesn't show anything. If I'm given (for example) an ATC instruction as follows; 'descend FL150, level by XXXXX, maintain 270kts' and I'm in both LNAV and VNAV at the time, can someone talk me through my options? What I would have done in the B763 is engage v/s with a descent rate of about -1500, dial the speed in at 270, and use speed-brakes as and when necessary. The issue I'm having is getting the 737 to respond to the MCP speed without repeated stabs at the Speed button, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong. The MCP speed settings also seem to behave differently in the 737, I've found that if I enter the speed in the MCP window, press the 'speed' button once (if on, to turn it off), then then press it again to turn it back on, the aircraft will then respond to the command. Is there a better way of doing it or do I have to press the Speed button twice? Also, how do I get the MCP speed window to come alive to do a Speed Intervention in VNAV should the need arise? I'm aware I'm rambling, and there are a few questions in this post. I have done the tutorial and read the introduction, and as I said I have tried to find this in the FCOM. I have never flown a 737 before however I'm very impressed with it and apart from these few things I'm getting on with it fine. A virtual beer to the ones who help answer this!

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