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Everything posted by JeffEvans

  1. Make runway 4.29, FSUIPC, RC 4.3.3845
  2. Just updated my RC4 database and makerwy. Also added AirNav FS Live Traffic X. Now when I initialize (hit "Start RC) RC the acft moves several yards away from the gate. Have double checked to make sure I'm at the same airport the flightplan calls for. Any suggestions.Also, JD, I'd like to provide some updates voices for RC for me and everyone, is there a new RC program to do so like there was in the past.Jeff EvenRocklin, CA
  3. First of all let me say that I have been using FSX since it came out and fly at least one to three flights each day (obviously I'm retired!). I recently purchased AirNav's FS Live Traffic X and since then I get the CTD problem. AirNav has been helpful but they say that it is NOT their program causing the problem. I remember having a similar problem a couple of years ago that had something to do with the logbook.bin file but I don't remember how I fixed it.Any suggestions would be appreciated.Jeff EvenRocklin, CA, USA
  4. Thanks for the suggestion, Ron. Tried it but it didn't work. Still flashing. That's the great thing about these forums... have a problem and eventually someone will come up with a solution. Again, thanks for the suggestion.Jeff
  5. For some reason recently when I load my Wilco Airbus Series I or II acft the mouse cursor begins to flash back and forth between the arrow and hourglass. This makes it extremely difficult to operate and after a while it even causes the sound to cut in and out. This only happens with the Wilco Airbus. I have reinstalled them and after one flight it happened again. Contacted Wilco and they say it's not their program. Have tried removing ActiveX and FlightInfo... no help.Any suggestions?Jeff EvenRocklin, CA, USA
  6. Sorry guys. I am asking about the new MegaEarth scenery.Jeff
  7. Haven't seen any posts about how this new scenery impacts frame rates. What have you found?Jeff EvansRocklin, CA
  8. Enjoy XPax very much but find that I cannot use it with the PMDG MD-11 passenger version. Apparently the way XPax loads the weights it changes the CG in a way that is not reflected when programming the CDU. Have others had this problem and is there a work-around?Thanks,Jeff EvansRocklin, CA, USA
  9. Thanks for the comments. Pretty much what I figured. Biggest mistake I ever made was buying this damn slim case rather than the full size one. Never considered all the problems I'd have finding hardware that would fit in it.Thanks again.Jeff
  10. I am currently running MFSX with Vista on a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, E4500 @ 2.2GHz, 2200 Mhz, 2 Cores and 3 gigs of RAM. My graphics card is a Radeon X1300/X1550 Series, ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x7183), 1440x900 x 74 hertz, 32 bits/pixel, 256 MB RAM (not the best but all that will fit in my "slim case" computer). I am currently using a 19' Dell flatscreen monitor but am thinking of upgrading to a larger monitor, like maybe a 24'. Will this work with my system and will my FSX graphics remain clear and sharp.Thanks for the help.Jeff EvenRocklin, CA, USA
  11. Have posted about this before but still no resolution. Please note that this problem ONLY occurs with the freighter version and not the pax version of the MD-11. Every time I enter the fuel weights (whether manually or using the right-click shortcuts) after I go to the next page and enter the fuel amount I get a green warning bar at the top of the screen saying that the ZFWCG and/or the GWCG are "out of range". This causes me no to be able to set the V speeds on the TO/ARR page. Again, everything works fine when I use the same procedure on the passenger versions.Any suggestions?Jeff EvansRocklin, CA
  12. I am entering everything correctly as far as I can tell. I just noticed something though. The problem only happens with the passenger model and NOT with the freighters!?! Happens EVERY time with the passenger versions. Also a new problem has just started. About half way from the gate to the runway on my initial taxi... all three engines just quit. I restart them and move a little bit further and it happens again. Very frustrating especially when I'm doing everything the same as with the 10 or so successful flights I've had before.
  13. Hi, Jim. Thanks for answering. I have not disabled anything. Sometimes the taxiing announcement plays but usually there is nothing after the first on-board announcement. By the way, the program does continue to run and I get a log at the end.
  14. It seems that the majority of the time the pre-boarding announcements play fine but as soon as I close the doors and retract the jetway... no more announcements. Sometimes they play... sometimes they don't. Any idea what could be causing this? I have it set up to automatically open doors, connect to FS and start boarding. I am starting XPax after opening my flight and starting Radar Contact, AISmooth, etc.Thanks,
  15. It actually appears after I enter the block fuel amount into the fuel initialization page.
  16. Let me run it again and see exactly when it apperars.
  17. Still having the same problem. I left click on LSK1R to enter the "block" fuel. Then I right click on LSK3R to enter the value on the SP and then left click on LSK3R to enter it. I do the same on LSK5R and LSK6R. I then copy the "block fuel" to the next page. I then go to the flight plan page and enter the required information there. Then I go to the TO/APP page and enter the information there. When I go to initialize the V speeds... I get the out of range message.Any suggestions?
  18. Michael... yes, it's an out of range message. I'll double check the units but I'm pretty sure they are correct. When I right click next to the CG's and try to transfer the value from the SP it says OUT OF RANGE in the SP.Kind of confusing. Also, on takeoff if I hit AUTOFLIGHT at 400 feet it turns off the autopilot because, according to the checklist, I had turned it on after engine start. What is the correct procedure.Thanks a million for your help.Jeff
  19. I am having trouble entering the correct values on the FMS fuel initializaton page. I take the values directly from the MD-11 load manager. I click on LSK1R to enter the value stated and then manually enter the ZFW, TOCG and ZFWCG. I keep getting a message saying either or both the ZFWCG and TOCG are wrong. This does not allow me to confirm my V Speeds on the TO/APP page.What am I doing wrong?By the way, I love the MD-11 sim. Great work and worth the wait.
  20. I've found that operating in full screen mode and switching to the VC in rain I get blue screens bouncing in and out that obscure the scenery. There must be a fix for this. Anyone???
  21. I'm running a "border line" system for FSX along with RC, Active Sky and XTraffic and Flight Tracker. When I add in XPax it appears that my frame rates are impacted pretty dramatically. It helps somewhat if I turn off the XPax video.Am I correct in assuming that XPax is causing the frame rate drop? Is anyone else experiencing this?
  22. I know this topic is covered in this forum between several different posts but does anyone know if there is a tutorial or checklist or walk-through guide on networking two computers for FSX?I want to use my current dual core machine for FSX and run stuff like XPax, FSCommander, RC, etc. on my old computer.I have a Belkin wireless router but right now am only using it for my Vonage phone.Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Thanks everyone. Always difficult to determine what procedures are for safety/mechanical reasons and which are purely company procedures or SOP's.
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